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This is a not so simple blog.

Official website based on InRailsWeBlog project:


Main functionalities of InRailsWeBlog blog:

  • Write your articles inside topics and classified them with tags
  • Multiple article view modes: cards, summary, one-card and inline edition
  • Write articles in several languages in only one place
  • Three view modes for topics: normal articles, stories (by date) and custom fields (text, date, boolean, ...)
  • Powerful search with ElasticSearch: autocompletion for article title, inside content for full search
  • Search inside links reference in articles content
  • Translated in 2 languages
  • Administration panel integrated to manage and monitor the blog
  • SPA website to ease the navigation
  • PWA ready (you can install as an app on your smartphone)
  • Export in HTML all your articles and data
  • Specific SEO cache with included JS generation
  • OpenSearch integrated to include as a search engine

Operating rules


Each user start with a default private topic, named "Default".


All articles are created inside a topic. A user can create any topics he wants. New articles will be associated to the current topic.

There are two types of topics:

  • Default topics: collection of note articles
  • Stories topics: collection of story articles, display as a timeline


An article contains text, images and links, to other articles or external links.

If parent topic is private, only user tags can be used. Conversely, if parent topic is public, only shared tags can be used. An article cannot mix public and private tags.

An article from a private topic can be shared with other users or groups. Or publicly with a dedicated link.

Articles types:

  • Note: default mode
  • Story: articles of a stories topic
  • Link: link as title (title is still used for link name)


All tags are displayed in a sidebar, sorted by parent tags then children tags.

Each article can be tagged with a tag. Two categories of tags: parent or child. The association to an article define the order of the tags.


Search is performed by default in the current topic and look for content in all articles and tags.


Public topics can shared with other users (contributors). Contributors can add or edit articles inside the topic.


Groups are a set of users. Every user can subscribe to a group and share specific articles to the group (To be done).


  • Trello: for the view with all notes in the current topic
  • Evernote: tags and notes but too closed
  • Stack overflow: tags system but too many information and complicated
  • Medium: nice UX and SEO but too commercial


  • Ruby 3.2
  • Rails 7.0
  • SQL Database (configured with PostgreSQL)
  • A CSS3 / HTML5 compatible Browser (Firefox, Chrome, …)


System dependencies

First install required packages:

sudo apt-get install -y curl git redis-server postgresql postgresql-contrib libpq-dev zlib1g-dev libssl-dev libreadline-dev libyaml-dev libsqlite3-dev sqlite3 libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev software-properties-common libgdbm-dev libncurses5-dev automake libtool bison libffi-dev libnotify-bin cmake git-flow gawk libgmp-dev libreadline6-dev cmake libpng-dev optipng jpegoptim chromium-driver

Configure git:

git config --global color.ui true
git config --global core.autocrlf false
git config --global core.fileMode false
git config --global help.autocorrect 1

Ruby dependencies

Then install rvm and ruby with yjit:

gpg2 --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3 7D2BAF1CF37B13E2069D6956105BD0E739499BDB
\curl -sSL | bash -s stable
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
rvm install <ruby version> -C --with-jemalloc --enable-yjit

Exit the terminal and launch a new terminal in the root directory of the project. The gemset is automatically created.

Install gems in the gemset of the project:

gem install bundler


Database dependencies

Create the postgres user and the dev database:

sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# create user inrailsweblog with password 'inrailsweblog';
postgres=# alter role inrailsweblog createdb;
postgres=# createdb inrailsweblog_dev owner inrailsweblog;
postgres=# \q

Search dependencies

Install ElasticSearch:

wget -qO - | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/elasticsearch-keyring.gpg
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/elasticsearch-keyring.gpg] stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/elastic-8.x.list
sudo apt-get update

Configure ElasticSearch and avoid exposing ES to outside:

sudo nano /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml localhost false false

Start ElasticSearch:

sudo systemctl enable elasticsearch
sudo systemctl start elasticsearch

Node dependencies

Install NodeJS and Yarn as package manager:

curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
curl -sS | sudo apt-key add -
echo "deb stable main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install -y nodejs yarn

sudo npm i -g webpack eslint

Install npm packages for the project (Yarn v3 is used for this project):


WYSIWYG editor

Summernote is used for article creation and edition. It's an advanced WYSIWYG editor.

A custom version of Summernote is used for this project.

Here is the procedure to update Summernote:

cd summernote git fetch && git pull yarn npm run build

Copy dist/summernote-lite.js to app/assets/javascripts/modules/summernote/summernote-lite.js. Then remove last line containing sourceMappingURL.

If needed, copy also CSS file: dist/summernote.css to app/assets/stylesheets/components/summernote.scss. And remove all code related to icons.

Populate database

Populate database with dummy data:

rails InRailsWeBlog:populate[reset,data]



To run development environment run command:

bundle exec guard

=> http://localhost:3000

Project task list

List all available tasks for Rails project :

rails -T
  • Flush Redis keys:

    rails InRailsWeBlog:flush_redis

  • SEO:

    rails InRailsWeBlog:seo

Update environment

Check outdated gems:

bundle outdated --only-explicit --groups

Check outdated npm packages:

yarn upgrade-interactive


Populate with default data:

rails InRailsWeBlog:populate[reset]

Populate with dummy data:

rails InRailsWeBlog:populate[reset,dummy]

Import/export production data:

sudo pg_dump --username inrailsweblog --format=custom --file inrailsweblog.sql inrailsweblog

sudo -u postgres psql

alter role inrailsweblog superuser;

DISABLE_DATABASE_ENVIRONMENT_CHECK=1 rails db:drop && rails db:create && rails db:migrate

pg_restore --username inrailsweblog --clean --dbname inrailsweblog_dev inrailsweblog.sql

Display emails

Sent email can be seen in two ways:

The data parameters can be changed inside each email previewer method

External tools

Elastic Search

Access in browser:


Update all indexes:

rails InRailsWeBlog:search_reindex


Maxminddb uses a Geolite2 database to fetch location from IP (

A cron script update each month the IP database:

rails InRailsWeBlog:update_geolite


Background processing tool.

Run Sidekiq:

bundle exec sidekiq


Key-value storing tool.

Used to store:

  • Sessions
  • Cache
  • Serializer
  • Sidekiq
  • Sidekiq status
  • Geocoder

Coding rules

Static Analysis

Run all static analysis tools:

rails InRailsWeBlog:static_analysis:all

Cron tool to run analysis tools:

whenever --update-crontab






Generate documentation:

bundle rails doc:app


Rails tests

Initialize test environment:

RAILS_ENV=test bin/rails db:setup

Run all tests:


Javascript tests

npm run test

Or with coverage:

npm run test:coverage

Static tests

To run all static tests:

rails InRailsWeBlog:static_analysis:all

All results are generated in:





Gitlab is used for automatic deployment. Each time a new tag is pushed to master, Gitlab will execute the CI process :

  • Build the environment

  • Check code: useless traces and audit

  • Run rails tests

  • Run JS tests

Before the first deployment, establish the server configuration:

GIT_REPO_ADDRESS="..." GIT_REPO_PORT="..." GIT_REPO_USER="..." DEPLOY_USER="..." DEPLOY_SERVER="..." DEPLOY_USER="..." DEPLOY_GEMSET="..." cap production deploy:check

To deploy automatically using Gitflow (the tag will be incremented):

rails InRailsWeBlog:deploy

To deploy automatically with from a specific tag version:

rails InRailsWeBlog:deploy TAG=1.0.0

To deploy manually without using Gitlab (commit and deploy first your modification on the remote master branch):

rails InRailsWeBlog:deploy SKIP_CI=true
  • Other commands:

    cap production deploy:restart_sidekiq cap production deploy:restart_web

    cap production rails:console cap production rails:console sandbox=1

Webpack assets

All specific environment variables must be defined in ./config/application.yml.

Run in production:

npm run production


Run in production:

RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec sidekiq -d


In local, run:

rails InRailsWeBlog:generate_sitemap

For production, run:

cap production deploy:generate_sitemap

It will generate a new sitemap for each locale inside ./public/sitemaps/ and ping Google in production mode.


In production, the website is PWA ready!

You can install the website as a mobile app through Chrome browser.

To customize the PWA settings, edit public/manifest.json file and change the following parameters:

  • name (name of your application)
  • short_name (name in short)
  • background_color (background color)
  • theme_color (main color)

Change also the logo in public/offline.html file with your own asset in base64 format.

Issue tracking

All issues are listed in:


The project is based on git:

Gitflow is used for branch management.

Create major version

To create a new major version, start manually a new Gitflow release named "0.Y.0" or "X.0.0". Next release will increment the minor version (Z).

Remote repository

git push -u origin develop
git push -u origin master
git push --tags

©FloXcoder - 2023