16-bit CPU for Excel, and related files
Revengineered ancient PDP-11 CPUs, originals and clones
All configs files of my house configuration !
GitOps principles to define kubernetes cluster state via code
A tool for exploring each layer in a docker image
The final version of the AI designed keyboard layout
Stacked acrylic layer case for the Sofle v1 split ergo mechanical keyboard.
Code that runs on the Open Source Rover
FYSETC Board - 3d printer motherboard for VORON and other open source project.
Miryoku is an ergonomic, minimal, orthogonal, and universal keyboard layout.
tewtham / dactyl-keyboard
Forked from adereth/dactyl-keyboardParameterized ergonomic keyboard
Mechanical design files for the Mitosis keyboard
Web interface for controlling MSLA 3D Printers based on Chitu controllers, such as the ones by Elegoo and Phrozen.
OctoPrint is the snappy web interface for your 3D printer!
rompgadgets / qmk_firmware
Forked from qmk/qmk_firmwareOpen-source keyboard firmware for Atmel AVR and Arm USB families
A Kubernetes controller and tool for one-way encrypted Secrets
This repository is no longer maintained, please checkout
Programmatically generated handy kubectl aliases.
Tools for managing DNS across multiple providers
support TFT35 V1.0/V1.1/V1.2/V2.0/V3.0, TFT28, TFT24 V1.1, TFT43, TFT50, TFT70
TFT35 V3.0 is a medium size, dual-mode, ultra-clear 3D printer display and it is designed by Bigtree Technology co.,LTD. It is an excellent replacement for the standard 12864 LCD displays.
cadriel / FluiddPIOLD
Forked from mainsail-crew/MainsailOSFluiddPi - A Pi image with Klipper, Moonraker, Fluidd and Web Camera support pre-installed.