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Experimental Beam Map Generation

Generates Verifiable Maps using Beam Go. Generating a map in batch scales better than incremental for large numbers of key/values.


This experimental map replaces a more interactive DB-backed map which was deleted and tracked by #2284. Unlike Logs, Maps don't have efficient consistency proofs. Without efficient consistency proofs, clients of the data structure will struggle to keep in sync with the freshest version of it while verify that everything that they had previously relied on in the data structure is still present.

One solution proposed to this (e.g. in Think Global, Act Local) is to put the roots of the map in a log. Clients will verify their own keyspace within the map for each revision and providing their area is correct, and that everyone else has also done this for their own keyspaces, then evolution of the map has been verified.

If these map revisions are being created quickly, then the number of revisions to be verified can require too much computing power for all but very dedicated clients, and this could easily lead to a situation where verification is not being performed.

This observation that verification cost scales linearly with the number of map revisions came along at a similar time to performance problems that were identified with large maps built on top of the interactive DB-backed map. Using a parallelized batch solution solves both of these issues; the temptation to create map revisions every few seconds (or less!) is removed, and massive scale is possible through parallel processing of the subtrees within the map.


⚠️ This code is experimental! This code is free to change outside of semantic versioning in the trillian repository.

This batch map has been run at scale to create a map with 2^30 leaves in under 25 minutes.

The resulting map is output as tiles, in which the tree is divided from the root in a configurable number of prefix strata. Each strata contains a single byte of the 256-bit path. Tiles are only output if they are non-empty.

The design of this batchmap is as a library rather than a service. The tiles that are returned must be stored by the client and serving them to users is outside the remit of this library. This may change in the future as common deployments are identified.

Running the demo

Building the map

The following instructions show how to run this code locally using the Python portable runner. Setting up a Python environment is beyond the scope of this demo, but instructions can be found at Beam Python Tips. These instructions are for Linux/MacOS but can likely be adapted for Windows.

Ensure that the Python runner is running:

  1. Check out (tested at branch release-2.24.0)
  2. cd sdks/python within that repository
  3. python -m apache_beam.runners.portability.local_job_service_main --port=8099

In another terminal:

  1. Check out this repository and cd to the folder containing this README
  2. go run ./cmd/build/mapdemo.go --output=/tmp/mapv1 --runner=universal --endpoint=localhost:8099 --environment_type=LOOPBACK

The pipeline should run and generate files under the ouput directory, each of which contains a tile from the map. Note that a new file will be constructed for each tile output, which can get very large if the key_count or prefix_strata parameters are changed from their default values! If these parameters are set too high, one could run out of inodes on your file system. You have been warned.

The demo intends only to show the usage of the API and provide a simple way to test locally running the pipeline. It is not intended to demonstrate where data would be sourced from, or how the output Tiles should be used. See the comments in the demo script for more details.

Verifying the map

This requires a map to have been constructed using the previous instructions. Verifying that a particular key/value is set correctly within the tiles can be done with the command:

  • go run cmd/verify/verify.go --logtostderr --map_dir=/tmp/mapv1 --key=5

The map_dir must match the directory provided as output in the previous stage. The parameters for value_salt and tree_id must also match those used in the map construction as they are used during the value construction/hashing.

If the expected value is committed to correctly by the tiles, then you will see an output line similar to:

key 5 found at path 11cd1b2203ad4a3a11ff479d1ee75a59c9f33a73c5f5cf45bda87b656237e9ed, with value '[v1]5' (1e27e661ca57f2231fb41b7ef861ab702ce7412921e4df9eb106db0d8b442227) committed to by map root 4365e3c65742fdfeb60079b677ccf4a264405c0d18fc7db1706690a1b06db73c

Setting the key parameter to a key outside the range generated in the map will show non-inclusion, as will changing the tree_id or value_salt parameters.