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Releases: ericoporto/fgmk

Alpha Release 4

14 Nov 02:38
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Slowly attacking on all the points from the 0.5.4 QA
report, so this release adds sound! Just place either wav, ogg or
mp3 short sound in the root audio/ folder.

The new oncharaover and oncharaleave now should allow
implementation of interesting puzzles triggered by pushable
charas or charas that are lured by the player. Also onleave
should allow triggering actions when the player chara leaves
a tile (like releasing a previously pressed floor button).

  • added edit action in list with doubleClick;
  • added shakeScreen action;
  • added playSound action;
  • added on charaover, on charaleave, and on leave as triggers in events dock;
  • fix buggy event detection in non square maps;
  • better performance on the engine;
  • font that supports unicode symbols;
  • broke compatibility to correct 'colision' to collision typo;

Alpha Release 3

07 Nov 21:21
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  • lot's of performance improvements in the javascript engine
  • the engine now supports songs (.ogg, .mp3, .wav), add them to the audio/music folder of your game. FGMK will scan your game/audio/music folder for new audio files and update when saving and opening any project or map. You can use the action playMusic to play any song.
  • pan tool can be accessed with mouse middle click too or spacebar.
  • fix small bugs.
  • added a rough way to resize the map, the interface will be better in the future, but ctrl z will be your friend!

Alpha release 2

10 Oct 21:31
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Alpha release 2 Pre-release
  • Includes an engine with better fullscreen support, landscape desktop screen support and faster resource loading.
  • Adding a Help entry in the menu, including basic documentation.

Alpha realease

31 Jul 02:53
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Alpha realease Pre-release
  • Fixing save file to write over a file if the save operation incurs in an error.

Pre-alpha 6

07 Jul 22:38
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Pre-alpha 6 Pre-release
  • Files are written in safer way when saving.
  • Fix to rounding corrects 1 pixel errors in palette layout.
  • The server run by Run Project (F5) now tell the browser to not cache pages, fix map saved not appearing in browser.

Pre-alpha 5

05 Jul 02:49
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Pre-alpha 5 Pre-release
  • Adding a Windows binary!
  • small bugfixes.

Pre-alpha 4

03 Jul 19:54
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Pre-alpha 4 Pre-release
  • fgmk now saves window position and more using QSettings
  • added a zoom feature
  • added a Map Explorer so you can change between available maps in project
  • fixing lots of bugs

Pre-alpha 3

16 Jun 02:16
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Pre-alpha 3 Pre-release
  • Added support for file drop and opening files from argument.
  • Directly opening maps from Nautilus now works too!

Maps files are files ending with .map.json that are expected to be well behaved.

Pre-alpha 2

14 Jun 00:01
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Pre-alpha 2 Pre-release

Added a deb! You can now install using sudo dpkg -i python3-fgmk_0.1.1.deb.

For removing, use sudo apt remove python3-fgmk .

Code for building your own deb here.

Corrected lots of bugs:

  • Chara editor now works
  • Adding actions now works
  • Charaset editor now works

Known issues:

Pre-alpha 1

07 Jun 00:21
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Pre-alpha 1 Pre-release

The first release, you should be able to edit a existing fgmk game with this release. Everything is barely working, expect lots of bugs, missing functionality and missing features.