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Firebase Cloud Messaging Quickstart

The Firebase Cloud Messaging Test Application (testapp) demonstrates receiving Firebase Cloud Messages using the Firebase Cloud Messaging C SDK. This application has no user interface and simply logs actions it's performing to the console.


Building and Running the testapp


  • Link your iOS app to the Firebase libraries.

    • Get CocoaPods version 1 or later by running,
    sudo gem install cocoapods --pre
    • From the testapp directory, install the CocoaPods listed in the Podfile by running,
    pod install
    • Open the generated Xcode workspace (which now has the CocoaPods),
    open testapp.xcworkspace
  • Register your iOS app with Firebase.

    • Create a new app on , and attach your iOS app to it.
      • For Messaging, you will need an App Store ID. Use something random such as 12345678."
      • You can use "" as the iOS Bundle ID while you're testing.
    • Add the GoogleService-Info.plist that you downloaded from Firebase console to the testapp root directory. This file identifies your iOS app to the Firebase backend.
  • Download the Firebase C SDK linked from and unzip it to a directory of your choice.

  • Add the following frameworks from the Firebase C SDK to the project:

    • frameworks/ios/universal/firebase.framework
    • frameworks/ios/universal/firebase_messaging.framework
    • You will need to either,
      1. Check "Copy items if needed" when adding the frameworks, or
      2. Add the framework path in "Framework Search Paths"
        • e.g. If you downloaded the Firebase C SDK to /Users/me/firebase_cpp_sdk, then you would add the path /Users/me/firebase_cpp_sdk/frameworks/ios/universal.
        • To add the path, in XCode, select your project in the project navigator, then select your target in the main window. Select the "Build Settings" tab, and click "All" to see all the build settings. Scroll down to "Search Paths", and add your path to "Framework Search Paths".
        • You need a valid APNs certificate. If you don't already have one, see Provisioning APNs SSL Certificates.
  • Configure the Xcode project for push messaging.

    • Select the testapp project from the Navigator area.
    • Select the testapp target from the Editor area.
    • Select the General tab from the Editor area.
    • Scroll down to Linked Frameworks and Libraries and click the button to add a framework.
      • In the window that appears, scroll to UserNotifications.framework and click on that entry, then click on Add. This framework will only appear in Xcode version 8 and higher, required by this library.
    • Select the Capabilities tab from the Editor area.
    • Switch Push Notifications to On.
    • Scroll down to Background Modes and switch it to On.
    • Tick the Remote notifications box under Background Modes.
  • In XCode, build & run the sample on an iOS device or simulator.

  • The testapp has no user interface. The output of the app can be viewed via the console. In Xcode, select View --> Debug Area --> Activate Console from the menu.


Register your Android app with Firebase.

  • Create a new app on , and attach your Android app to it.

  • You can use "" as the Package Name while you're testing.

  • To generate a SHA1 run this command (Note: the default password is 'android'):

    • Mac and Linux:

      keytool -exportcert -list -v -alias androiddebugkey -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore
    • Windows:

      keytool -exportcert -list -v -alias androiddebugkey -keystore %USERPROFILE%\.android\debug.keystore
  • If keytool reports that you do not have a debug.keystore, you can create one with:

    keytool -genkey -v -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -storepass android -alias androiddebugkey -keypass android -dname "CN=Android Debug,O=Android,C=US"
  • Add the google-services.json file that you downloaded from Firebase console to the root directory of testapp. This file identifies your Android app to the Firebase backend.

  • For further details please refer to the general instructions for setting up an Android app with Firebase.

  • Download the Firebase C SDK linked from and unzip it to a directory of your choice.

Configure your SDK paths

  • Configure the location of the Firebase C SDK by setting the firebase_cpp_sdk.dir Gradle property to the SDK install directory.
    • Run this command in the project directory, and modify the path to match your local installation path:

      echo "systemProp.firebase_cpp_sdk.dir=/User/$USER/firebase_cpp_sdk" >>
  • Ensure the Android SDK and NDK locations are set in Android Studio.
    • From the Android Studio launch menu, go to File/Project Structure... or Configure/Project Defaults/Project Structure... (Shortcut: Control Alt Shift S on windows, Command ";" on a mac) and download the SDK and NDK if the locations are not yet set.
    • Android Studio will write these paths to

Optional: Configure your deep link URL

  • To enable your app to receive deep links via FCM, you will need to add an intent filter to your AndroidManifest.xml in the native activity that associates your domain with your app.
  <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW"/>
  <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/>
  <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE"/>
  <data android:host="" android:scheme="http"/>
  <data android:host="" android:scheme="https"/>

Build & Run

  • Open build.gradle in Android Studio.
    • From the Android Studio launch menu, "Open an existing Android Studio project", and select build.gradle.
  • Install the SDK Platforms that Android Studio reports missing.
  • Build the testapp and run it on an Android device or emulator.
  • See below for usage instructions.


  • Register your app with Firebase.
    • Create a new app on the Firebase console, following the above instructions for Android or iOS.
    • If you have an Android project, add the google-services.json file that you downloaded from the Firebase console to the root directory of the testapp.
    • If you have an iOS project, and don't wish to use an Android project, you can use the Python script --plist, located in the Firebase C SDK, to convert your GoogleService-Info.plist file into a google-services-desktop.json file, which can then be placed in the root directory of the testapp.
  • Download the Firebase C SDK linked from and unzip it to a directory of your choice.
  • Configure the testapp with the location of the Firebase C SDK. This can be done a couple different ways (in highest to lowest priority):
    • When invoking cmake, pass in the location with -DFIREBASE_CPP_SDK_DIR=/path/to/firebase_cpp_sdk.
    • Set an environment variable for FIREBASE_CPP_SDK_DIR to the path to use.
    • Edit the CMakeLists.txt file, changing the FIREBASE_CPP_SDK_DIR path to the appropriate location.
  • From the testapp directory, generate the build files by running,
    cmake .
    If you want to use XCode, you can use -G"Xcode" to generate the project. Similarly, to use Visual Studio, -G"Visual Studio 15 2017". For more information, see CMake generators.
  • Build the testapp, by either opening the generated project file based on the platform, or running,
    cmake --build .
  • Execute the testapp by running,
    Note that the executable might be under another directory, such as Debug.
  • The testapp has no user interface, but the output can be viewed via the console. Note that Messaging uses a stubbed implementation on desktop, so functionality is not expected.

Using the Test App

  • Install and run the test app on your iOS or Android device or emulator.
  • The application has minimal user interface. The output of the app can be viewed via the console:
    • iOS: Open select "View --> Debug Area --> Activate Console" from the menu in Xcode.
    • Android: View the logcat output in Android studio or by running "adb logcat" from the command line.
  • When you first run the app, it will print: Received Registration Token: <code>. Copy this code to a text editor.
  • Copy the ServerKey from the firebase console:
    • Open your project in the Firebase Console.
    • Click the gear icon then Project settings in the menu on the left
    • Select the Cloud Messaging tab.
    • Copy the Server Key
  • Replace <Server Key> and <Registration Token> in this command and run it from the command line.
curl --header "Authorization: key=<Server Key>" --header "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"notification":{"title":"Hi","body":"Hello from the Cloud"},"data":{"score":"lots"},"to":"<Registration Token>"}'
  • Observe the command received in the app, via the console output.



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