- refind
- lightdm
- lightdm-webkit2-greeter
- litarvan-lightdm-webkit2-greeter-theme
- i3-gaps
- i3lock-color
- polybar
- rofi
- rofi-dmenu
- ranger
urxvtalacriTTY- cava
- ncmpcpp
- mopidy
- mopidy-spotify
- mopidy-scrobbler
- devilspie2 -- window scripting help
- mpc -- mpd scripting help
- qutebrowser
- firefox
- pactl -- pulseaudio scripting help
- playerctl -- mpris scripting help
- zscroll
- syndaemon
- Browser-mpris2
- entr -- filesystem monitoring
- ncspot
- polybar: derived from ycf83's
- i3
- mopidy
The systemScripts folder has to be placed into ~/Documents/systemScripts (alternately, the paths can obviously just be changed to wherever you want to put them)