Complete setup for macOS, Arch Linux, Debian/Ubuntu and Synology NAS.
Installs useful binaries (bat
, colordiff
, curl
, fzf
, git-delta
, htop
, ncdu
, …), the Starship prompt and zsh
as default shell.
Also includes my AutoHotkey keyboard mappings for Windows (not installed automatically).
# Download config file template
curl -o ~/.config/chezmoi/chezmoi.yaml --create-dirs \
# Edit ~/.config/chezmoi/chezmoi.yaml, then
chezmoi init --apply
- Shell: zsh
- Archive management:
- Tools:
- Terminal emulator: iTerm2
- Installs Homebrew
- Installs GNU versions of
, etc. - Installs my macOS baseline apps
- AUR helper: paru
- Pacman hooks: arch-audit, overdue, pacman-cleanup-hook
When not installed over an SSH connection:
- Terminal emulator: alacritty
- WM: i3-gaps
- Bar: polybar
- Launcher: rofi
- Notification daemon: dunst
- File manager: ranger
- Screenlocker: betterlockscreen
- Color theme generation: pywal
Requires Entware's opkg
package manager. It can be installed using the Easy Bootstrap Installer package.