This repository contains the source code for FernIvy, a power-measurement tool meant to provide a uniform command-line interface across multiple platforms. It was originally developed for the Sustainable Software Engineering course at the TU Delft.
For documentation and installation, please see the docs page. It currently has support for:
It has the following syntax and options:
fernivy [-h] [-l]
[-s seconds_to_run | -c command_to_run]
[-r number_of_runs] [-b seconds_between_runs]
[-e] [-p] [-t]
[-o output_file_name] [-f output_file_folder]
b Set the number of second to pause between runs.
c Run for specified command.
Put the entire command in quotation marks if it is longer than one word.
e Print total energy consumption.
f Set the folder in which to save the output file.
If it does not exist, it will be created.
h Print this Help.
l Run in logging mode.
o Set output file.
The path to the file has to exist.
It cannot start with "temp".
p Print average power.
r Set the number of times to run.
s Run for specified number of seconds.
t Print total execution time.
If you find any bugs or have a feature request, feel free to create an issue or (even better) contribute!