To propose a standards recommendation (PSR):
fork this repo, create a branch, checkout that branch, add the PSR in
, push the branch to Github, and send a pull request; or, -
create a ticket to start a discussion on Github; or,
start a conversation on the mailing list.
You do not need to be a voting member to participate in discussion on the mailing list.
To become a voting member, you must send an email to the mailing list.
The subject line should read:
Membership Request: {$your_name} ({$project_name})
The body should include your name, the name of (and link to) the project you represent, and other details you feel are relevant.
Current members will vote on your request.
Do not combine separate membership requests in a single thread; one request per thread, please.
Nate Abele: Lithium
Nils Adermann: phpBB
Brett Bieber: PEAR, PEAR2
Guilherme Blanco: Doctrine, Doctrine2, et al.
Jordi Boggiano: Composer, Packagist
Karma Dordrak: Zikula
Paul Dragoonis: PPI, PPI2
William Durand: Propel, Propel 2
Cal Evans: the community at large
Paul M. Jones: Solar Framework, Aura Project
Andrew Eddie: Joomla
Larry Garfield: Drupal
Robert Lemke: FLOW3
Larry Masters: CakePHP, CakePHP 2
Evert Pot: SabreDAV
Fabien Potencier: Symfony, Symfony2
Andre Romcke: eZ Publish
Paul Scott: Chisimba, C4
Matthew Weier O'Phinney: Zend Framework, Zend Framework 2
David Zülke: Agavi