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Protempa i2b2 Tools

Department of Biomedical Informatics, Emory University, Atlanta, GA

What does it do?

This project provides the ability to read data and concepts from an i2b2 deployment, and write data and computed temporal sequences to the same or a different i2b2 deployment. I2b2 is a data warehousing technology for biomedical research. Specifically, this project provides:

  • a Protempa destination, edu.emory.cci.aiw.i2b2etl.dest.I2b2Destination, for loading data into an i2b2 database. Protempa destinations implement the org.protempa.dest.Destination interface and process output from the temporal abstraction process.
  • a Protempa data source backend, org.emory.cci.aiw.i2b2etl.dsb.I2b2DataSourceBackend, for reading data from an i2b2 database. Protempa data source backends implement the org.protempa.dsb.DataSourceBackend interface.
  • a Protempa knowledge source backend, org.emory.cci.aiw.i2b2etl.dsb.I2b2KnowledgeSourceBackend, for fetching clinical concepts from an i2b2 ontology cell with a modified schema. Protempa knowledge source backends implement the org.protempa.ksb.KnowledgeSourceBackend interface.

See the Protempa project's README for more details on Protempa's architecture.

Latest release: Latest release

Version 4.0

Updated Protempa version requirements.

Version 3.0.1

Depend on a range of Protempa versions that are backward compatible.

Version 3.0

Version 3 is primarily focused around performance improvements.

Build requirements

Runtime requirements

Building it

The project uses the maven build tool. Typically, you build it by invoking mvn clean install at the command line. For simple file changes, not additions or deletions, you can usually use mvn install. See!-Clinical-projects for more details.

Maven dependency



Put the aiw-i2b2-etl jarfile and its dependencies in the classpath, and Protempa will automatically register the data source backend and knowledge source backend.

Additional i2b2 destination installation

The i2b2 destination requires adding tables and stored procedures to the i2b2 data schema. A Liquibase changelog contains the DDL. The following files contain the SQL for creating the stored procedures:

The i2b2 destination requires adding stored procedures to the i2b2 metadata schema. The following files contain the SQL for creating the stored procedures:

Additional i2b2 knowledge source backend installation

See the eurekaclinical-ontology project's README for how to create an i2b2 metadata schema that the i2b2 knowledge source backend can read. Eureka! Clinical requires some extensions to the schema that i2b2 ships out of the box. The ontology project also contains Liquibase changelogs that install various common terminologies into such an i2b2 metadata schema.

Using it

Backend configuration


  • databaseApi: DRIVERMANAGER or DATASOURCE depending on whether the databaseId property contains a JDBC URL or a JNDI URL, respectively.
  • databaseId: a JDBC URL or a JNDI URL for connecting to the i2b2 metadata schema.
  • username: for JDBC URLs, a database username.
  • password: for JDBC URLs, a database password.
  • targetTable: the name of the metadata table that contains computed temporal sequences.


  • databaseAPI: DRIVERMANAGER or DATASOURCE depending on whether the databaseId property contains a JDBC URL or a JNDI URL, respectively.
  • databaseId: a JDBC URL or a JNDI URL for connecting to the i2b2 data schema.
  • username: for JDBC URLs, a database username.
  • password: for JDBC URLs, a database password.
  • schemaName: the name of the data schema to query. If specified, the schema name will be included in queries. If not specified, no schema name will be specified, and the schema that will be queried will be database dependent. Typically, the database will query the user's default schema.


import org.protempa.SourceFactory;
import org.protempa.backend.Configurations;
import org.protempa.bconfigs.ini4j.INIConfigurations;
import org.protempa.Protempa;
import org.protempa.dest.Destination;
import org.protempa.query.DefaultQueryBuilder;
import org.protempa.query.Query;
import edu.emory.cci.aiw.i2b2etl.dest.I2b2Destination;
import edu.emory.cci.aiw.i2b2etl.dest.config.Configuration;

// An implementation of org.protempa.backend.Configurations provides the backends to use.
Configurations backends = new INIConfigurations(new File("src/test/resources"));
SourceFactory sourceFactory = new SourceFactory(backends.load("protempa-config.ini"));

// Use try-with-resources to ensure resources are cleaned up.
try (Protempa protempa = Protempa.newInstance(sourceFactory)) {
    DefaultQueryBuilder q = new DefaultQueryBuilder();
    q.setName("My test query");
    q.setPropositionIds(new String[]{"ICD9:Diagnoses", "ICD9:Procedures", "LAB:LabTest", "Encounter", "MED:medications", "VitalSign",     
        "PatientDetails"}); // an array of the concept ids of the data to retrieve and/or temporal patterns to compute
    Query query = protempa.buildQuery(q);

    // An implementation of org.protempa.dest.Destination processes output from the temporal abstraction process.
    Configuration i2b2Config = //implementation of edu.emory.cci.aiw.i2b2etl.dest.config.Configuration
    Destination dest = new I2b2Destination(i2b2Config); 
    protempa.execute(query, dest);

The protempa-config.ini might contain the following sections for configuring the i2b2 data source backend and knowledge source backend:

dataSourceBackendId=Unique identifier for this i2b2 repository
databaseId = JDBC URL for the data schema
username = username with privileges to read the data schema
password = data schema user's password
schemaName = name of the data schema

databaseAPI = DATASOURCE # any setters in the implementation that have the @BackendProperty annotation.
databaseId = java:/comp/env/jdbc/I2b2KS


The i2b2 data and knowledge source backends read data directly from i2b2's database schemas rather than through its web services APIs for performance. Similarly, the i2b2 Protempa destination loads data into i2b2 directly into its data schema rather than through its web services APIs for performance.

Developer documentation

Javadoc for latest development release Javadocs