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File metadata and controls

254 lines (195 loc) · 12.4 KB

7 Data construction rule

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1. Common types of databases

This part of the data type can be used without specifying a metadata file.

  • Numerical type supports most standard SQL numeric data types. These types include strict numeric data types ( int, integer, smallint, decimal, and numeric), as well as approximate numeric data types (float, real, and double, precision).

  • Date and time type The date and time types that represent time values ​​are datetime, date, timestamp, time, and year.

  • String type String types refer to char, varchar, binary, varbinary, blob, text, enum, and set. This section describes how these types work and how to use them in queries.

2.Variable database type

Type name description Defaults note
M,D, negative, min, max) M specifies the total number of data bits, D specifies the number of decimal places, negative specifies positive 1 negative 0, min,max is the min and max value and must be integer None Decimal (4, 2, 1, 70, 90) specifies a 4-digit, 2-digit fractional positive floating point number, such as 78.23
string(min, max) Min, max specifies the range of string digits None
date(start, end) Start, end specifies the date range None Such as date (1990-01-01, 2019-12-12)

auto increment type

inc(mark, start, step)

mark: variable name

start: start value, default value is 1

step: increment step,default value is 1

inc(id) means that the column ID will grow by 1 every time starting from 1. It can be used for MySQL's auto increase primary key

inc(score, 100, 2), means that the column score increase by 2 from 100


The enum type means randomly picking an object randomly from the list, for example: enum(2, 4, 5, 18) means that one of the four integers 2, 4, 5, 8 is randomly selected each time.

If there is only one object in the enum array, it means that the data list is read from the file, one object per line: enum(file://data.txt) means to read the list from the data.txt file in the current directory.

The enum type can be used to construct multi-table associations. For example, some fields of two tables use the same enum data list to generate data.


Usage same as enum type.

The difference is that it is used to generate enumeration values in cyclic order. It is often used to generate values in associated multiple columns. For example, one column is city code and the other column is city name. The city code needs to correspond to the city name one by one. The number of enumeration values should be the same for the associated multiple columns.

Note: due to multithreading, it is not guaranteed that the sequence is generated in strict accordance with the enumeration value list. But it can ensure that multiple related columns correspond one by one

Please search for issues for details


The op type indicates that values are calculated from other columns, such as:

Op (C0 C3) means the first column value plus the fourth column value

Op (C1 * C4 C13) means the value of the first column multiplied by the value of the fifth column plus the value of the fourteenth column

3.Custom extension type

  • address
rule mark description Example note
country Country name China
province province Henan
city city Zhengzhou City
city_suffix City suffix city City or county
address address Block F, Nanning Road, Huairou, Chaohu County, Hebei Province, China 169812
country_code National code AO
district Area Putuo
latitude Geographic coordinates (latitude) 68.0228435
longitude Geographical coordinates (longitude) 155.964341
postcode Zip code 803511
street_address Street address Kushiro W
street_name Street name Hefei Road
street_suffix Street, road street
  • Numerical type
rule mark description Example note
random_digit 0~9 random number 1
random_digit_not_null 1~9 random number 9
random_element Random letter a
random_int Random number 44 The range can be set, which can be set by setting min, max. The default is 0~9999, for example, random_int(1,100)
random_letter Random letter e
random_number Random number For example, random_number(2) generates 2 as a number
boolean True/False False
numerify Three random numbers 934
number A certain number 44322 number(digits=None, fix_len=0, positive=0)有三个参数,digits表示多少位数字,fix_len表示是否固定长度(1表示固定长度,否则为1到digits长度)positive表示是否为正数(1为正数,-1为负数,0正负都可能)。number(18, 1, 1) 产生18位数固定长度的正整数 Number (digits = none, fix? Len = 0, position = 0) has three parameters. Digits indicates the number of digits, fix? Len indicates whether the length is fixed (1 indicates fixed length, otherwise 1 to digits length). Position indicates whether the length is positive (1 is positive, - 1 is negative, 0 can be positive or negative). Number (18, 1, 1) produces a positive integer with a fixed length of 18 digits
  • company
Construction rule meaning example remarks
BS company service name transition open source content
Company name (long) Tiankai Information Co., Ltd
Company prefix company name (short) Puhua Zhongcheng
Company suffix company nature Media Co., Ltd.
Job position Project Executive / Coordinator
  • Credit card, currency
Construction rule meaning example remarks
Credit card expiry date 05 / 19
Credit card full credit card information JCB 16 digital 3514193766208638 08 / 21cvc: 436
Credit card number 3500011993590161
Credit card provider American Express
Credit card security code 190
Currency code HNL
  • Date, time
Construction rule meaning example remarks
am_pm AM/PM AM
Century VII
Date random date 2014-05-18 date (start
Date between within the specified range 1997-08-29
Date this month date of current month
Date this year March 9, 2019
Date time / datetime (January 1, 1970 to now) time can be datetime without parameter, or datetime with parameter (0) random time, datetime (1,% Y -% m -% d% H:% m) data generation time 2010-06-15 04:07
Date time specified range time 2009-10-03 03:15:07
Month random month 05
Month name random month December
Time random 24-hour time 18:52:55
Timezone random time zone Europe / Andorra
UNIX time random UNIX time 203461583
Timestamp random UNIX time timestamp / timestamp (0) random timestamp, timestamp (1) the current data generates a timestamp with a parameter default of 0
Year random year 2017
  • Internet
Construction rule meaning example remarks
File extension file extension wav
File name filename (including extension, excluding path) werwe.jpg
File path file path (including file name, extension) / home /
mime_type mime Type video/x-flv
Company email: company email: [email protected]
Domain name domain
Email email [email protected]
Image URL random URL address
IPv4 IP4 address
IPv6 IP6 address 206F: 1ff0:374:2d5f: a6f8:69ef: 4ba9:2d14
MAC address MAC address 65:02: ED: 82: c6:98
TLD domain name suffix (. Com,. Net. CN, etc., excluding.)
URI URI address
URL URL address
User name user name ping51
User agent random user agent information
Chrome browser user agent information Mozilla / 5.0 (X11; Linux x86) applewebkit / 5342 (KHTML, like gecko) Chrome / 27.0.819.0 Safari / 5342
Firefox browser user agent information
Internet Explorer IE browser user agent information
Opera browser user agent
Safari browser user agent information
Linux platform token random Linux information
Isbn10 random ISBN (10 bits) 1-02-136461-4
Isbn13 random ISBN (13 bits) 978-0-15-215169-0
  • Text type
Construction rule meaning example remarks
Paragraph randomly generates a paragraph
Sentence randomly generates a sentence
Text randomly generate an article don't fantasize about artificial intelligence, so far you haven't fully understood the meaning of a sentence
Word randomly generate word Hello
Locale randomly generated language / international information Niu NZ
MD5 randomly generate MD5 fd80f4681258a9ecb329ab12782dfbba
Password randomly generate password ) we3jvivb1 optional parameters: length: password length; special_chars: whether special characters can be used; digits: whether numbers are included; upper_case: whether uppercase letters are included; lower_case: whether lowercase letters are included
SHA1 random SHA1 e9bb2fcd4b4089cc89c366850ceafe779dbe58
Sha256 random sha256 dd119cb2aec9b3d5557e56bb497757d42f82b32486ea92126942821d3b657957
Uuid4 random UUID 04aff886-8482-4069-9260-7917fd83982d
  • Character information related
Construction rule meaning example remarks
Name full name Dan Yuzhen
  • Text type
Construction rule meaning example remarks
Paragraph randomly generates a paragraph
Sentence randomly generates a sentence
Text randomly generate an article don't fantasize about artificial intelligence, so far you haven't fully understood the meaning of a sentence
Word randomly generate word Hello
Locale randomly generated language / international information Niu NZ
MD5 randomly generate MD5 fd80f4681258a9ecb329ab12782dfbba
Password randomly generate password ) we3jvivb1 optional parameters: length: password length; special_chars: whether special characters can be used; digits: whether numbers are included; upper_case: whether uppercase letters are included; lower_case: whether lowercase letters are included
SHA1 random SHA1 e9bb2fcd4b4089cc89c366850ceafe779dbe58
Sha256 random sha256 dd119cb2aec9b3d5557e56bb497757d42f82b32486ea92126942821d3b657957
Uuid4 random UUID 04aff886-8482-4069-9260-7917fd83982d
  • Character information related
Construction rule meaning example remarks
Name full name Dan Yuzhen
Name female male full name official
Name male female full name Xu Ying
First name
Last name surname pan
First name female
Last name female surname
First name male name
Last name male surname
Age person age 23 default value 0-100
Ssn ID card No. 350526193807198690
Phone number mobile number 13926798387
Phonenumber prefix mobile number segment 157
Profile information : u'[email protected] '}
  • Miscellaneous
Construction rule meaning example remarks
Color name random color name moccasin
Hex color random hex color 7f7cb6
RGB color random RGB color 210,85105