This is part of my Winter Project at NWU.
Use a depth camera to detect objects on table and get their mask in 2D image.
- Get the point cloud from rgbd image (rgbd image = color depth image)
- Detect and remove plane (table surface). The rest clouds are the objects.
- Do clustering. Each cluster is an object.
- Project 3D points onto 2D image to obtain the mask of objects.
- Do a dilation and erosion to fill holes, and get the final mask.
1.1 Set data source in launch/main.launch
There are 3 choices for the input RGBD-D images:
(1). Realsense camera.
(2). AsusXtion camera.
(3). Load from file.
1.2 Set filtering in src/
Search for "ObjectDetectorFromRGBD". There are several parameters such as "zmin", "zmax", etc., which are for range filtering of the input cloud, and "voxel_size" for downsampling the input cloud.
1.3 Set object detection in launch/main.launch
Search for "node_detect_object_from_cloud". There are several paramters related to removing plane and do clustering. You can modify them.
Based on the data source you choosed in step 1, run one of the follows:
$ roslaunch mask_objects_from_rgbd open_realsense.launch
$ roslaunch mask_objects_from_rgbd open_xtion.launch
Do nothing if you choose to load from file. But remember to modify the paths of data source in src/
$ roslaunch mask_objects_from_rgbd main.launch
The result is shown in rviz, similar to the demo image above.
You can also press 's' to save the results. They will be saved into data/ folder as follows:
└── 03-21-14-03-22-686
├── clouds
├── depth
├── image
├── mask
├── objects
└── resimg
(Notes: I'm using cv2.waitKey(), so you need to click the showed image, and then press 's'.)