PyZwaver is a pure Python3 library for communicating with a serial port based Z-Wave controller such as Aeotec's Z-Stick.
Its focus is on simplicity and hackability. Several simple examples are provided to demonstrate its capabilities.
PyZwaver is still work in progress. It supports a wide range of Command Classes but some are still missing.
Most notable omissions are:
- Security (stalled because crypto protocol documentation lacks concrete examples)
All examples accept a --serial_port parameter which has to be adjusted to match the local setup.
A command line tool which can be launched like so. It will print some basic information about the controller and all the nodes paired with it. It will not return until it had a chance to communicate with all nodes.
./ --serial_port=/dev/ttyUSB0
(Make sure you habe permission to access the serial port. On Linux this may involve becoming a member of certain groups like 'dialout'.)
A command line tool for doing tasks alike parining and unpairing
A simple webserver which can be launched like so:
./ --serial_port=/dev/ttyUSB0 --port=44444
Then start exploring using the URL: http://localhost:44444
Rudimentary test can be run with
make tests
The message format of all support Command Classes is described in machine readable form in This can be used to generate python code (see Makefile target) for
The generated code in combination with represents a assembler/disassembler for zwave commands (see entry points: AssembleCommand/ParseCommand).
Handling of parsed commands occurs in
All code is governed by LICENSE.txt (GPL 3) unless otherwise noted. For alternative licensing please contact the author.
The core PyZwaver library only depends on python3-serial.
Some examples require additional libraries: depends on: