At its core, Formiz is a simple rule engine, targeted to web applications.
Rules are described in a native language and can be loaded from different sources, such as Excel files, reducing effort between business teams and developement teams.
It contains several modules :
- Form : support for building web forms.
- Thymeleaf-jquery : a ready to use Front implementation, allowing to produce web forms based on specifications in minutes
Formiz is currently being open-sourced. Several modules require cleanup / refactoring. They will be added as soon as they are ready.
Formiz is used in production on several projects.
###What is Cecill Licence ?
CeCILL-B follows the principle of the popular BSD license and its variants (Apache, X11 or W3C among others). In exchange for strong citation obligations (in all software incorporating a program covered by CeCILL-B and also through a Web site), the author authorizes the reuse of its software without any other constraints.
Rev. 5997