MapFig Leaflet Plugin for Omeka
Stand alone plugin for adding Leaflet maps to your Omeka installation
Created a separate controller for each module
Removed addAction/editAction/saveAction/deleteAction functions from IndexController
Used the Abstract addAction/editAction/deleteAction functions for the controllers to enable the built-in csrf feature
Created the separate add/edit views for all the controllers
Removed all extraneous files
Changed default starter group "My First Group" to include only SSL map tiles to avoid conflicts.
Add our MapFig Greenwaters map tiles to base installation.
Updated attributions for MapQuest and Thunderforest.
Add Leaflet maps via shortcode to your pages, exhibits, items, and collections.
MapFig is a plugin for Omeka. The MapFig plugin allows you to add Leaflet maps via shortcode to your pages, exhibits, items, and collections.
The plugin is tile-agnostic, allowing you to use any tile provider. A group of 10 tile providers, a tile group, and a demo map are created on installation.
The plugin supports markers, lines, and polygons and includes a WYSIWYG editor for displaying formatted text, images, and links to InfoBoxes.
Maps can be added to directly to pages, as Items in collections, and Exhibit pages.
Copy the files to your Omeka plugins directory, making sure that directory name is MapFig. You can also download the current, stable zip file from us [here] ( as well.
Activate the plugin from the Omeka plugins page
Documentation is available at
Please check here or at docs site for examples.
Please report any issues to plugins(at)acugis(dot).com.