Sync a rethinkdb database with elasticsearch --config config.conf
docker run gbnk0/rethinkes
docker run -v /path/containing/config.conf:/etc/rethinkes/ gbnk0/rethinkes
keep-id : Keeps the rethinkdb document id when inserting into elasticsearch (useful for in place updates) loop-time 0: Delay (in seconds) before re-syncing all the tables to elastic (0 = One shot)
rdbhost localhost : Choose the rethinkdb source server
rdbport 28015 : Choose the rethinkdb port
tables posts,users : Choose the tables you want to sync
database testdb : Choose the source rethinkdb database
eshost localhost : Choose the elasticsearch destination host
doctype mydoc : Set an elasticsearch document type
create-index 0 : Create index if not exists
wait-for-index 1 : Wait for index to be created , nothing will be replicated until you create the index