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HowTo use Progress

sheymann edited this page Jan 4, 2015 · 1 revision

Progress management usually come with LongTask. The LongTask API offers asynchronous tasks execution, as well as progress and cancellation.

When implementing a Importer, Statistics and some others a ProgressTicket is given through the setProgressTicket(ProgressTicket progressTicket) method of LongTask interface.

See Progress Javadoc

Progress workflow (indeterminate)

ProgressTicket progressTicket = ...;
Progress.setDisplayName(progressTicket, "Task running...");

Note we use a static class Progress, which wraps operations on a ticket. It is preferable to use it instead than directly call the progress ticket. Indeed, the Progress static class supports null tickets. In that case, failing to get a progress ticket will never throw any NullPointerException.

Progress workflow (determinate)

It shows two variants. Either you always increment the progress by one (Variant A), or specify the unit pointer.

Variant A

Progress.setDisplayName(progressTicket, "Task running...");
int units = 100;
Progress.start(progressTicket, units);
for (int i = 0; i < units; i  ) {

Variant B

Progress.setDisplayName(progressTicket, "Task running...");
int units = 100;
Progress.start(progressTicket, units);
for (int i = 0; i < units; i  ) {
   Progress.progress(progressTicket, i);

Manually get a ProgressTicket

Here is how to manually get a ProgressTicket, when not working with a LongTask:

ProgressTicketProvider progressProvider = Lookup.getDefault().lookup(ProgressTicketProvider.class);
ProgressTicket ticket = null;
if (progressProvider != null) {
   ticket = progressProvider.createTicket("Task name", null);

Instead of null, you can provide a Cancellable implementation.

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