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pw: a unix password manager

pw is a small tool to store password and account data in a safe way.

BEWARE: pw has not been security reviewed yet. Use with care.

pw is currently Linux-only. Could you please help me porting it to BSD and Mac OSX?

pw is an alternative to pass, keepassx and other similar programs.

The main points of pw are:

  • The passwords are stored using a simple line-based text format.
  • Passwords can be protected using public-key encryption or symmetric encryption. Or both.
  • No information about the accounts is stored in clear-text.
  • All the work is done using only GPG and Unix tools.
  • The output is easy to use in pipeline with other tools.
  • Follows the XDG Base Directory specification: no clutter in your home directory.


First you need to tell pw which key should be used to encrypt the data.

$ echo "[email protected]" > ~/.config/pw
$ chmod 600 ~/.config/pw

Then you add a password interactively

$ pw-insert

pw will use $EDITOR and present you a template similar to that of git commit.

# ^^^^ Insert your password as the first line of the file ^^^^
# Here is a suggestion:
# 9ECfCUkmiB.$CyZY
# You can add other fields, one per line. For example:
# User: mel
# URL:
# Blank lines and lines starting with '#' are ignored

The first line of the file must be the password, the rest of the lines must be fields in the format "Key: value".

We will use the following data:

User: [email protected]
PIN: 1923

Once you save that files and exit the text editor, pw will store the result in the default database: $XDG_DATA_HOME/pw/passwords (usually ~/.local/share/pw/passwords; this is configurable).

Let's add another password, this time with a clear-text label. (Clear-text label are not required, they can be used if you care about performance more than you care about your privacy.)

$ echo "pwOFFICE" | pw-insert --batch --template=- [email protected]

Now let's retrieve the first password:

$ pw-show [email protected]

and the second:

$ pw-show [email protected]

or all the passwords and their IDs:

$ pw-show --all
7135ee6f7e9bb3a32866935ba5bc27362dfaa299  pwFRIENDS
34c6c91107d2aae2ae64cead56e85cc9a5e0ab40  pwOFFICE

or all the passwords together with all the other data:

$ pw-show --all --complete
ID: 7135ee6f7e9bb3a32866935ba5bc27362dfaa299
User: [email protected]
PIN: 1923

ID: 34c6c91107d2aae2ae64cead56e85cc9a5e0ab40
Label: [email protected]

or let pw type the password for you:

$ pw-autotype [email protected]
# returns to the previous window, enters username, password, PIN

Composition with other unix tools

pw has been developed to be readily used with other unix tool using pipelines.

For example it is possible to write a small script that identifies all the stored passwords that are shorter than 6 characters.

pw-show | while read id pass ; do
    [ "${#pass}" -lt 6 ] && echo "Too short" && pw-show -c $id

Git integration

pw itself does not know anything about git, but its format has been designed to work well with git and other version control systems. No configuration is needed to use pw with git.

To make pw even more awesome when used in git, run the script (in the extras/ directory). It will:

  • set up a special merge strategy that avoids merge conflicts in passwords files;
  • tell git to use pw-diff to find differences between different revisions of the password databases (run the script with the --textconv option if you prefer to set up git to use a slower but nicer output).

Multiple databases

It is possible to store password in multiple databases. Databases are stored by default in $XDG_DATA_HOME/pw (usually ~/.local/share/pw/; this is configurable) but can also be everywhere else.

The password database is used by default.

$ pw-show
# shows the entries in $XDG_DATA_HOME/pw/passwords

Other databases can be selected using the --database=FILE option.

$ pw-show -d credit-cards
# shows the entries in $XDG_DATA_HOME/pw/credit-cards

Databases can be stored anywhere.

$ pw-show -d /home/DevOps-Team/credentials
# shows the entries in /home/DevOps-Team/credentials

A trick: embedding databases in other documents

pw and its file format have been designed so that it is possible to embed a password database inside other text documents, for example Markdown files.

The following snippet shows an hybrid Markdown/pw file:

Weekly passwords

The passwords for week 32 are:


pw will ignore the line that it does not understand and update the entries in place to preserve the rest of the document.

How does pw work? Some information about its format

pw stores all its data in a password database (you can switch database using the --database=FILE option). Each entry is stored in one line and is composed of four fields, separated by a colon (:):

  1. The version information. The first character is the format version number, then various letters can follow: p for public-key encryption, s for symmetric encryption, m for multiline fields.

  2. The clear-text label. Used to perform searches without the need to decode the encrypted data. It can be empty.

  3. The encrypted blob. This is the base64-encoded GPG data.

  4. The opaque ID. The ID of the entry.

An example entry is the following line (split for convenience):

  • The version information is 1p;
  • there is no clear text label;
  • the encrypted blob is hQEMA3...zaWY;
  • the ID is 7135ee6f7e9bb3a32866935ba5bc27362dfaa299.

Differences from pass and KeePass

pw was born because of the following (perceived) limitations of pass and KeePass.

  • pass forces the disclosure of account information. If I can see your password store I can understand which accounts have. This is a real concern that has already been exploited.
  • pass knows about git. password managers should not know about what VCS tool is used, if any.
  • KeePass does not support additional metadata fields.
  • Both pass and KeePass produce binary, undiffable files.
  • Nor pass neither KeePass follow the XDG Base Directory specification.


Because of the design of the password store, pass has a number of limitations.

  • Search is slower when used without clear-text label because pw needs to decipher every entry. With modern computers this is not a real issue. In case this is an issue for you, use label and the --label-only option.
  • Labels cannot be composed only of digits.
  • Labels cannot include any of the following characters: :, #, *, \.


pw does not have yet a proper installation process.

You can run the files in bin/ directly or install them in /usr/local/bin using

$ sudo make install



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This is free software released into the public domain (CC0 license).

See the COPYING.CC0 file or for more details.


a unix password manager







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