If you write your specifications/tests with Cucumber in the Notepad editor, then adding syntax highlighting for feature files to your favourite editor is a must.
With the XML file provided here, Notepad will emphasize feature file elements such as: @tags, #comments, keywords like Scenario, Given, When, Then..
Notepad version 6.2
- Download the file "feature_udl.xml" file from this project.
- In Notepad open the Language menu and select the "Define your language..." option.
- In the "User Defined Language v2.0" dialog box, click on the "Import..." button.
- Select the "feature_udl.xml" file you downloaded in the first step.
- After the import succeeded, close the dialog box.
At this point, any file with the extension .feature opened in Notepad will have its syntax lighlighted.
The "feature_udl.xml" file is formatted for the new UDL2 (User-Defined Language) interface that is officially part of the Notepad 6.2 build. It offers more flexibility than the older language-extension of Notepad . You can customise the syntax highligthing (i.e. change the colors, fonts,...) any time after the installation.
For more details about UDL2, consult its documentation at: http://udl20.weebly.com/
Copyright (c) 2013, Dimitri Geshef. See LICENSE.txt for details.