Classify (.h) header files into a text (.txt) report according to the first 2 letters of each file name, and it can guess what third-party CocoaPods libraries in
. It is usefull when you need to classify the .h files generated by class-dump
$ pip install supotato
Tested 2.7.10/3.5.0 on macOS
$ supotato -i headers -o .
When you got lots of headers like this :
After run (suppose you go into example directory currently):
$ supotato -i headers -o .
Then you got result below :
PS: Another result sample Here.
$ supotato -h
usage: supotato [-h] [-i INPUT] [-o OUTPUT] [-s SORTBY] [-d ORDER]
Generate a simple report for header files in your directory
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
directory that header(.h) files in.
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
file (or directory) path to put txt report in.
-s SORTBY, --sortby SORTBY
prefix or count . Means sort by prefix or count.
-d ORDER, --order ORDER
desc or asc.
prefix length for classify , default to 2.
-u UPDATEDB, --updatedb UPDATEDB
force update cocoapods database.