Fuzzy search using Levenshtein Distance (LD) and Longest Common Substring (LCS) algorithm (single file, no dependencies)
- PHP 5.4 or newer
Download the file from release page and drop to your project. That's it.
require 'Fuzzy.php';
$data = [
['name' => 'Halima Nasyidah', 'address' => 'Jln. Wahidin Sudirohusodo No. 483'],
['name' => 'Tiara Novitasari', 'address' => 'Gg. Kenanga No. 86'],
['name' => 'Irwan Balapati Nugroho', 'address' => 'Perum. Jamika No. 952'],
['name' => 'Dimas Marwata Napitupulu', 'address' => 'Kpg. Sijangkir No. 792']
$fuzzy = new Esyede\Fuzzy($data);
$keyword = 'Arah';
$attributes = 'name';
$results = $fuzzy->search($keyword, $attributes);
$keyword = 'Na';
$attributes = ['name', 'address'];
$results = $fuzzy->search($keyword, $attributes);
That's pretty much it. Thank you for stopping by!
This library is licensed under the MIT License