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Releases: flairNLP/flair

Release 0.14.0

25 Jul 12:21
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This release adds major new support for biomedical text analytics! It adds improved biomedical NER and a state-of-the-art model for biomedical entity linking. Other new features include (1) support for parameter-efficient fine-tuning and (2) various new datasets, bug fixes and enhancements! We also removed a few dependencies, so Flair should install faster and take up less space!

Biomedical NER and Entity Linking

With Flair 0.14.0, you can now detect and normalize biomedical entities in text.

For example, to analyze the sentence "We correlate genetic variants in IFNAR2 and POLG with long-COVID syndrome", use this code snippet:

from flair.models import EntityMentionLinker
from flair.nn import Classifier
from import Sentence

# A sentence from biomedical literature
sentence = Sentence("We correlate genetic variants in IFNAR2 and POLG with long-COVID syndrome.")

# Tag named entities in the text
ner_tagger = Classifier.load("hunflair2")

# Normalize disease names
disease_linker = EntityMentionLinker.load("gene-linker")

# Normalize gene names
gene_linker = EntityMentionLinker.load("disease-linker")

# Iterate over predicted entities and print
for label in sentence.get_labels():

This should print out:

Span[5:6]: "IFNAR2" → Gene (1.0)
Span[5:6]: "IFNAR2" → 3455/name=IFNAR2 

Span[7:8]: "POLG" → Gene (1.0)
Span[7:8]: "POLG" → 5428/name=POLG 

Span[9:11]: "long-COVID syndrome" → Disease (1.0)
Span[9:11]: "long-COVID syndrome" → MESH:D000094024/name=Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome 

The printout shows that:

  • "IFNAR2" is a gene. Further, it is recognized as gene 3455 ("interferon alpha and beta receptor subunit 2") in the NCBI database.

  • "POLG" is a gene. Further, it is recognized as gene 5428 ("DNA polymerase gamma, catalytic subunit") in the NCBI database.

  • "long-COVID syndrome" is a disease. Further, it is uniquely linked to "Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome" in the MESH database.

Big thanks to @sg-wbi @WangXII @mariosaenger @helpmefindaname for all their work:

Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning

Flair 0.14.0 also adds support for PEFT.

For instance, to fine-tune a BERT model on the TREC question classification task using LoRA, use the following snippet:

from import Corpus
from flair.datasets import TREC_6
from flair.embeddings import TransformerDocumentEmbeddings
from flair.models import TextClassifier
from flair.trainers import ModelTrainer

# Note: you need to install peft to use this feature!
from peft import LoraConfig, TaskType

# Get corpus and make label dictionary
corpus: Corpus = TREC_6()
label_type = "question_class"
label_dict = corpus.make_label_dictionary(label_type=label_type)

# Define embeddings with LoRA fine-tuning
document_embeddings = TransformerDocumentEmbeddings(
    # set LoRA config

# define model
classifier = TextClassifier(document_embeddings, label_dictionary=label_dict, label_type=label_type)

# train model
trainer = ModelTrainer(classifier, corpus)

Big thanks to @janpf for this new feature!

  • Add PEFT training and explicit kwarg passthrough by @janpf in #3480

Smaller Library

We've removed dependencies such as gensim from the core package, since they increased the size of the Flair library and caused some compatibility/maintenance issues. This means the core package is now smaller and fast to install.

Install as always with:

pip install flair

For certain features, you still need gensim, such as training a model that uses classic word embeddings. For this use case, install with:

pip install flair[word-embeddings]

Or just install gensim separately.

Big thanks to @helpmefindaname for this new feature!

Other Improvements

New Features and Improvements

Bug Fixes

New Datasets


Build Management

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.13.1...v0.14.0

Release 0.13.1

18 Dec 09:29
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This releases adds some bugfixes on top of the 0.13.0 Release, and adds a new dataset.

Bug fixes


New Datasets

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.13.0...v0.13.1

Release 0.13.0

28 Oct 12:19
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This release adds several major new features such as (1) faster and more memory-efficient transformer training, (2) a new plugin system for custom logging and training, (3) new API docs for better documentation - still in beta, and (4) various new models, datasets, bug fixes and enhancements. This release also increases the minimum requirement to Python 3.8!

New Feature: Faster and more memory-efficient transformer training

This release integrates @helpmefindaname's transformer-smaller-training-vocab into the ModelTrainer. This temporarily reduces a transformer's vocabulary to only the tokens in the training dataset, and after training restores the full vocabulary. Depending on the dataset, this may effect huge savings in GPU memory and tuning speeds.

To use this feature, simply add the flag reduce_transformer_vocab=True to the fine_tune method. For example, to fine-tune a distilbert model on TREC_6, run this code (step 7 has the flag to reduce the vocabulary):

# 1. get the corpus
corpus: Corpus = TREC_6()

# 2. what label do we want to predict?
label_type = "question_class"

# 3. create the label dictionary
label_dict = corpus.make_label_dictionary(label_type=label_type)

# 4. initialize transformer document embeddings (many models are available)
document_embeddings = TransformerDocumentEmbeddings("distilbert-base-uncased", fine_tune=True)

# 5. create the text classifier
classifier = TextClassifier(document_embeddings, label_dictionary=label_dict, label_type=label_type)

# 6. initialize trainer
trainer = ModelTrainer(classifier, corpus)

# 7. fine-tune the model, but **reduce the vocabulary** for faster training
    reduce_transformer_vocab=True,  # set this to False for slow version

Involved PR: add reduce transformer vocab plugin by @helpmefindaname in #3217

New Feature: Trainer Plugins

A new "Plugin" system was added to the ModelTrainer, allowing far greater options to customize the training cycle (and slimming down the code of the ModelTrainer somewhat). For instance, it is now possible to customize logging to a far greater degree and integrate third-party logging tools.

For instance, if you want to integrate ClearML logging into the above script, simply instantiate the plugin and attach it to the trainer:


# 6. initialize trainer
trainer = ModelTrainer(classifier, corpus)

# NEW: instantiate a special logger and attach it to the trainer before the training run
ClearmlLoggerPlugin(clearml.Task.init(project_name="test", task_name="test")).attach_to(trainer)

# 7. fine-tune the model, but **reduce the vocabulary** for faster training
    reduce_transformer_vocab=True,  # set this to False for slow version

Involved PRs:

API Docs and other documentation

We are working towards improving our documentation. A first step was the release of our tutorial page. Now, we are adding (in beta) online API docs to make navigating the code and options offered by Flair easier. To enable it, we changed all docstrings to Google docstrings. However, this process is still ongoing, so expect the API docs to improve in coming versions of Flair.

You can find the API docs here:

Involved PRs:

Model Refactorings

In an effort to unify class names, we now offer models that inherit from DefaultClassifier for each label type we predict, i.e.:

  • TokenClassifier for predicting Token labels
  • TextPairClassifier for predicting TextPair labels
  • RelationClassifier for predicting Relation labels
  • SpanClassifier for predicting Span labels
  • TextClassifier for predicting Sentence labels

An advantage of such a structure is that most functionality (such as new decoders) needs to only be implemented once in DefaultClassifier and then is immediately usable for all model classes.

To enable this, we renamed and extended WordTagger as TokenClassifier, and renamed Entity Linker to SpanClassifier. This is not a breaking change yet, as the old names are still available. But in the future, WordTagger and Entity Linker will be removed.

Involved PRs:

New Models

We also add two new model classes: (1) a TextPairRegressor for regression tasks on pairs of sentences (such as STS-B), and (2) an experimental Label Encoder method for few-shot classification.

Involved PRs:

New Datasets

Build Process

Bug Fixes


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Release 0.12.2

30 Mar 15:49
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Another follow-up release to 0.12 that fixes a several bugs and adds a new multilingual frame tagger. Further, our new documentation website at is now online!

New frame tagging model #3172

Adds a new model for detecting PropBank frame. The model is trained using the "FLERT" approach, so it is much stronger than the previous 'frame' model. We also added some training data from the universal proposition bank to improve multilingual frame detection.

Use it like this:

# load the large frame model
model = Classifier.load('frame-large')

# English sentence with the verb "return" in two different senses
sentence = Sentence("Dirk returned to Berlin to return his hat.")

# German sentence with the verb "trug" in two different senses
sentence_de = Sentence("Dirk trug einen Koffer und trug einen Hut.")

This should print:

Sentence[9]: "Dirk returned to Berlin to return his hat." → ["returned"/return.01, "return"/return.02]

Sentence[9]: "Dirk trug einen Koffer und trug einen Hut." → ["trug"/carry.01, "trug"/wear.01]

The printout tells us that the verbs in both sentences are correctly disambiguated.


Enhancements / New Features

  • more consistent behavior of context dropout and FLERT token #3168
  • settting device through environment variable #3148 (thanks @HallerPatrick)
  • modify Sentence.to_original_text() to take into account Sentence.start_position for whitespace calculation #3150 (thanks @mauryaland)
  • gather dev and test labels if the dataset is available #3162 (thanks @helpmefindaname)

Bug fixes

Release 0.12.1

10 Mar 15:32
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This is a quick follow-up release to 0.12 that fixes a few small bugs and includes an improved version of our Zelda entity linker.

New Entity Linking model

We include a new version of our Zelda entity linker with improved predictions. Try it as follows:

from flair.nn import Classifier
from import Sentence

# load the model
tagger = Classifier.load('linker')

# make a sentence
sentence = Sentence('Kirk and Spock met on the Enterprise.')

# predict NER tags

# print predicted entities
for label in sentence.get_labels():

This should print:

Span[0:1]: "Kirk" → James_T._Kirk (0.9969)
Span[2:3]: "Spock" → Spock (0.9971)
Span[6:7]: "Enterprise" → USS_Enterprise_(NCC-1701-D) (0.975)

Indicating correctly that the span "Kirk" points to "James_T._Kirk". As the prediction for the string "Enterprise" shows, the model is still beta and will be further improved with future releases.

Bug fixes

  • make transformer training vocab optional #3132
  • change token.get_tag() to token.get_label() #3135
  • update required version of transformers library #3138
  • update HunFlair tutorial to Flair 0.12 #3137

Release 0.12

06 Mar 10:17
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Release 0.12 is out! This release greatly simplifies model usage for our users, includes our first entity linking model, adds support for the Ukrainian language, adds easy-to-use multitask learning, and many more features, improvements and bug fixes!

New Features

Simplify Flair model usage #3067

You can now load any Flair model through its parent class. Since most models inherit from Classifier, you can load and run multiple different models with exactly the same code. So, to run three different taggers for sentiment, entities and frames, do:

from import Sentence
from flair.nn import Classifier

# load three taggers to tag entities, frames and sentiment
tagger_1 = Classifier.load('ner')
tagger_2 = Classifier.load('frame')
tagger_3 = Classifier.load('sentiment')

# example sentence
sentence = Sentence('Dirk celebrated in Essen')

# predict with all three models

# print all predictions
for label in sentence.get_labels():

With this change, users no longer need to know which model classes implement which model. For more advanced users who do know this, the regular way for loading a model still works:

sentiment_tagger = TextClassifier.load('sentiment')

Entity Linking (BETA)

As of Flair 0.12 we ship an experimental entity linker trained on the Zelda dataset. The linker not only tags entities, but also attempts to link each entity to the corresponding Wikipedia URL if one exists.

To illustrate, let's use a short example text with two mentions of "Barcelona". The first refers to the football club "FC Barcelona", the second to the city "Barcelona".

from flair.nn import Classifier
from import Sentence

# load the model
tagger = Classifier.load('linker')

# make a sentence
sentence = Sentence('Bayern played against Barcelona. The match took place in Barcelona.')

# predict NER tags

# print sentence with predicted tags

This should print:

Sentence[12]: "Bayern played against Barcelona. The match took place in Barcelona." → ["Bayern"/FC_Bayern_Munich, "Barcelona"/FC_Barcelona, "Barcelona"/Barcelona]

As we can see, the linker can resolve what the two mentions of "Barcelona" refer to:

  • the first mention "Barcelona" is linked to "FC_Barcelona"
  • the second mention "Barcelona" is linked to "Barcelona"

Additionally, the mention "Bayern" is linked to "FC_Bayern_Munich", telling us that here the football club is meant.

Entity linking support includes:

  • Support for the ZELDA candidate lists #3108 #3111
  • Support for the ZELDA training and evaluation dataset #3088

Support for Ukrainian language #3026

This version adds support for Ukrainian taggers, embeddings and datasets. For instance, to do NER and POS tagging of a Ukrainian sentence, do:

# Load Ukrainian NER and POS taggers
from flair.models import SequenceTagger

ner_tagger = SequenceTagger.load('ner-ukrainian')
pos_tagger = SequenceTagger.load('pos-ukrainian')

# Tag a sentence
from import Sentence
sentence = Sentence("Сьогодні в Знам’янці проживають нащадки поета — родина Шкоди.")


# ”Сьогодні в Знам’янці проживають нащадки поета — родина Шкоди." → 
# [“Сьогодні"/ADV, "в"/ADP, "Знам’янці"/LOC, "Знам’янці"/PROPN, "проживають”/VERB, "нащадки"/NOUN, "поета"/NOUN, "—"/PUNCT, "родина"/NOUN, "Шкоди”/PERS, "Шкоди"/PROPN, "."/PUNCT]

Multitask Learning (#2910 #3085 #3101)

We add support for multitask learning in Flair (closes #2508 and closes #1260) with hopefully a simple syntax to define multiple tasks that share parts of the model.

The most common part to share is the transformer, which you might want to fine-tune across several tasks. Instantiate a transformer embedding and pass it to two separate models that you instantiate as before:

# --- Embeddings that are shared by both models --- #
shared_embedding = TransformerDocumentEmbeddings("distilbert-base-uncased", fine_tune=True)

# --- Task 1: Sentiment Analysis (5-class) --- #

model_1 = TextClassifier(shared_embedding,

# -- Task 2: Binary Sentiment Analysis on Customer Reviews -- #
corpus_2 = SENTEVAL_CR()

model_2 = TextClassifier(shared_embedding,

# -- Define mapping (which tagger should train on which model) -- #
multitask_model, multicorpus = make_multitask_model_and_corpus(
        (model_1, corpus_1),
        (model_2, corpus_2),

# -- Create model trainer and train -- #
trainer = ModelTrainer(multitask_model, multicorpus)

The mapping part here defines which tagger should be trained on which corpus. By calling make_multitask_model_and_corpus with a mapping, you get a corpus and model object that you can train as before.

Explicit context boundaries in Transformer embeddings #3073 #3078

We improve our FLERT model by now explicitly marking up context boundaries using a new [FLERT] special token in our transformer embeddings. Our experiments show that the context marker leads to improved NER results:

Transformer Context-Marker CoNLL-03 Test F1
bert-base-uncased none 91.52 - 0.16
[SEP] 91.38 - 0.18
[FLERT] 91.56 - 0.17
xlm-roberta-large none 93.73 - 0.2
[SEP] 93.76 - 0.13
[FLERT] 93.92 - 0.14

In the table, none is the approach used in previous Flair versions. [SEP] means using the standard separator symbol as context delimiter. [FLERT] means using a new dedicated special token.

As [FLERT] performs best in our experiments, the [FLERT] context marker is now activated by default.

More details: Assume the current sentence is Peter Blackburn and the previous sentence ends with to boycott British lamb ., while the next sentence starts with BRUSSELS 1996-08-22 The European Commission.

In this case,

  1. if use_context_separator=False, the embedding is produced from this string: to boycott British lamb . Peter Blackburn BRUSSELS 1996-08-22 The European Commission
  2. if use_context_separator=True, the embedding is produced from this string to boycott British lamb . [FLERT] Peter Blackburn [FLERT] BRUSSELS 1996-08-22 The European Commission

Integrate transformer-smaller-training-vocab #3066

We integrate the transformer-smaller-training-vocab library into the ModelTrainer. With it, you can reduce the size of transformer models when training and evaluating models on specific datasets. This leads to faster training times and a smaller memory footprint. Documentation on this new feature will be added soon!

Masked Relation Classifier #2748 #2993 with various Encoding Strategies #3023 (BETA)

We now include BETA support a new type of relation extraction model that leads to much higher accuracies than our vanilla relation extraction, but increases computational costs. Documentation for this will be added as we iterate on the model.

ONNX compatible models #2640 #2643 #3041 #3075

This release continues the journey on making our models more ONNX compatible.

Other features

  • Add push to Hub functionalities #2897
  • Add layoutlm layoutxlm support and the the SROIE dataset #2980
  • Convenience method for learning rate factor #2888 #2893

New Datasets

  • Add fewnerd corpus #3103
  • Add support for NERMuD 2023 Dataset #3087
  • Adds ZELDA Entity Linking dataset #3088
  • Added Ukrainian NER and UD datasets #3069
  • Add support MasakhaNER v2 dataset #3013
  • Add support for MultiCoNerV2 #3006
  • Add support for new ICDAR Europeana NER Dataset #2911
  • datasets: add support for HIPE-2022 #2735 #2827 #2805

Major refactorings

  • Unify loss reduction by making sure that all losses are summed over all points, instead of averaged #2933 #2910
  • Python 3.7 #2769
  • Flatten DefaultClassifier interface #2978
  • Restructure Tokenizer and Splitter modules #3002
  • Refactor Token and Sentence Positional Properties #3001
  • Seralization of embeddings #3011

Various Improvements


  • add functionality for using proxies #3082
  • add option not to shuffle the first epoch #3076
  • improved Tars Context #3063
  • release optimizer memory and fix legacy tokenization #3043
  • add time elapsed to training printout #2983
  • separate between token-lengths and sub-token lengths #2990
  • small speed optimizations #2975
  • change output of .text to original string #2974
  • remove BAD_EPOCHS printout for most schedulers #2970
  • warn if resuming with too low max_epochs & ' additional_epochs' parameter #2895
  • embeddings: add support for T5 encoder models #2896
  • add py.typed file for PEP-561 compatibility #2858
  • tars classifier always predict something on single label #2838
  • make add_unk optional and don't use it for ner #2839
  • add deprecation warning for SentenceDataset rename #2819
  • more precise type hint for eval_on_train_fraction #2811
  • better handling for consecutive whitespaces in Sentence #2721(already in flair 0.11.3)
  • remove unnecessary more-itertools pin #2730 (already in flair 0.11.3)
  • add exclude_labels parameter to trainer.train #2724 ...
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Release 0.11

10 Apr 20:35
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Release 0.11 is taking us ever closer to that 1.0 release! This release makes large internal refactorings and code quality / efficiency improvements to prepare Flair 1.0. We also add new features such as text clustering, a regular expression tagger, more dataset manipulation options, and some preview features like a prototype decoder.

New Features

Regular Expression Tagger (#2533)

You can now do sequence labeling in Flair with regular expressions! Simply define a RegexpTagger and add some regular expressions, like in the example below:

# sentence with a number and two quotes
sentence = Sentence('Figure 11 is both "too colorful" and "not informative enough".')

# instantiate regex tagger with a quote matching pattern
tagger = RegexpTagger(mapping=(r'(["\'])(?:(?=(\\?))\2.)*?\1', 'QUOTE'))

# also add a number mapping
tagger.register_labels(mapping=(r'\b\d \b', 'NUMBER'))

# tag sentence

# check out matches
for entity in sentence.get_labels():

Clustering with Flair (#2573 #2619)

Flair now supports clustering by ways of sklearn. Embed your sentences with a pre-trained embedding like below, then cluster then with any algorithm. Check the example below where we use sentence transformers and k-means clustering. A 'trained' clustering model can be saved and loaded for prediction, just like and other Flair classifier:

from sklearn.cluster import KMeans

from import Sentence
from flair.datasets import TREC_6
from flair.embeddings import SentenceTransformerDocumentEmbeddings
from flair.models import ClusteringModel

embeddings = SentenceTransformerDocumentEmbeddings()
# store all embeddings in memory which is required to perform clustering
corpus = TREC_6(memory_mode='full').downsample(0.05)

clustering_model = ClusteringModel(model=KMeans(n_clusters=6), embeddings=embeddings)

# fit the model on a corpus

# save the model"")

# load saved clustering model
model = ClusteringModel.load(model_file="")

# make example sentence
sentence = Sentence('Getting error in manage categories - not found for attribute "navigation _ column"')

# predict for sentence

# print sentence with prediction

Dataset Manipulations

You can now change label names, ignore labels and add custom preprocessing when loading a dataset.

For instance, the standard WNUT_17 dataset comes with 7 NER labels:

corpus = WNUT_17(in_memory=False)

which prints:

Dictionary with 7 tags: <unk>, person, location, group, corporation, product, creative-work

With the following code, you rename some labels ('person' is renamed to 'PER'), merge 2 labels into 1 ('group' and 'corporation' are merged into 'LOC'), and ignore 2 other labels ('creative-work' and 'product' are ignored):

corpus = WNUT_17(in_memory=False, label_name_map={
    'person': 'PER',
    'location': 'LOC',
    'group': 'ORG',
    'corporation': 'ORG',
    'product': 'O',
    'creative-work': 'O', # by renaming to 'O' this tag gets ignored

which prints:

Dictionary with 4 tags: <unk>, PER, LOC, ORG

You can manipulate the data even more with custom preprocessing functions. See the example in #2708.

Other New Features and Data Sets

  • A new WordTagger class for simple word-level predictions (#2607)
  • Classic WordEmbeddings can now be fine-tuned in Flair (#2491) by setting fine_tune=True. Also adds fine-tuning mode of which seem to "reduce gradient variance that comes from the highly non-uniform distribution of input tokens"
  • Add NER_MULTI_CONER Dataset (#2507)
  • Add support for HIPE 2022 (#2675)
  • Allow trainer to work with mutliple learning rates (#2641)
  • Update hyperparameter tuning (#2633)

Preview Features

Some preview features in beta stage, use at your own risk.

Prototypical networks in Flair (#2627)

Prototype networks learn prototypes for each target class. For each data point to be classified, the network predicts a vector in class-prototype-space, which is then compared to all class prototypes.The prediction is then the closest class prototype. See paper Prototypical Networks for Few-shot Learning for more info.

@plonerma implemented a custom decoder that can be added to any Flair model that inherits from DefaultClassifier (i.e. early all Flair models). For instance, use this script:

from import Corpus
from flair.datasets import UP_ENGLISH
from flair.embeddings import TransformerWordEmbeddings
from flair.models import WordTagger
from flair.nn import PrototypicalDecoder
from flair.trainers import ModelTrainer

# what tag do we want to predict?
tag_type = 'frame'

# get a corpus
corpus: Corpus = UP_ENGLISH().downsample(0.1)

# make the tag dictionary from the corpus
tag_dictionary = corpus.make_label_dictionary(label_type=tag_type)

# initialize simple embeddings
embeddings = TransformerWordEmbeddings(model="distilbert-base-uncased",

# initialize prototype decoder
decoder = PrototypicalDecoder(num_prototypes=len(tag_dictionary),

# initialize the WordTagger, but pass the prototype decoder
tagger = WordTagger(embeddings,

# initialize trainer
trainer = ModelTrainer(tagger, corpus)

# run training

Other Beta features

  • Dependency Parsing in Flair (#2486 #2579)
  • Lemmatization in Flair (#2531)
  • Initial implementation of JsonCorpora and Datasets (#2653)

Major Refactorings

With Flair expanding to many new NLP tasks (relation extraction, entity linking, etc.) and model types, we made a number of refactorings to reduce redundancy and make it easier to extend Flair.

Major refactoring of Label Logic in Flair (#2607 #2609 #2645)

The labeling logic was growing too complex to accommodate new tasks. With this release, we refactored this logic such that complex label classes like SpanLabel, RelationLabel etc. are removed in favor of a single Label class for all types of label. The Sentence object will now be automatically aware of all labels added to it.

To illustrate the difference, consider a before-and-after of how to add an entity label to a sentence.


# example sentence
sentence = Sentence("Humboldt Universität zu Berlin is located in Berlin .")

# create span for "Humboldt Universität zu Berlin"
span = Span(sentence[0:4])

# make a Span-label
span_label = SpanLabel(span=span, value='University')

# add Span-label to sentence
sentence.add_complex_label(typename='ner',  label=span_label)


# example sentence
sentence = Sentence("Humboldt Universität zu Berlin is located in Berlin .")

# directly add a label to the span "Humboldt Universität zu Berlin"
sentence[0:4].add_label("ner", "Organization")

So you can now just get a span from the sentence and add a label to it directly. It will get registered on the sentence as well.

Refactoring of printouts (#2704)

We changed and unified printouts across all Flair data points and labels, and updated the documentation to reflect this. Printouts should hopefully now be more concise. Let us know what you think.

Unified classes to reduce redundancy

Next to too many Label classes (see above), we also had too many corpora that essentially do the same thing, two partially overlapping transformer embedding classes and too much redundancy in our tokenization classes. This release makes many refactorings to make the code more maintainable:

  • Unify Corpora (#2607): Unifies several corpora into a single object. Before, we had ColumnCorpus, UniversalDependenciesCorpus, CoNNLuCorpus, and EntityLinkingCorpus, which resulted in too much redundancy. Now, there is only the ColumnCorpus for all such datasets
  • Unify Transformer Embeddings (#2558, #2584, #2586): There was too much redundancy and inconsistency between the two Transformer-based embeddings classes TransformerWordEmbedding and TransformerDocumentEmbedding. Thanks to @helpmefindaname, they now both inherit from the same base object and now share all features.
  • Unify Tokenizers (#2607) : The Tokenizer classes no longer return lists of Token, rather lists of strings that the Sentence object converts to tokens, centralizing the offset and whitespace_after detection in one place.

Simplifications to DefaultClassifier

The DefaultClassifier is the base class for nearly all models in Flair. With this release, we make a number of simplifications to reduce redundancy across classes and make it more modular.

  • forward_pass simplified to return 3 instead of 4 arguments
  • forward_pass returns embeddings instead of logits allowing us to easily switch out the decoder (see Beta feature on Prototype Networks below)
  • removed the unintuitive spawn logic we no longer need due to Label refactoring
  • unify dropouts across all classes (#2669)

Sequence tagger refactoring (#2361 #2550, #2561,#2564, #2585, #2565)

Major refactoring of SequenceTagger for better modularity and cod...

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Release 0.10

18 Nov 08:33
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This release adds several new features such as in-built "model cards" for all Flair models, the first pre-trained models for Relation Extraction, better support for fine-tuning and a refactoring of the model training methods for more flexibility. It also fixes a number of critical bugs that were introduced by the refactorings in Flair 0.9.

Model Trainer Enhancements

Breaking change: We changed the ModelTrainer such that you now no longer pass the optimizer during initialization. Rather, it is now passed as a parameter of the train or fine_tune method.

Old syntax:

# 1. initialize trainer with AdamW optimizer
trainer = ModelTrainer(classifier, corpus, optimizer=torch.optim.AdamW)

# 2. run training with small learning rate and mini-batch size

New syntax (optimizer is parameter of train method):

# 1. initialize trainer 
trainer = ModelTrainer(classifier, corpus)

# 2. run training with AdamW, small learning rate and mini-batch size

Convenience function for fine-tuning (#2439)

Adds a fine_tune routine that sets default parameters used for fine-tuning (AdamW optimizer, small learning rate, few epochs, cyclic learning rate scheduling, etc.). Uses the new linear scheduler with warmup (#2415).

New syntax with fine_tune method:

from import Corpus
from flair.datasets import TREC_6
from flair.embeddings import TransformerDocumentEmbeddings
from flair.models import TextClassifier
from flair.trainers import ModelTrainer

# 1. get the corpus
corpus: Corpus = TREC_6()

# 2. what label do we want to predict?
label_type = 'question_class'

# 3. create the label dictionary
label_dict = corpus.make_label_dictionary(label_type=label_type)

# 4. initialize transformer document embeddings (many models are available)
document_embeddings = TransformerDocumentEmbeddings('distilbert-base-uncased', fine_tune=True)

# 5. create the text classifier
classifier = TextClassifier(document_embeddings, label_dictionary=label_dict, label_type=label_type)

# 6. initialize trainer
trainer = ModelTrainer(classifier, corpus)

# 7. run training with fine-tuning

Model Cards (#2457)

When you train any Flair model, a "model card" will now automatically be saved that stores all training parameters and versions used to train this model. Later when you load a Flair model, you can print the model card and understand how the model was trained.

The following example trains a small POS-tagger and prints the model card in the end:

# initialize corpus and make label dictionary for POS tags
corpus = UD_ENGLISH().downsample(0.01)
tag_type = "pos"
tag_dictionary = corpus.make_label_dictionary(tag_type)

# simple sequence tagger
tagger = SequenceTagger(hidden_size=256,

# initialize model trainer and experiment path
trainer = ModelTrainer(tagger, corpus)
path = f'resources/taggers/model-card'

# train for a few epochs

# load best model and print "model card"
trained_model = SequenceTagger.load(path   '/')

This should print a model card like:

--------- Flair Model Card ---------
- this Flair model was trained with:
-- Flair version 0.9
-- PyTorch version 1.7.1
-- Transformers version 4.8.1
------- Training Parameters: -------
-- base_path = resources/taggers/model-card
-- learning_rate = 0.1
-- mini_batch_size = 32
-- mini_batch_chunk_size = None
-- max_epochs = 20
-- train_with_dev = False
-- train_with_test = False
[... shortened ...]

Resume training any model (#2457)

Previously, we distinguished between checkpoints and model files. Now all models can function as checkpoints, meaning you can load them and continue training them. Say you want to load the model above (trained to epoch 20) and continue training it to epoch 25. Do it like this:

# resume training best model, but this time until epoch 25
               base_path=path   '-resume',

Pass optimizer and scheduler instance

You can also now pass an initialized optimizer and scheduler to the train and fine_tune methods.

Multi-Label Predictions and Confidence Threshold in TARS models (#2430)

Adding the possibility to set confidence thresholds on multi-label prediction in TARS, and setting whether a problem is single-label or multi-label:

from flair.models import TARSClassifier
from import Sentence

# 1. Load our pre-trained TARS model for English
tars: TARSClassifier = TARSClassifier.load('tars-base')

# switch to a multi-label task (emotion detection)

# sentence with two emotions
sentence = Sentence("I am happy and sad")

# predict normally

# predict with lower label threshold (you can set this to 0. to get all labels)
tars.predict(sentence, label_threshold=0.01)

# predict and enforce a single-label prediction
tars.predict(sentence, label_threshold=0.01, multi_label=False)

Relation Extraction ( #2471 #2492)

We refactored the RelationExtractor for more options, hopefully better code clarity and small speed improvements.

We also added two few relation extraction models, trained over a modified version of TACRED: relations and relations-fast. To use these models, you also need an entity tagger. The tagger identifies entities, then the relation extractor possible entities.

For instance use this code:

from import Sentence
from flair.models import RelationExtractor, SequenceTagger

# 1. make example sentence
sentence = Sentence("George was born in Washington")

# 2. load entity tagger and predict entities
tagger = SequenceTagger.load('ner-fast')

# check which entities have been found in the sentence
entities = sentence.get_labels('ner')
for entity in entities:

# 3. load relation extractor
extractor: RelationExtractor = RelationExtractor.load('relations-fast')

# predict relations

# check which relations have been found
relations = sentence.get_labels('relation')
for relation in relations:


  • Refactoring of WordEmbeddings to avoid gensim version issues and enable further fine-tuning of pre-trained embeddings (#2491)
  • Refactoring of OneHotEmbeddings to fix errors caused by some corpora and enable "stable embeddings" (#2490 )

Other Enhancements and Bug Fixes

  • Compatibility with gensim 4 and Python 3.9 (#2496)
  • Fix TransformerWordEmbeddings if model_max_length not set in Tokenizer (#2502)
  • Fix TransformerWordEmbeddings handling of lang ids (#2417)
  • Fix attention mask for special Transformer architectures (#2485)
  • Fix regression model (#2424)
  • Fix problems caused by refactoring of Dictionary (#2429 #2435 #2453)
  • Fix infinite loop in Span::to_original_text (#2462)
  • Fix result object in ModelTrainer (#2519)
  • Fix bug in wsd_ufsac corpus (#2521)
  • Fix bugs in TARS and simple sequence tagger (#2468)
  • Add Amharic FLAIR EMBEDDING model (#2494)
  • Add MultiCoNer Dataset (#2507)
  • Add Korean Flair Tutorials (#2516 #2517)
  • Remove hyperparameter features (#2518)
  • Make it optional to create logfiles and loss files (#2421)
  • Small simplification of TransformerWordEmbeddings (#2425)

Release 0.9

29 Aug 23:23
Choose a tag to compare

With release 0.9 we are refactoring Flair for simplicity and speed, to make Flair faster and more easily scale to new NLP tasks. The first new tasks included in this release are Relation Extraction (RE), support for GLUE benchmark tasks and Entity Linking - all in beta for early adopters! We're working towards a Flair 1.0 release that will span the whole suite of standard NLP tasks. Also included is a new approach for Zero-Shot Sequence Labeling based on TARS! This release also includes a wealth of new datasets for all these tasks and tons of other new features and bug fixes.

Zero-Shot Sequence Labeling with TARS (#2260)

We extend the TARS zero-shot learning approach to sequence labeling and ship a pre-trained model for English NER. Try defining some classes and see if the model can find them:

# 1. Load zero-shot NER tagger
tars = TARSTagger.load('tars-ner')

# 2. Prepare some test sentences
sentences = [
    Sentence("The Humboldt University of Berlin is situated near the Spree in Berlin, Germany"),
    Sentence("Bayern Munich played against Real Madrid"),
    Sentence("I flew with an Airbus A380 to Peru to pick up my Porsche Cayenne"),
    Sentence("Game of Thrones is my favorite series"),

# 3. Define some classes of named entities such as "soccer teams", "TV shows" and "rivers"
labels = ["Soccer Team", "University", "Vehicle", "River", "City", "Country", "Person", "Movie", "TV Show"]
tars.add_and_switch_to_new_task('task 1', labels, label_type='ner')

# 4. Predict for these classes and print results
for sentence in sentences:

This should print:

The Humboldt <B-University> University <I-University> of <I-University> Berlin <E-University> is situated near the Spree <S-River> in Berlin <S-City> , Germany <S-Country>

Bayern <B-Soccer Team> Munich <E-Soccer Team> played against Real <B-Soccer Team> Madrid <E-Soccer Team>

I flew with an Airbus <B-Vehicle> A380 <E-Vehicle> to Peru <S-City> to pick up my Porsche <B-Vehicle> Cayenne <E-Vehicle>

Game <B-TV Show> of <I-TV Show> Thrones <E-TV Show> is my favorite series

So in these examples, we are finding entity classes such as "TV show" (Game of Thrones), "vehicle" (Airbus A380 and Porsche Cayenne), "soccer team" (Bayern Munich and Real Madrid) and "river" (Spree), even though the model was never explicitly trained for this. Note that this is ongoing research and the examples are a bit cherry-picked. We expect the zero-shot model to improve quite a bit until the next release.

New NLP Tasks and Datasets

We prototypically now support new tasks such as GLUE benchmark, Relation Extraction and Entity Linking. With this, we ship the datasets and model classes you need to train your own models. But we are still tweaking both methods, meaning that we don't ship any pre-trained models as-of-yet.

GLUE Benchmark (#2149 #2363)

A standard benchmark to evaluate progress in language understanding, mostly consisting of single and pairwise sentence classification tasks.

New datasets in Flair:

  • 'GLUE_COLA' - The Corpus of Linguistic Acceptability from GLUE benchmark
  • 'GLUE_MNLI' - The Multi-Genre Natural Language Inference Corpus from the GLUE benchmark
  • 'GLUE_RTE' - The RTE task from the GLUE benchmark
  • 'GLUE_QNLI' - The Stanford Question Answering Dataset formated as NLI task from the GLUE benchmark
  • 'GLUE_WNLI' - The Winograd Schema Challenge formated as NLI task from the GLUE benchmark
  • 'GLUE_MRPC' - The MRPC task from GLUE benchmark
  • 'GLUE_QQP' - The Quora Question Pairs dataset where the task is to determine whether a pair of questions are semantically equivalent

Initialize datasets like so:

from flair.datasets import GLUE_QNLI

# load corpus
corpus = GLUE_QNLI()

# print corpus

# print first sentence-pair of training data split

# print all labels in corpus

Relation Extraction (#2333 #2352)

Relation extraction classifies if and which relationship holds between two entities in a text.

Model class: RelationExtractor

Datasets in Flair:

Initialize datasets like so:

# initalize CoNLL 04 corpus for Relation extraction
corpus = RE_ENGLISH_CONLL04()

# print first sentence of training split with annotations
sentence = corpus.train[0]

# print label dictionary
label_dict = corpus.make_label_dictionary("relation")

Entity Linking (#2375)

Entity Linking goes one step further than NER and uniquely links entities to knowledge bases such as Wikipedia.

Model class: EntityLinker

Datasets in Flair:

from flair.datasets import NEL_ENGLISH_REDDIT

# load corpus

# print corpus

# print a sentence of training data split

New NER Datasets

Other datasets

New Functionality

Support for Arabic NER (#2188)

Flair now supports NER and POS tagging for Arabic. To tag an Arabic sentence, just load the appropriate model:

# load model
tagger = SequenceTagger.load('ar-ner')

# make Arabic sentence
sentence = Sentence("احب برلين")

# predict NER tags

# print sentence with predicted tags
for entity in sentence.get_labels('ner'):

This should print:

LOC [برلين (2)] (0.9803) 

More flexibility on main metric (#2161)

When training models, you can now chose any standard evaluation metric for model selection (previously it was fixed to micro F1). When calling the trainer, simply pass the desired metric as main_evaluation_metric like so:

              main_evaluation_metric=("macro avg", 'f1-score'),

In this example, we now use macro F1 instead of the default micro F1.

Add handling for mapping labels to 'O' #2254

In ColumnDataset, labels can be remapped to other labels. But sometimes you may not wish to use all label types in a given dataset.
You can now remap them to 'O' and so exclude them.

For instance, to load CoNLL-03 without MISC, do:

corpus = CONLL_03(
    label_name_map={'MISC': 'O'}


  • add per-label thresholds for prediction (#2366)
  • add support for Spanish clinical Flair embeddings (#2323)
  • added 'mean', 'max' pooling strategy for TransformerDocumentEmbeddings class (#2180)
  • new DocumentCNNEmbeddings class to embed text with a trainable CNN (#2141)
  • allow negative ...
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Release 0.8

05 Mar 11:57
Choose a tag to compare

Release 0.8 adds major new features to Flair, including our best named entity recognition (NER) models yet and the ability to host, share and test Flair models on the HuggingFace model hub! In addition, there is a host of improvements, new features and new datasets to check out!

FLERT (#2031 #2032 #2104)

This release adds the "FLERT" approach to train sequence tagging models using cross-sentence features as presented in our recent paper. This yields new state-of-the-art models which we include in Flair, as well as the features to easily train your own "FLERT" models.

Pre-trained FLERT models (#2130)

We add 5 new NER models for English (4-class and 18-class), German, Dutch and Spanish (4-class each). Load for instance with:

from import Sentence
from flair.models import SequenceTagger

# load tagger
tagger = SequenceTagger.load("ner-large")

# make example sentence
sentence = Sentence("George Washington went to Washington")

# predict NER tags

# print sentence

# print predicted NER spans
print('The following NER tags are found:')
# iterate over entities and print
for entity in sentence.get_spans('ner'):

If you want to test these models in action, for instance the new large English Ontonotes model with 18 classes, you can now use the hosted inference API on the HF model hub, like here.

Contextualized Sentences

In order to enable cross-sentence context, we made some changes to the Sentence object and data readers:

  1. Sentence objects now have next_sentence() and previous_sentence() methods that are set automatically if loaded through ColumnCorpus. This is a pointer system to navigate through sentences in a corpus:
# load corpus
corpus = MIT_MOVIE_NER_SIMPLE(in_memory=False)

# get a sentence
sentence = corpus.test[123]
# get the previous sentence
# get the sentence after that
# get the sentence after the next sentence

This allows dynamic computation of contexts in the embedding classes.

  1. Sentence objects now have the is_document_boundary field which is set through the ColumnCorpus. In some datasets, there are sentences like "-DOCSTART-" that just indicate document boundaries. This is now recorded as a boolean in the object.

Refactored TransformerWordEmbeddings (breaking)

TransformerWordEmbeddings refactored for dynamic context, robustness to long sentences and readability. The names of some constructor arguments have changed for clarity: pooling_operation is now subtoken_pooling (to make clear that we pool subtokens), use_scalar_mean is now layer_mean (we only do a simple layer mean) and use_context can now optionally take an integer to indicate the length of the context. Default arguments are also changed.

For instance, to create embeddings with a document-level context of 64 subtokens, init like this:

embeddings = TransformerWordEmbeddings(

Train your Own FLERT Models

You can train a FLERT-model like this:

import torch

from import Sentence
from flair.datasets import CONLL_03, WNUT_17
from flair.embeddings import TransformerWordEmbeddings, DocumentPoolEmbeddings, WordEmbeddings
from flair.models import SequenceTagger
from flair.trainers import ModelTrainer

corpus = CONLL_03()

use_context = 64
hf_model = 'xlm-roberta-large'

embeddings = TransformerWordEmbeddings(

tag_dictionary = corpus.make_tag_dictionary('ner')

# init bare-bones tagger (no reprojection, LSTM or CRF)
tagger: SequenceTagger = SequenceTagger(

# train with XLM parameters (AdamW, 20 epochs, small LR)
trainer = ModelTrainer(tagger, corpus, optimizer=torch.optim.AdamW)
from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import OneCycleLR

context_string = ' context' if use_context else ''


We recommend training FLERT this way if accuracy is by far the most important feature you need. FLERT is quite slow since it works on the document-level.

HuggingFace model hub integration (#2040 #2108 #2115)

We now host Flair sequence tagging models on the HF model hub (thanks for all the support @huggingface!).

Overview of all models. There is a dedicated 'Flair' tag on the hub, so to get a list of all Flair models, check here.

The hub allows all users to upload and share their own models. Even better, you can enable the Inference API and so test all models online without downloading and running them. For instance, you can test our new very powerful English 18-class NER model here.

To load any sequence tagger on the model hub, use the string identifier when instantiating a model. For instance, to load our English ontonotes model with the id "flair/ner-english-ontonotes-large", do

from import Sentence
from flair.models import SequenceTagger

# load tagger
tagger = SequenceTagger.load("flair/ner-english-ontonotes-large")

# make example sentence
sentence = Sentence("On September 1st George won 1 dollar while watching Game of Thrones.")

# predict NER tags

# print sentence

# print predicted NER spans
print('The following NER tags are found:')
# iterate over entities and print
for entity in sentence.get_spans('ner'):

Other New Features

New Task: Recognizing Textual Entailment (#2123)

Thanks to @marcelmmm we now support training textual entailment tasks (in fact, all pairwise sentence classification tasks) in Flair.

For instance, if you want to train an RTE task of the GLUE benchmark use this script:

import torch

from import Corpus
from flair.datasets import GLUE_RTE
from flair.embeddings import TransformerDocumentEmbeddings

# 1. get the entailment corpus
corpus: Corpus = GLUE_RTE()

# 2. make the tag dictionary from the corpus
label_dictionary = corpus.make_label_dictionary()

# 3. initialize text pair tagger
from flair.models import TextPairClassifier

tagger = TextPairClassifier(

# 4. train trainer with AdamW
from flair.trainers import ModelTrainer

trainer = ModelTrainer(tagger, corpus, optimizer=torch.optim.AdamW)

# 5. run training
              mini_batch_chunk_size=2, # this can be removed if you hae a big GPU

Add possibility to specify empty label name to CSV corpora (#2068)

Some CSV classification datasets contain a value that means "no class". We now extend the CSVClassificationDataset so that it is possible to specify which value should be skipped using the no_class_label argument.

For instance:

# load corpus
corpus = CSVClassificationCorpus(
    column_name_map={3: 'text', 4: 'label', 5: 'label', 6: 'label', 7: 'label', 8: 'label', 9: 'label'},

This causes all entries of NONE in one of the label columns to be skipped.

More options for splits in corpora and training (#2034)

For various reasons, we might want to have a Corpus that does not define all three splits (train/dev/test). For instance, we might want to train a model over the entire dataset and not hold out any data for validation/evaluation.

We add several ways of doing so.

  1. If a dataset has predefined splits, like most NLP datasets, you can pass the arguments train_with_test and train_with_dev to the ModelTrainer. This causes the trainer to train over all three splits (and do no evaluation):
  1. You can also now create a Corpus with fewer splits without having all three splits automatically sampled. Pass sample_missing_splits=False as argument to do this. For instance, to load SemCor WSD corpus only as training data, do:
semcor = WSD_UFSAC(train_file='semcor.xml', sample_missing_splits=False, autofind_splits=False)

Add TFIDF Embeddings (#2086)

We added some old-school embeddings (thanks @yosipk), namely the legendary TF-IDF document embeddings. These are often good baselines, and additionally they keep NLP veterans nostalgic, if not happy.

To initialize these embeddings, you must pass the train split of your training corpus, i.e.

embeddings = DocumentTFIDFEmbeddings(corpus.train, max_features=10000)

This triggers the process where the most common words are used ...

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