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[firebase_storage]: Android crash : FlutterFirebaseStoragePlugin.removeEventListeners java.util.ConcurrentModificationException #16841

1 task done
Tom3652 opened this issue Dec 6, 2024 · 10 comments
platform: android Issues / PRs which are specifically for Android. plugin: storage resolution: needs-repro This issue could not be reproduced or needs an up to date reproduction on latest FlutterFire plugin. type: bug Something isn't working


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Tom3652 commented Dec 6, 2024

Is there an existing issue for this?

  • I have searched the existing issues.

Which plugins are affected?


Which platforms are affected?



I have received yesterday this crash from my Crashlytics dashboard in release mode :

 Fatal Exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to destroy activity {com.myappname/com.myappname.MainActivity}: java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
       at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
       at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(
       at android.os.Looper.loop(
       at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
 Caused by java.util.ConcurrentModificationException:
       at java.util.HashMap$HashIterator.nextNode(
       at java.util.HashMap$
       at io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngineConnectionRegistry.remove(
       at io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngineConnectionRegistry.remove(
       at io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngineConnectionRegistry.removeAll(
       at io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngineConnectionRegistry.destroy(
       at io.flutter.embedding.engine.FlutterEngine.destroy(
       at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
       at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(
       at android.os.Looper.loop(
       at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

Reproducing the issue

Unfortunately i can"t reproduce it and it happened in my live app on Android

Firebase Core version


Flutter Version


Relevant Log Output

No response

Flutter dependencies

Expand Flutter dependencies snippet
Dart SDK 3.5.4
Flutter SDK 3.24.5
myappname 1.8.0+1

- animated_text_kit 4.2.2 [flutter characters]
- app_links 6.3.2 [flutter app_links_linux app_links_platform_interface app_links_web]
- app_settings 5.1.1 [flutter plugin_platform_interface]
- app_tracking_transparency 2.0.6 [flutter]
- audio_waveforms 1.2.0 [flutter]
- auto_size_text 3.0.0 [flutter]
- cached_network_image 3.4.1 [cached_network_image_platform_interface cached_network_image_web flutter flutter_cache_manager octo_image]
- circle_list 1.0.5 [flutter]
- connectivity_plus 6.1.0 [flutter flutter_web_plugins connectivity_plus_platform_interface web meta nm collection]
- country_picker 2.0.27 [collection universal_io flutter]
- cupertino_back_gesture 0.1.0 [flutter]
- cupertino_icons 1.0.8
- emoji_picker_flutter 3.1.0 [flutter flutter_web_plugins plugin_platform_interface shared_preferences web]
- extended_image 9.0.7 [extended_image_library flutter meta vector_math]
- firebase_analytics 11.3.6 [firebase_analytics_platform_interface firebase_analytics_web firebase_core firebase_core_platform_interface flutter]
- firebase_app_check 0.3.1+7 [firebase_app_check_platform_interface firebase_app_check_web firebase_core firebase_core_platform_interface flutter]
- firebase_auth 5.3.4 [firebase_auth_platform_interface firebase_auth_web firebase_core firebase_core_platform_interface flutter meta]
- firebase_core 3.8.1 [firebase_core_platform_interface firebase_core_web flutter meta]
- firebase_crashlytics 4.2.0 [firebase_core firebase_core_platform_interface firebase_crashlytics_platform_interface flutter stack_trace]
- firebase_database 11.2.0 [firebase_core firebase_core_platform_interface firebase_database_platform_interface firebase_database_web flutter]
- firebase_in_app_messaging 0.8.0+11 [firebase_core firebase_core_platform_interface firebase_in_app_messaging_platform_interface flutter meta]
- firebase_messaging 15.1.6 [firebase_core firebase_core_platform_interface firebase_messaging_platform_interface firebase_messaging_web flutter meta]
- firebase_performance 0.10.0+11 [firebase_core firebase_core_platform_interface firebase_performance_platform_interface firebase_performance_web flutter]
- firebase_remote_config 5.2.0 [firebase_core firebase_core_platform_interface firebase_remote_config_platform_interface firebase_remote_config_web flutter]
- firebase_storage 12.3.7 [firebase_core firebase_core_platform_interface firebase_storage_platform_interface firebase_storage_web flutter]
- fl_chart 0.68.0 [equatable flutter]
- flutter 0.0.0 [characters collection material_color_utilities meta vector_math sky_engine]
- flutter_app_badger 1.3.0 [flutter]
- flutter_email_sender 6.0.3 [flutter]
- flutter_linkify 6.0.0 [flutter linkify]
- flutter_localizations 0.0.0 [flutter intl characters clock collection material_color_utilities meta path vector_math]
- flutter_secure_storage 9.2.2 [flutter flutter_secure_storage_linux flutter_secure_storage_macos flutter_secure_storage_platform_interface flutter_secure_storage_web flutter_secure_storage_windows meta]
- flutter_signin_button 2.0.0 [flutter font_awesome_flutter]
- flutter_svg 2.0.16 [flutter http vector_graphics vector_graphics_codec vector_graphics_compiler]
- fluttertoast 8.2.8 [flutter flutter_web_plugins web]
- gallery_saver 2.3.3 [flutter path_provider http path]
- gma_mediation_unity 1.1.0 [flutter google_mobile_ads plugin_platform_interface]
- google_fonts 6.2.1 [flutter http path_provider crypto]
- google_mobile_ads 5.2.0 [meta flutter webview_flutter_android webview_flutter_wkwebview webview_flutter]
- http 1.2.2 [async http_parser meta web]
- image_editor 1.6.0 [flutter image_editor_platform_interface image_editor_common image_editor_ohos]
- image_picker 1.1.2 [flutter image_picker_android image_picker_for_web image_picker_ios image_picker_linux image_picker_macos image_picker_platform_interface image_picker_windows]
- in_app_review 2.0.10 [flutter in_app_review_platform_interface]
- login 0.0.1 [flutter firebase_core firebase_auth firebase_app_check connectivity_plus google_sign_in]
- lottie 3.1.3 [archive flutter http path vector_math]
- mention_tag_text_field 0.0.7 [collection flutter]
- mime 2.0.0
- package_info_plus 8.1.1 [ffi flutter flutter_web_plugins http meta path package_info_plus_platform_interface web win32 clock]
- path_provider 2.1.5 [flutter path_provider_android path_provider_foundation path_provider_linux path_provider_platform_interface path_provider_windows]
- permission_handler 11.3.1 [flutter meta permission_handler_android permission_handler_apple permission_handler_html permission_handler_windows permission_handler_platform_interface]
- provider 6.1.2 [collection flutter nested]
- pull_to_refresh_flutter3 2.0.2 [flutter]
- qr_flutter 4.1.0 [flutter qr]
- rive 0.13.20 [collection flutter flutter_web_plugins http meta plugin_platform_interface rive_common]
- screenshot 3.0.0 [flutter]
- scrollable_positioned_list 0.3.8 [flutter collection]
- share_plus 10.1.2 [cross_file meta mime flutter flutter_web_plugins share_plus_platform_interface file url_launcher_web url_launcher_windows url_launcher_linux url_launcher_platform_interface ffi web win32]
- shared_preferences 2.3.3 [flutter shared_preferences_android shared_preferences_foundation shared_preferences_linux shared_preferences_platform_interface shared_preferences_web shared_preferences_windows]
- translator 1.0.3+1 [http]
- uploader 0.0.1 [flutter firebase_core firebase_storage flutter_image_compress uuid video_thumbnail video_compress]
- url_launcher 6.3.1 [flutter url_launcher_android url_launcher_ios url_launcher_linux url_launcher_macos url_launcher_platform_interface url_launcher_web url_launcher_windows]
- uuid 4.5.1 [crypto sprintf meta fixnum]
- video_player 2.9.2 [flutter html video_player_android video_player_avfoundation video_player_platform_interface video_player_web]
- visibility_detector 0.4.0+2 [flutter]

dev dependencies:
- flutter_launcher_icons 0.14.2 [args checked_yaml cli_util image json_annotation path yaml]
- flutter_lints 5.0.0 [lints]
- flutter_native_splash 2.4.3 [args flutter flutter_web_plugins html image meta path universal_io xml yaml ansicolor]
- flutter_test 0.0.0 [flutter test_api matcher path fake_async clock stack_trace vector_math leak_tracker_flutter_testing async boolean_selector characters collection leak_tracker leak_tracker_testing material_color_utilities meta source_span stream_channel string_scanner term_glyph vm_service]

transitive dependencies:
- _flutterfire_internals 1.3.47 [collection firebase_core firebase_core_platform_interface flutter meta]
- ansicolor 2.0.3
- app_links_linux 1.0.3 [flutter app_links_platform_interface gtk]
- app_links_platform_interface 2.0.2 [flutter plugin_platform_interface]
- app_links_web 1.0.4 [flutter flutter_web_plugins app_links_platform_interface web]
- archive 3.6.1 [crypto path]
- args 2.6.0
- async 2.11.0 [collection meta]
- boolean_selector 2.1.1 [source_span string_scanner]
- cached_network_image_platform_interface 4.1.1 [flutter flutter_cache_manager]
- cached_network_image_web 1.3.1 [cached_network_image_platform_interface flutter flutter_cache_manager web]
- characters 1.3.0
- checked_yaml 2.0.3 [json_annotation source_span yaml]
- cli_util 0.4.2 [meta path]
- clock 1.1.1
- collection 1.18.0
- connectivity_plus_platform_interface 2.0.1 [flutter meta plugin_platform_interface]
- cross_file 0.3.4+2 [meta web]
- crypto 3.0.6 [typed_data]
- csslib 1.0.2 [source_span]
- dbus 0.7.10 [args ffi meta xml]
- equatable 2.0.7 [collection meta]
- extended_image_library 4.0.5 [crypto flutter http_client_helper js path path_provider web]
- fake_async 1.3.1 [clock collection]
- ffi 2.1.3
- file 7.0.1 [meta path]
- file_selector_linux 0.9.3+2 [cross_file file_selector_platform_interface flutter]
- file_selector_macos 0.9.4+2 [cross_file file_selector_platform_interface flutter]
- file_selector_platform_interface 2.6.2 [cross_file flutter http plugin_platform_interface]
- file_selector_windows 0.9.3+3 [cross_file file_selector_platform_interface flutter]
- firebase_analytics_platform_interface 4.2.8 [_flutterfire_internals firebase_core flutter meta plugin_platform_interface]
- firebase_analytics_web 0.5.10+5 [_flutterfire_internals firebase_analytics_platform_interface firebase_core firebase_core_web flutter flutter_web_plugins]
- firebase_app_check_platform_interface 0.1.0+41 [_flutterfire_internals firebase_core flutter meta plugin_platform_interface]
- firebase_app_check_web 0.2.0+3 [_flutterfire_internals firebase_app_check_platform_interface firebase_core firebase_core_web flutter flutter_web_plugins web]
- firebase_auth_platform_interface 7.4.10 [_flutterfire_internals collection firebase_core flutter meta plugin_platform_interface]
- firebase_auth_web 5.13.5 [firebase_auth_platform_interface firebase_core firebase_core_web flutter flutter_web_plugins http_parser meta web]
- firebase_core_platform_interface 5.3.1 [collection flutter flutter_test meta plugin_platform_interface]
- firebase_core_web 2.18.2 [firebase_core_platform_interface flutter flutter_web_plugins meta web]
- firebase_crashlytics_platform_interface 3.7.0 [_flutterfire_internals collection firebase_core flutter meta plugin_platform_interface]
- firebase_database_platform_interface 0.2.5+47 [_flutterfire_internals collection firebase_core flutter meta plugin_platform_interface]
- firebase_database_web 0.2.6+5 [collection firebase_core firebase_core_web firebase_database_platform_interface flutter flutter_web_plugins]
- firebase_in_app_messaging_platform_interface 0.2.4+47 [_flutterfire_internals firebase_core flutter meta plugin_platform_interface]
- firebase_messaging_platform_interface 4.5.49 [_flutterfire_internals firebase_core flutter meta plugin_platform_interface]
- firebase_messaging_web 3.9.5 [_flutterfire_internals firebase_core firebase_core_web firebase_messaging_platform_interface flutter flutter_web_plugins meta web]
- firebase_performance_platform_interface 0.1.4+47 [_flutterfire_internals firebase_core flutter plugin_platform_interface]
- firebase_performance_web 0.1.7+5 [_flutterfire_internals firebase_core firebase_core_web firebase_performance_platform_interface flutter flutter_web_plugins]
- firebase_remote_config_platform_interface 1.4.47 [_flutterfire_internals firebase_core flutter meta plugin_platform_interface]
- firebase_remote_config_web 1.7.5 [firebase_core firebase_core_web firebase_remote_config_platform_interface flutter flutter_web_plugins]
- firebase_storage_platform_interface 5.1.34 [_flutterfire_internals collection firebase_core flutter meta plugin_platform_interface]
- firebase_storage_web 3.10.6 [_flutterfire_internals async firebase_core firebase_core_web firebase_storage_platform_interface flutter flutter_web_plugins http meta web]
- fixnum 1.1.1
- flutter_cache_manager 3.4.1 [clock collection file flutter http path path_provider rxdart sqflite uuid]
- flutter_image_compress 2.3.0 [flutter flutter_image_compress_platform_interface flutter_image_compress_common flutter_image_compress_web flutter_image_compress_macos flutter_image_compress_ohos]
- flutter_image_compress_common 1.0.5 [flutter flutter_image_compress_platform_interface]
- flutter_image_compress_macos 1.0.2 [flutter flutter_image_compress_platform_interface]
- flutter_image_compress_ohos 0.0.3 [flutter flutter_image_compress_platform_interface]
- flutter_image_compress_platform_interface 1.0.5 [flutter plugin_platform_interface cross_file]
- flutter_image_compress_web 0.1.4+1 [flutter flutter_web_plugins flutter_image_compress_platform_interface js]
- flutter_plugin_android_lifecycle 2.0.23 [flutter]
- flutter_secure_storage_linux 1.2.1 [flutter flutter_secure_storage_platform_interface]
- flutter_secure_storage_macos 3.1.2 [flutter flutter_secure_storage_platform_interface]
- flutter_secure_storage_platform_interface 1.1.2 [flutter plugin_platform_interface]
- flutter_secure_storage_web 1.2.1 [flutter flutter_secure_storage_platform_interface flutter_web_plugins js]
- flutter_secure_storage_windows 3.1.2 [ffi flutter flutter_secure_storage_platform_interface path path_provider win32]
- flutter_web_plugins 0.0.0 [flutter characters collection material_color_utilities meta vector_math]
- font_awesome_flutter 9.2.0 [flutter]
- google_identity_services_web 0.3.3 [meta web]
- google_sign_in 6.2.2 [flutter google_sign_in_android google_sign_in_ios google_sign_in_platform_interface google_sign_in_web]
- google_sign_in_android 6.1.33 [flutter google_sign_in_platform_interface]
- google_sign_in_ios 5.7.8 [flutter google_sign_in_platform_interface]
- google_sign_in_platform_interface 2.4.5 [flutter plugin_platform_interface]
- google_sign_in_web 0.12.4+3 [flutter flutter_web_plugins google_identity_services_web google_sign_in_platform_interface http web]
- graphs 2.3.2 [collection]
- gtk 2.1.0 [ffi flutter meta]
- html 0.15.5 [csslib source_span]
- http_client_helper 3.0.0 [http]
- http_parser 4.0.2 [collection source_span string_scanner typed_data]
- image 4.3.0 [archive meta xml]
- image_editor_common 1.2.0 [flutter image_editor_platform_interface]
- image_editor_ohos 0.0.9 [flutter image_editor_platform_interface]
- image_editor_platform_interface 1.1.0 [flutter platform plugin_platform_interface]
- image_picker_android 0.8.12+18 [flutter flutter_plugin_android_lifecycle image_picker_platform_interface]
- image_picker_for_web 3.0.6 [flutter flutter_web_plugins image_picker_platform_interface mime web]
- image_picker_ios 0.8.12+1 [flutter image_picker_platform_interface]
- image_picker_linux 0.2.1+1 [file_selector_linux file_selector_platform_interface flutter image_picker_platform_interface]
- image_picker_macos 0.2.1+1 [file_selector_macos file_selector_platform_interface flutter image_picker_platform_interface]
- image_picker_platform_interface 2.10.0 [cross_file flutter http plugin_platform_interface]
- image_picker_windows 0.2.1+1 [file_selector_platform_interface file_selector_windows flutter image_picker_platform_interface]
- in_app_review_platform_interface 2.0.5 [flutter url_launcher plugin_platform_interface platform]
- intl 0.19.0 [clock meta path]
- js 0.6.7 [meta]
- json_annotation 4.9.0 [meta]
- leak_tracker 10.0.5 [clock collection meta path vm_service]
- leak_tracker_flutter_testing 3.0.5 [flutter leak_tracker leak_tracker_testing matcher meta]
- leak_tracker_testing 3.0.1 [leak_tracker matcher meta]
- linkify 5.0.0
- lints 5.0.0
- matcher 0.12.16+1 [async meta stack_trace term_glyph test_api]
- material_color_utilities 0.11.1 [collection]
- meta 1.15.0
- nested 1.0.0 [flutter]
- nm 0.5.0 [dbus]
- octo_image 2.1.0 [flutter]
- package_info_plus_platform_interface 3.0.1 [flutter meta plugin_platform_interface]
- path 1.9.0
- path_parsing 1.1.0 [meta vector_math]
- path_provider_android 2.2.14 [flutter path_provider_platform_interface]
- path_provider_foundation 2.4.1 [flutter path_provider_platform_interface]
- path_provider_linux 2.2.1 [ffi flutter path path_provider_platform_interface xdg_directories]
- path_provider_platform_interface 2.1.2 [flutter platform plugin_platform_interface]
- path_provider_windows 2.3.0 [ffi flutter path path_provider_platform_interface]
- permission_handler_android 12.0.13 [flutter permission_handler_platform_interface]
- permission_handler_apple 9.4.5 [flutter permission_handler_platform_interface]
- permission_handler_html 0.1.3+5 [flutter flutter_web_plugins permission_handler_platform_interface web]
- permission_handler_platform_interface 4.2.3 [flutter meta plugin_platform_interface]
- permission_handler_windows 0.2.1 [flutter permission_handler_platform_interface]
- petitparser 6.0.2 [meta]
- platform 3.1.6
- plugin_platform_interface 2.1.8 [meta]
- qr 3.0.2 [meta]
- rive_common 0.4.15 [collection ffi flutter flutter_web_plugins graphs http meta plugin_platform_interface web]
- rxdart 0.28.0
- share_plus_platform_interface 5.0.1 [cross_file flutter meta mime plugin_platform_interface path_provider uuid]
- shared_preferences_android 2.3.4 [flutter shared_preferences_platform_interface]
- shared_preferences_foundation 2.5.3 [flutter shared_preferences_platform_interface]
- shared_preferences_linux 2.4.1 [file flutter path path_provider_linux path_provider_platform_interface shared_preferences_platform_interface]
- shared_preferences_platform_interface 2.4.1 [flutter plugin_platform_interface]
- shared_preferences_web 2.4.2 [flutter flutter_web_plugins shared_preferences_platform_interface web]
- shared_preferences_windows 2.4.1 [file flutter path path_provider_platform_interface path_provider_windows shared_preferences_platform_interface]
- sky_engine 0.0.99
- source_span 1.10.0 [collection path term_glyph]
- sprintf 7.0.0
- sqflite 2.4.1 [flutter sqflite_android sqflite_darwin sqflite_platform_interface sqflite_common path]
- sqflite_android 2.4.0 [flutter sqflite_common path sqflite_platform_interface]
- sqflite_common 2.5.4+6 [synchronized path meta]
- sqflite_darwin 2.4.1 [flutter sqflite_platform_interface meta sqflite_common path]
- sqflite_platform_interface 2.4.0 [flutter platform sqflite_common plugin_platform_interface meta]
- stack_trace 1.11.1 [path]
- stream_channel 2.1.2 [async]
- string_scanner 1.2.0 [source_span]
- synchronized 3.3.0+3
- term_glyph 1.2.1
- test_api 0.7.2 [async boolean_selector collection meta source_span stack_trace stream_channel string_scanner term_glyph]
- typed_data 1.4.0 [collection]
- universal_io 2.2.2 [collection meta typed_data]
- url_launcher_android 6.3.14 [flutter url_launcher_platform_interface]
- url_launcher_ios 6.3.2 [flutter url_launcher_platform_interface]
- url_launcher_linux 3.2.1 [flutter url_launcher_platform_interface]
- url_launcher_macos 3.2.2 [flutter url_launcher_platform_interface]
- url_launcher_platform_interface 2.3.2 [flutter plugin_platform_interface]
- url_launcher_web 2.3.3 [flutter flutter_web_plugins url_launcher_platform_interface web]
- url_launcher_windows 3.1.3 [flutter url_launcher_platform_interface]
- vector_graphics 1.1.15 [flutter http vector_graphics_codec]
- vector_graphics_codec 1.1.12
- vector_graphics_compiler 1.1.16 [args meta path path_parsing vector_graphics_codec xml]
- vector_math 2.1.4
- video_compress 3.1.1 [flutter]
- video_player_android 2.7.16 [flutter video_player_platform_interface]
- video_player_avfoundation 2.6.4 [flutter video_player_platform_interface]
- video_player_platform_interface 6.2.3 [flutter plugin_platform_interface]
- video_player_web 2.3.3 [flutter flutter_web_plugins video_player_platform_interface web]
- video_thumbnail 0.5.3 [flutter]
- vm_service 14.2.5
- web 1.1.0
- webview_flutter 4.9.0 [flutter webview_flutter_android webview_flutter_platform_interface webview_flutter_wkwebview]
- webview_flutter_android 3.16.9 [flutter webview_flutter_platform_interface]
- webview_flutter_platform_interface 2.10.0 [flutter meta plugin_platform_interface]
- webview_flutter_wkwebview 3.16.3 [flutter path webview_flutter_platform_interface]
- win32 5.9.0 [ffi]
- xdg_directories 1.1.0 [meta path]
- xml 6.5.0 [collection meta petitparser]
- yaml 3.1.2 [collection source_span string_scanner]

Additional context and comments

No response

@Tom3652 Tom3652 added Needs Attention This issue needs maintainer attention. type: bug Something isn't working labels Dec 6, 2024
@SelaseKay SelaseKay added plugin: storage platform: android Issues / PRs which are specifically for Android. resolution: needs-repro This issue could not be reproduced or needs an up to date reproduction on latest FlutterFire plugin. and removed Needs Attention This issue needs maintainer attention. labels Dec 9, 2024
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@Tom3652 - how many times have you seen this crash report?

@russellwheatley russellwheatley added the blocked: customer-response Waiting for customer response, e.g. more information was requested. label Dec 11, 2024
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Tom3652 commented Dec 11, 2024

hi @russellwheatley, 2 times so far on 2 phones both Xiaomi :

Capture d’écran 2024-12-11 à 13 35 48 Capture d’écran 2024-12-11 à 13 36 04

@google-oss-bot google-oss-bot added Needs Attention This issue needs maintainer attention. and removed blocked: customer-response Waiting for customer response, e.g. more information was requested. labels Dec 11, 2024
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Tom3652 commented Dec 16, 2024

Little update : i have got 5 more since my last message, but i have 20k daily active users so the ratio is correct

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@Tom3652 - are they all on the same device?

@russellwheatley russellwheatley added the blocked: customer-response Waiting for customer response, e.g. more information was requested. label Dec 17, 2024
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Tom3652 commented Dec 17, 2024

Hey @russellwheatley , no i have several phones but all Redmi :

  • Redmi A2+
  • Redmi Note 11S
  • Redmi 10
  • Redmi Note 11 Pro
  • Redmi Note 11

@google-oss-bot google-oss-bot removed the blocked: customer-response Waiting for customer response, e.g. more information was requested. label Dec 17, 2024
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russellwheatley commented Dec 17, 2024

I believe Redmi is a sub-brand of Xiaomi. Seems interesting that they all occur on this specific brand of device and no others. I"ll keep it open for now just in case there"s a way to reproduce.

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Tom3652 commented Dec 17, 2024

Yes i confirm they are all Xiaomi phones, and all of them on Android 13 😅
I will update here if it changes over time.

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I also got the crash on Oppo Android 9 (Latest Flutter Version and The plugins are all up-to-date)

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Tom3652 commented Jan 7, 2025

I have news as well, i have got the crash on Samsung yesterday so it seems to not be device specific anymore to confirm what @elkhalifte said :


@SelaseKay SelaseKay removed the Needs Attention This issue needs maintainer attention. label Jan 9, 2025
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I"m getting this issue on multiple devices, too. It looks like there are issues when we do looping and calling the Firebase storage. I"m removing the async loop to see if the issue can be resolved

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platform: android Issues / PRs which are specifically for Android. plugin: storage resolution: needs-repro This issue could not be reproduced or needs an up to date reproduction on latest FlutterFire plugin. type: bug Something isn't working
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6 participants