Jiggler allows you to "Jiggle" assemblies by adding a call to a static method at the start of every non ctor method in an assembly. We use this to add a random sleep to the start of each method to randomize multi-threaded code and (hopefully) surface hard to find threading issues.
Jiggler makes use of Mono.Cecil to re-write your .NET assemblies.
PS> JigglerConsole.exe <Assembly-to-jiggle> <Namespace-to-jiggle> <Jiggle-assembly> <Jiggle-method>
If I had an assembly AssemblyToJiggle.exe with a root namespace AssemblyToJiggleNamespace, and another assembly MyJiggleAssembly.dll that has a static method MyJiggleAssemblyNamespace.MyJiggleClass::MyJiggleStaticMethod() that I wanted to apply to all methods in AssemblyToJiggleNamespace, I would run the following:
PS> JigglerConsole.exe AssemblyToJiggle.exe AssemblyToJiggleNamespace MyJiggleAssembly.dll MyJiggleAssemblyNamespace.MyJiggleClass.MyJiggleStaticMethod
Build and execute all unit tests.
PS> .\build
Run all tests (includes end to end).
PS> .\build -t runalltests
List of the build tasks.
PS> .\build -t ?
A proof of concept is provided by applying the Jiggle.Jiggles.RandomSleepJiggle::Jiggle() method to the SampleApp.
None whatsoever. You may freely use, distribute, and fork with or without letting us know. No warrantly is provided whatsoever.