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Fluence's fRPC Substrate is a starter kit that includes all the components you need to quickly enable your dAPP with decentralized RPC using existing centralized RPC providers, e.g., Infura, Alchemy, QuickNode, etc., without touching your existing frontend Web3 code.


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Hacking Decentralized RPC with Fluence


Running blockchain nodes to support your dApps' read and write requirements to/from a node tends to be rather resource intensive. Not surprisingly, Web3 developers have been flocking toward integrating their dApps with hosted blockchain JSON-RPC gateways. Alas, centralized "RPC as SaaS" introduces bottlenecks challenging the availability, reliability and Web3 ethos of dApps while quite often raising the exit barriers by providing custom API overlays to the EVM JSON-RPC API convention.

To accelerate dApp developers' ability to utilize decentralized RPC in their dApps, Fluence is providing a decentralized RPC (fRPC) substrate, i.e., a starter kit that includes a gateway to bridge HTTP and Aqua, a Wasm service to connect to RPC endpoints and Aqua scripts implementing basic availability, failover and verification algorithms. See Figure 1.

Figure 1: Stylized fRPC Workflow With dApp


    participant A as dApp
    participant G as fRPC Gateway
    participant N as Fluence network
    participant R as RPC endpoints

    A ->> G: dApp HTTP request
    G ->> G: map HTTP to Aqua request
    G ->> G: select algorithm (failover, round robin, quorum, etc.)
    G ->> N: Aqua call to network peer(s)
    N ->> R: HTTP call to RPC endpoint(s)
    R ->> N: Response or timeout
    alt response
      N ->> G: response to gateway
      G ->> A: response to dApp
    else timeout
      loop over endpoint urls
        N ->> R: try another request
        alt response
          N ->> G: response to gateway
          G ->> A: response to dApp -- break
      G ->> G: timeout
      G ->> A: no response error

fRPC substrate allows existing dApps to be upgraded to decentralized RPC while not requiring any changes to their frontend other than changing the HTTP transport url and making it easy to implement more complex control algorithms. Moreover, fRPC substrate components are highly customizable allowing developers to quickly and easily extend the substrate to fit their dApps' needs and to improve the fRPC ecosystem with improved services and algorithms.


Clone the repo if you haven't done so already, and in the gateway directory, install the dependencies:

npm i

If you don't have Fluence CLI installed, do:

npm -g i @fluencelabs/cli@unstable

Before you proceed, you should have, say, three RPC endpoint urls, e.g., Infura, Alchemy and Ankr, for the same EVM-based chain you are using in your dApp. Update the configs/quickstart_config.json by providing your endpoint urls and ignore the rest of the parameters for now:

  "providers": [
    "<replace with your url_1/api-key>",   // <- replace
    "<replace with your url_2/api-key>",   // <- replace
    "<replace with your url_3/api-key>"    // <- replace and maybe add more
  "mode": "round-robin",
  "relay": "/dns4/",
  "serviceId": "e9e32b0b-3b19-4bdd-b1da-f5ff9cc0357f",
  "port": 3000,
  "counterServiceId": null,
  "counterPeerId": null,
  "quorumServiceId": null,
  "quorumPeerId": null,
  "quorumNumber": null

Now start the gateway:


npm -C gateway run run configs/quickstart_config.json


> @fluencelabs/[email protected] run
> fluence aqua -i aqua/ -o aqua-compiled/ --js && node src/index.js configs/my_quickstart_config.json

# Compiling...
Result /Users/bebo/localdev/fRPC-Substrate/gateway/aqua-compiled/rpc.js: compilation OK (10 functions, 4 services)
Result /Users/bebo/localdev/fRPC-Substrate/gateway/aqua-compiled/rpc.d.ts: compilation OK (10 functions, 4 services)
Result /Users/bebo/localdev/fRPC-Substrate/gateway/aqua-compiled/rpc.js: compilation OK (10 functions, 4 services)
Result /Users/bebo/localdev/fRPC-Substrate/gateway/aqua-compiled/rpc.d.ts: compilation OK (10 functions, 4 services)

Running server...
Server was started on port 3000

With the gateway ready for action, all you have to do is change your dApps HTTP transport url to and keep using your dApp as usual. In the absence of a dApp, we can interact with the gateway from the command line:


curl  \
    -X POST \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_blockNumber","params": [],"id":100}'



# with the corresponding gateway log output
Receiving request 'eth_blockNumber'
peerId: 12D3KooWKDnWpCLPJrycSevracdEgGznfDPwG1g5CWbt8uccdL79
Counter: 1
Worker used: "12D3KooWKPcNwR6EMq3sqm4sKtUKmZbMhPQ2dk1zr8YNgjdu9Xqn"
Call will be to :<your api key>

Since we have specified round-robin in our config file and have more than one endpoint url in play, re-running the json-rpc call should result in a different endpoint selection:


curl  \
    -X POST \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_blockNumber","params": [],"id":100}'



# with the corresponding gateway log output

Receiving request 'eth_blockNumber'
peerId: 12D3KooWKDnWpCLPJrycSevracdEgGznfDPwG1g5CWbt8uccdL79
Counter: 2
Worker used: "12D3KooWKPcNwR6EMq3sqm4sKtUKmZbMhPQ2dk1zr8YNgjdu9Xqn"
Call will be to :<your api key>/

Success! Go ahead and replace the round-robin mode with the random mode in your config file, stop and start the gateway and have a look at the different endpoint management. All available algorithms and their parameters are described in the fRPC Algorithms section below.

Congrats, you just took a major step toward keeping your dApp decentralized, available and performant! Now it's time to dive into the Fluence protocol and technology stack to learn how to improve upon the basic substrate.

Developing With Fluence

Fluence's decentralized serverless protocol and solution stack allows developers to quickly create decentralized applications and protocols by distributing services for subsequent execution to peers of the open and permissionless Fluence peer-to-peer compute network. Specifically, developers:

  • express their business logic in Rust code compiled to wasm32-wasi
  • create a Deal, i.e., a construct that links on-chain contract economics and off-chain resources necessary for peers to run a service, which entails escrowing stablecoin, currently limited to (testnet) USDC, to the Deal contract
  • deploy their Wasm modules plus linking instructions as a uniquely addressable service to p2p network storage, i.e., IPFS

With a Deal in place, resource owners, i.e., owner/operators of one or more peers, make a decision whether to host the service and if so, participate in the Deal by providing a stake to the Deal contract and pulling the corresponding service assets required for hosting from IPFS. As a matter of fact, peers utilize Workers, omitted from Figure 2 for simplicity reasons, to implement their side of a Deal. See Figure 2.

    title: Figure 2: Stylized Deal Creation For Service Deployment

    actor D as Developer
    participant CF as Contract factory
    participant C as Contract
    participant N as Network storage (IPFS)
    actor R as Resource owner
    participant P as Peer i owned by resource owner

    D ->> D: Business logic to Rust To Wasm
    D ->> CF: request deal contract for service
    CF ->> C: generate Deal contract  for service
        D ->> C: escrow funds
        D ->> N: upload service package
    R ->> CF: listen for new contracts
      loop listen to on-chain events
        alt new contract
        R ->> C: evaluate deal
        alt like deal
          R ->> C: join deal with stake
          P ->> N: request service package
          P ->> P: host service
          P ->> P: wait for service request
          alt get request
            R ->> C: claim payment


While this sounds, and is, elaborate, Fluence CLI, see below, takes care of most of the scaffolding and workflow management for you.

At this point, the marketplace for Fluence's decentralized serverless isn't quite finished. The supply side has not been enabled and on the demand side, parameters are fixed for the testnet. That is, developers are not able to provide custom Deal parameters, such as willingness to pay for service execution. Instead, these parameters, i.e. price of execution per epoch and epoch duration, are hard-coded and used by Fluence CLI to create the corresponding Deal contract and transaction for you to sign. Moreover, economics are limited to the testnet using testnet tokens.

Setting Up For Developing With Fluence

To get going, you need to install and set up a few dependencies.

Fluence tooling works on most *nix systems including OSX and Windows Linux Subsystem. At this time, Windows is not supported.

Off-chain Dependencies

This Fluence CLI installs missing dependencies as needed ("lazy install"). If you want all your dependencies installed at once, use the fluence dependencies i command.

On-chain Dependencies

You will need Mumbai MATIC and Fluence (testnet) USDC. This is as good a time as any to head over to those faucets and get your allocations. As an experienced Web3 dev, you know it's good hygiene to set up a new account, say, fRPC-dev, for the Mumbai testnet and testnet tokens.

RPC Endpoints

Since fRPC works with existing centralized or self-hosted RPC providers, you want at least three provider urls with appended API keys to the chain of your choice. Multi-chain support is currently not supported by fRPC Substrate. For Ethereum's Goerli testnet, for example:

Each of the listed providers has a free account option and supports the API key in the url style, rather than the header, which is the current gateway implementation choice; a choice you should feel free to override and customize to your needs.

Tools And Tooling

The most prominent developer's helper is Fluence CLI, which allows you to manage the entire lifecycle of a project including Rust and Aqua code as well as Deals. From scaffolding your project, services and modules to Deal creation and service deployment, Fluence CLI has you covered. Moreover, Fluence CLI can scaffold JS projects using js-client allowing you to create, or integrate, Fluence projects for the browser or node app. See Figure 3 for a quick overview of workflows managed by Fluence CLI and the associated commands. If you have Fluence CLI installed, use fluence --help to get a more complete overview of topics and commands.

Figure 3: Stylized Project Creation And Deployment Workflow With Fluence CLI


    [*] --> InitProject: fluence init
    InitProject --> CreateNewService: fluence service new
    InitProject --> AddExistingService: fluence service add
    CreateNewService --> Service
    AddExistingService --> Service
    Service --> AddNewModules: fluence module new
    Service --> AddExistingModules: fluence module add
    Service --> LocalTesting: fluence service repl, cargo test
    Service --> DeployedService: fluence deal deploy
    DeployedService --> RunService: fluence run

Fluence CLI uses multiple yaml config files. You can find the schemas in the schemas directory. Note that Fluence CLI creates config files lazily, i.e., as needed.

See FLuence CLI for more details. For implementing your business logic with Rust and compiling it to wasm32-wasi, aka Wasm, module(s), see the Marine book. To learn more about distributed choreography and composition of services, see the Aqua book.

Hacking On fRPC Substrate

Fluence's fRPC Substrate is a starter kit that includes all the components you need to quickly enable your dApp with decentralized RPC using existing centralized RPC providers, e.g., Infura, Alchemy, Ankr, etc., without touching your existing frontend Web3 code. fRPC substrate consists of the following code components, see Figure 4:

  • RPC API "adapter" code written in Rust and compiled to wasm32-wasi modules that are deployable to any peer in the Fluence p2p network
  • Aqua code for distributed algorithms, such as Random and Round Robin selection, using the distributed Wasm connectors for request-response handling over libp2p
  • A gateway app server that bridges libp2p transport to the HTTP transport expected by your dApps' Web3 SDK, such as web3js, ethers, etc. Note that the expectation at this point is for you to self-host the gateway at a location of your choosing.

Figure 4: Stylized fRPC Use With dApps


    participant D as dApp
    participant G as Gateway
    participant N as Fluence p2p network
    participant R as Centralized RPC providers

    G ->> G: Configure and start Gateway
    D ->> D: Use gateway Address:port in web3 sdk setup
    D ->> G: Make Web3 request
    G ->> N: Call one or more Fluence services
    N ->> R: Call one or more different RPC providers
    R ->> N: Services processes response based on specified algo
    N ->> G: Gateway receives "curated" response
    G ->> D: dApp receives response
    D ->> D: dApp does its thing

fRPC Wasm Components

fRPC Substrate comes with one service comprised of two Wasm modules, which you can find in the wasm-modules directory. The service is called 'eth_rpc' and the included modules are a curl_adapater and eth_rpc. The curl_adapter module is a generic, re-usable module allowing access to a peer's curl binary, if permissioned by the peer, and exposes the curl_request function. Any modules requiring curl access may use the curl_adapter modules via FFI linking with the curl_request function.

The eth_rpc module manages the json-rpc requests and responses initiated and consumed by Aqua scripts as the result of some frontend event, e.g. our dApp or curl request. Once available on peers of the Fluence p2p network, the eth-rpc services, aka RPC endpoint adapter, allows us to call one or more RPC endpoints using Aqua for choreography and composition of services.

Before you can deploy your service, use fluence build in the root dir to compile each module's Rust code to wasm32-wasi output:


fluence build


# Making sure all services are downloaded...
# Making sure all services are built...
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.61s

See target dir for curl_adapter.wasm and eth_erpc.wasm, respectively. With the wasm modules available, you can locally interact with them using Marine REPL:

fluence service repl


fluence service repl


? Enter service name from fluence.yaml, path to a service or url to .tar.gz archive wasm-modules
# Making sure service and modules are downloaded and built...
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.18s


Execute help inside repl to see available commands.
Current service <module_name> is: eth_rpc
Call eth_rpc service functions in repl like this:

call eth_rpc <function_name> [<arg1>, <arg2>]


Welcome to the Marine REPL (version 0.19.1)
Minimal supported versions
  sdk: 0.6.0
  interface-types: 0.20.0

app service was created with service id = f0fc66d9-1fc6-494f-bcc1-104970875730
elapsed time 254.67135ms

1> i
Loaded modules interface:
exported data types (combined from all modules):
data MountedBinaryResult:
  ret_code: i32
  error: string
  stdout: []u8
  stderr: []u8
data U64Value:
  value: u64
  success: bool
  error: string
data BytesValue:
  value: []u8
  success: bool
  error: string
data JsonString:
  value: string
  success: bool
  error: string

exported functions:
  func curl_request(cmd: []string) -> MountedBinaryResult
  func block_number(uri: string) -> U64Value
  func call_get_accounts(uri: string) -> [][]u8
  func accounts(uri: string) -> []JsonString
  func call(uri: string, req: string, block: u64) -> BytesValue
  func eth_call(uri: string, method: string, json_args: []string) -> JsonString

2>call eth_rpc eth_call ["https://<your network><your api key>", "eth_blockNumber", []]
result: {
  "error": "",
  "success": true,
  "value": "\"0x82a08d\""
 elapsed time: 588.092888ms


The i command lists all the exported interfaces from the wasm modules in Aqua instead of Rust notation. In exported functions you see the module namespace, e.g., curl_adapter, and exported functions, e.g., curl_request. To execute a function, use call <namespace> <function name> [<parameters>].

Adding Modules To A Service

Regardless of your customization requirements, you probably will have no reason to modify the curl_adapter and eth_rpc modules. However, you may want to add new modules, or even services, to handle your additional business logic requirements. For example, you may want to capture RPC endpoint performance data, such as response times and availability, to some Web3 storage, e.g., IPFS or Ceramic, for further analysis to, say, derive a weighting scheme for endpoint selection.

Fluence CLI allows you to quickly create a new, or add an existing, module to your project. For example,


fluence module new --path ./wasm-modules demo-module


Successfully generated template for new module at demo-module

Which created a Rust project in the wasm-module/demo-module directory ready for you to customize. When you're done, you add the new module to your service config, service.yaml:


fluence module add


? Enter path to a module or url to .tar.gz archive wasm-modules/demo
? Enter service name from fluence.yaml or path to the service directory wasm-modules
Added demo to ~/localdev/fRPC-Substrate/wasm-modules/service.yaml

The demo module is now part of the service and fluence build, for example, now compiles the demo module as part of the project build. You can create a new service with the fluence service new command. Note that the implication of creating a new service, possibly in a new project directory, is that you intend to deploy that service separately from the eth-rpc service. Of course, you will need to write Aqua code to be able to interact with your new module.

To get rid of the demo project for now, use fluence module remove to unlink the module from the fluence.yaml and service.yaml files; the old rm -r <path/demo> gets rid of the code template.

Deploying Services With A Deal

⚠️ Warning: For quickstart, services are already deployed for you. But if you want to deploy services in this repository yourself, you should remove old deployment information first:

mv .fluence/workers.yaml .fluence/workers.yaml.backup

fluence deal deploy is capable of redeploying services, so you don't have to do this manual management every time you want to (re)deploy deal. But one can't redeploy a deal he doesn't own, so you will get a error unless you are working to modify a Deal you created.

With a service, in this case the eth-rpc service, ready for deployment, we simply use the fluence deal deploy:


fluence deal deploy


Using kras environment to sign contracts
    Finished release [optimized] target(s) in 0.05s # (1)
Connecting to kras relay: /dns4/

Creating deal for worker defaultWorker # (2)

To approve transactions to your wallet using metamask, open the following url: # (3)

or go to and enter the following connection string there:


Confirm transaction in your wallet...
# Waiting for transaction to be mined......
To approve transactions to your wallet using metamask, open the following url: # (4)

or go to and enter the following connection string there:


Confirm transaction in your wallet...
# Waiting for transaction to be mined......
3 workers joined the deal 0x06AAe83F938890c47FA7C667392e01D9E3052961 # (5)


created deals: # (6)
    worker definition: bafkreigzfyfis2pmfr425dwpeql4hsrat5d7hpdthlxwzhefd23kw7gtey
    timestamp: 2023-10-12T14:39:21.570Z

One little command is doing quite a bit so you don't have to. Let's work through the process:

  • for an up-to-date look, all service assets, i.e., modules, are (re-) compiled (1)
  • a (new) Deal with both on-chain and off-chain activities is created (2)
    • the wasm modules and config are uploaded to IPFS node where deal-participating peer's workers can fetch the package by CID
  • now you have to get involved! You are presented with two transactions, one after the other, for you to sign. To sign a transaction, copy and paste the uri to your browser and Metamask should pop up with a signing request eventually. Before signing a transaction, carefully inspect its origin and content. Different wallets have different security features. If you are using MetaMask, carefully review your Security & Privacy settings. This is what you should see when you sign a transaction: Sign TX
    • first transaction is for the Deal on-chain creation (3)
    • second transaction is for the Deal's on-chain matching (4)
  • once you sign the transactions, the deal is created and workers join the deal, deploying your services (5)
  • finally, deployment information is saved for future use in Aqua scripts (6)

Fluence CLI did a bunch of work for us behind the scenes and signing the transaction is a lot quicker than entering (virtual) credit card information. Fluence CLI organized a set of parameters needed by our Aqua scripts in deals.aqua for easy importing.

Note that the deal's section in fluence.yaml specifies the minimum and maximum workers that should be deployed under the defaultWorker namespace. Fluence CLI currently provides default values for min and max workers of one (1) and three (3), respectively. In the near future, you will be able to provide your spot price for service execution, hosting targets in the form of named capacity providers and more.

After successful deal deployment it is possible to retrieve logs for the deployed deal.


fluence deal logs


Connecting to random stage relay: /dns4/
defaultWorker (host_id: 12D3KooWMMGdfVEJ1rWe1nH1nehYDzNEHhg5ogdfiGk88AupCMnf, worker_id: 12D3KooWGctQEUKcgWBetu9aiR3owMZcBGNcpDC5ZE3H6dL16uSP, spell_id: 679acf1c-57e2-4dd7-aa78-bb181df7a00a): 

2023-10-25 14:41:48 Installing worker for deal 0x02ab47b7b2737e16a516421c1b8ad36475e0f7ce
2023-10-25 14:41:48 parsed worker definition bafkreifp4gbp3emepswptldwlpbhpybt47uy2c3ksm3y7rut6cmcdnljwa {
  "services": [
      "modules": [
          "config": "bafkreia2wftbxfd4blycnvlxw2yl7ibhan2g7vauexv7fspibodlu34que",
          "wasm": "bafkreiarl3nin4jtauc52k76h4ze7yekvc5d2uno5fkgpotmcekwm7cnqa"
          "config": "bafkreiaclbxbmtydpwdcpoh2yggcd6uimicmbb6rxzab7bgp342w5vcz2m",
          "wasm": "bafybeieeemeldllgokrkgybbrrjqeehyin3blv5cgehhdp3nlrfyj4eqoa"
      "name": "eth_rpc"
  "spells": []
2023-10-25 14:41:50 Created service eth_rpc 2b5967ae-e5f9-4929-8668-d2039593af28
2023-10-25 14:41:50 Installation finished
2023-10-25 14:41:50 Worker installation finished with status {
  "message": "",
  "timestamp": 1698244910

defaultWorker (host_id: 12D3KooWJ4bTHirdTFNZpCS72TAzwtdmavTBkkEXtzo6wHL25CtE, worker_id: unknown, spell_id: unknown): Worker is not installed yet

defaultWorker (host_id: 12D3KooWAKNos2KogexTXhrkMZzFYpLHuWJ4PgoAhurSAv7o5CWA, worker_id: unknown, spell_id: unknown): Worker is not installed yet

In the example output above, we see that the worker for the defaultWorker namespace was installed successfully. The worker is now ready to receive requests from the gateway. The other two workers are not installed yet. It should happen in a while and one can check the logs again to see the progress.

fRPC Aqua Code

Now that we have our services deployed and ready for action, it's time to look at Aqua, which is utilized by the Gateway to bridge HTTP to/from libp2p. Let's have a look at the Aqua code and structure.

File rpc.aqua is the file where fRPC algorithms and entrypoints used by gateway are defined.

-- rpc.aqua
aqua RPC

import "@fluencelabs/aqua-lib/builtin.aqua"
import Subnet, Worker from "@fluencelabs/aqua-lib/subnet.aqua"

import "services.aqua"
use "deals.aqua"

Two of the dependencies (should) stand out: deals.aqua and services.aqua as they are local files located in the project .fluence directory: services.aqua contains the interface exports from the eth-rpc wasm module and deals.aqua maps the values from deployed.yaml to data structures usable by your aqua code. Since these files are dynamically generated by Fluence CLI, you need to (re-) compile your Aqua after every change to your Wasm code or deal deploy updates. For further details and examples, consult the Aqua book, explore the aqua playground and visit the relevant repositories: aqua-lib, registry, spell.

fRPC Gateway Configuration

The gateway config file, e.g., quickstart_config.json, contains the parameters for Fluence p2p network connection and gateway behavior. Key parameters include:

  • providers: an array of RPC endpoint urls, e.g., Infura, Alchemy, Ankr, etc.
  • mode: one of "random", "round-robin" or "quorum" to specify the endpoint selection algorithm
  • relay: the Fluence p2p network relay address for js-client to use
  • port: the port the gateway listens on
  • other parameters related to the fRPC Algorithms, see below

fRPC Algorithms

The fRPC substrate offers basic algorithms to enhance reliability, addressing issues related to RPC endpoint availability and trustworthiness.

Let's first examine balancedEthCall in rpc.aqua:

-- Call RPC method with load balancing
func balancedEthCall{Logger, Balancer}(method: string, jsonArgs: []string) -> JsonString: -- (1)
  on HOST_PEER_ID: -- (2)
    worker, provider <- -- (3)
    Logger.logWorker(worker) -- (4)
    Logger.logCall(provider) -- (4)
    rpc <- fromWorkerProvider(worker, provider) -- (5)
    result <- rpcCall{rpc}(method, jsonArgs) -- (6)
  <- result -- (7)

This function is a building block for other algorithms that allows to make a call to a RPC endpoint with some balancing logic. Let's go through the code line by line:

  • (1) Function declaration states that two abilities are required to execute it: Logger and Balancer. To learn more about abilities, see Abilities.
  • (2) The function is executed on the host peer, i.e. the relay peer we used to connect to Fluence p2p network.
  • (3) Worker and RPC provider are determined by Balancer.
  • (4) Worker and provider are logged for debugging purposes.
  • (5) RPC ability is created from worker and provider with a helper function fromWorkerProvider.
  • (6) RPC ability is passed to rpcCall function to make the actual call.
  • (7) Result of the call is returned.


Use: Set mode to "random" in your gateway config file

Randomization the selection of one out of many RPC endpoints by itself is a weak algorithm to mitigate a single point of failure or byzantine behavior. However, it can be an important building block for more effective algorithms such as failover and quorum/consensus from both RPC providers and network peers.

The fRPC substrate implementation is very basic from a business logic perspective but illustrates how to randomly choose both a worker, which represents the deployed service on a particular peer, and an RPC endpoint:

func randomLoadBalancingEth(uris: []string, method: string, jsonArgs: []string) -> JsonString:
  result: ?JsonString

  workers, error <- getWorkers() -- (1)
  if error != nil:
    result <- errorJsonString(error!)
    log <- initPeerLogger() -- (2)
    random <- timeRandom() -- (2)
    balancer <- randomBalancer{random}(workers, uris) -- (2)
    result <- balancedEthCall{log, balancer}(method, jsonArgs) -- (3)
  <- result!

The randomLoadBalancingEth function is build upon balancedEthCall:

  • (1) Workers that are part of the deal are fetched from the network.
  • (2) Logger and random balancer are initialized.
  • (3) balancedEthCall is called with logger and balancer.

Note that time service is used to generate random numbers. This is not a good idea for production, but it's good enough for demonstration.

Round robin

Use: Set mode to "round-robin" in your gateway config file

Config Parameters:

  • counterServiceId: the service id of the counter service
  • counterPeerId: the peer id of the counter service

A round robin algorithm cycles through the different options usually in a predictable manner. This substrate implementation is no different:

func roundRobinEth(uris: []string, method: string, jsonArgs: []string, counterServiceId: string, counterPeerId: string) -> JsonString:
  result: ?JsonString

  workers, error <- getWorkers()
  if error != nil:
    result <- errorJsonString(error!)
    log <- initPeerLogger()
    counter <- onPeerCounter(counterPeerId, counterServiceId) -- (1)
    balancer <- cycleBalancer{counter}(workers, uris) -- (2)
    result <- balancedEthCall{log, balancer}(method, jsonArgs)
  <- result!

The roundRobinEth function is very similar to randomLoadBalancingEth, except for the balancer:

  • (1) Counter ability is created from peer id and service id.
  • (2) Cycle balancer is created from counter and workers.

To keep the state of the cycle index, we use a counter based on a local, js-client based service. The peer executing the Counter service is the (local) client-peer implemented by the gateway. Note that the state of the counter is limited to the life of the gateway.


Use: Set mode to "quorum" in your gateway config file

Config Parameters:

  • quorumServiceId: the service id of the quorum service
  • quorumPeerId: the peer id of the quorum service
  • quorumNumber: the number of results that must be equal to determine a quorum result

A quorum, aka "off-chain consensus", "determines" a result by a ranked frequency distribution of the results pool and makes a selection against a quorum threshold value, e.g., 2/3 of items in the results pool must be equal for a quorum result to be accepted. Moreover, additional parameters such as the minimum number of items in the result pool may be added. Depending on your trust in the peers processing the endpoint requests or even the peer executing the quorum algorithm, additional verification steps may have to be added. There is one more pertinent consideration when it comes to designing quorum algorithms: the differentiation between (on-chain) read and write operations.

In the fRPC substrate implementation, we provide a basic quorum algorithm:

func quorum{ProviderBalancer, QuorumChecker}(workers: []Worker, quorumNumber: u32, timeout: u32, method: string, jsonArgs: []string) -> QuorumResult: -- (1)
  results: *JsonString
  on HOST_PEER_ID: -- (2)
    for worker <- workers par: -- (3)
      provider <- ProviderBalancer.nextProvider() -- (4)
      rpc <- fromWorkerProvider(worker, provider) -- (5)
      results <- rpcCall{rpc}(method, jsonArgs) -- (6)

  -- wait all results from all workers with timeout
  join results[workers.length - 1] -- (7)
  par Peer.timeout(timeout, "Workers timeout") -- (7)

  <- QuorumChecker.check(results, quorumNumber) -- (8)

Let's examine the code line by line:

  • (1) Function declaration states that two abilities are required to execute it: ProviderBalancer and QuorumChecker. To learn more about abilities, see Abilities.
  • (2) The function is executed on the host peer, i.e. the relay peer we used to connect to Fluence p2p network.
  • (3) For each worker in parallel:
    • (4) Provider is determined by ProviderBalancer.
    • (5) RPC ability is created from worker and provider with a helper function fromWorkerProvider.
    • (6) RPC ability is passed to rpcCall function to make the actual call. Result is saved in results stream variable.
  • (7) Results from all workers are waited for with a timeout. For more information, see Timeout and race patterns.
  • (8) Final result is determined by QuorumChecker based on all results gathered at this point.

As evidenced by the code, no considerations to differentiate between read and write operations are made, which might prove disadvantageous when submitting, for example, a signed transaction.

The actual entrypoint, quorumEthCall, is a wrapper around quorum:

func quorumEth(uris: []string, quorumNumber: u32, timeout: u32, method: string, jsonArgs: []string, quorumServiceId: string, quorumPeerId: string) -> QuorumResult:
  result: *QuorumResult

  workers, error <- getWorkers()
  if error != nil:
    result <- errorQuorumResult(error!)
    random <- timeRandom()
    balancer <- randomBalancer{random}(workers, uris)
    quorumChecker <- onPeerQuorumChecker(quorumPeerId, quorumServiceId)
    result <- quorum{balancer, quorumChecker}(workers, quorumNumber, timeout, method, jsonArgs)

  <- result!

It is very similar to randomLoadBalancingEth and roundRobinEth, except for the balancer and quorum checker initialization. To determine the quorum result, we use a local, js-client based service. The peer executing the QuorumChecker service is the (local) client-peer implemented by the gateway.


fRPC is a design pattern to efficiently mitigate risks inherent in centralized RPC providers for dApps using Fluence's decentralized serverless compute protocol. fRPC Substrate is a basic implementation of the fRPC design pattern that dApp users can use out of the box with no changes to their frontend. Once you tried fRPC, feel free to experiment with the code and let us know about your journey in the Fluence Discord developer channel.

For support, to discuss your ideas or to schedule presentations of your solutions to the Fluence and fRPC community at large, reach out in discord or telegram.

Happy Hacking!


Found a mistake, inaccuracy or have other improvement suggestions? Open an issue or a pull request! Note that contributions submitted will be licensed according to the terms of LICENSE.


Fluence's fRPC Substrate is a starter kit that includes all the components you need to quickly enable your dAPP with decentralized RPC using existing centralized RPC providers, e.g., Infura, Alchemy, QuickNode, etc., without touching your existing frontend Web3 code.





