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Configuru, an experimental JSON config library for C , by Emil Ernerfeldt.


This software is in the public domain. Where that dedication is not recognized, you are granted a perpetual, irrevocable license to copy and modify this file as you see fit.

That being said, I would appreciate credit! If you find this library useful, send a tweet to @ernerfeldt or mail me at [email protected].


You can read the documentation here:


Configuru is a JSON parser/writer for C 11. Configuru was written for human created/edited config files and therefore prioritizes helpful error messages over parse speed.


  • Debugable:
    • Find typos most config libs miss (like typos in keys).
    • Easily find source of typos with file name, line numbers and helpful error messages.
    • Cleverly help to point out mismatched braces in the right place.
  • Configurable:
    • Configure the format to allow relaxed and extended flavors of JSON.
    • Extensible with custom conversions.
    • Control how the configuru::Config behaves in your code via compile time constants:
      • Override CONFIGURU_ONERROR to add additional debug info (like stack traces) on errors.
      • Override CONFIGURU_ASSERT to use your own asserts.
      • Override CONFIGURU_ON_DANGLING to customize how non-referenced/dangling keys are reported.
      • Set CONFIGURU_IMPLICIT_CONVERSIONS to allow things like float f = some_config;
      • Set CONFIGURU_VALUE_SEMANTICS to have Config behave like a value type rather than a reference type.
  • Easy to use:
    • Smooth C 11 integration for reading and creating config values.
  • JSON compliant:
  • Beautiful output (pretty printing)
  • Reversible with comments:
    • If comments are turned on in FormatOptions they will be parsed and written together with the right key/value.


  • Low overhead

Error messages

Configuru prides itself on great error messages both for parse errors and for value errors (expecting one thing and getting another). All error messages come with file name a line number. When parsing from a string (rather than a file) the user can specify an identifier to be used in lieu of a file name.

Parse errors

equal_in_object.json:1:16: Expected : after object key
{ "is_this_ok" = true }

bad_escape.json:1:9: Unknown escape character 'x'

no_quotes.json:2:22: Expected value
   "forgotten_quotes": here

trucated_key.json:1:2: Unterminated string

single_line_comment.json:1:4: Single line comments forbidden.
{} // Blah-bla

unary_plus.json:1:1: Prefixing numbers with   is forbidden.

Note how all errors mention follow the standard filename:line:column structure (most errors above happen on line 1 since they are from small unit tests).

Value errors

Similarly, using a parsed Config value in the wrong way produces nice error messages. Take the following file (config.json):

 1: {
 2: 	"pi":    3.14,
 3: 	"array": [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ],
 4: 	"obj":   {
 5: 		"nested_value": 42
 6: 	}
 7: }

Here's some use errors and their error messages:

auto b = (bool)config["pi"];

config.json:2: Expected bool, got float. Note that the file:line points to where the value is defined.

std::cout << config["obj"]["does_not_exist"];

config.json:4: Failed to find key 'does_not_exist'. Here the file and line of the owner ("obj") of the missing value is referenced.

std::cout << config["pi"][5];

config.json:2: Expected array, got float.

std::cout << config["array"][5];

config.json:3: Array index out of range

Config cfg;
cfg["hello"] = 42;

Expected object, got uninitialized. Did you forget to call Config::object()?. The first line should read Config cfg = Config::object();.

Config cfg;

Expected array, got uninitialized. Did you forget to call Config::array()?. The first line should read Config cfg = Config::array();.

Unused keys

Configuru has a novel mechanism for detecting subtle typos in object keys. Suppose you have a Config that looks like this:

	"colour": "red",

Here's how it could be used:

auto cfg = configuru::parse_file("config.json", configuru::JSON);
auto color = cfg.get_or("color", DEFAULT_COLOR);

The call to check_dangling will print a warning:

config.json:2: Key 'colour' never accessed

This is akin to a compiler warning about unused variables and it's an effective way of finding mistakes that would otherwise go undetected.

The call to check_dangling is recursive, so you only need to call it once for every config file. If you want to mute this warning for some key (which you may intentionally be ignoring, or saving for later) you can call cfg.mark_accessed(true). This will recursively mark each Config as having been accessed.


For using: #include <configuru.hpp>

And in one .cpp file:

#include <configuru.hpp>

Usage (parsing)

Config cfg = configuru::parse_file("input.json", JSON);
float alpha = (float)cfg["alpha"];
std::cout << "alpha = " << alpha << std::endl;
if (cfg.has_key("beta")) {
	std::string beta = (std::string)cfg["beta"];
	std::cout << "beta = " << beta << std::endl;
float pi = cfg.get_or("pi", 3.14f);
std::cout << "pi = " << pi << std::endl;

if (cfg["array"].is_array()) {
	std::cout << "array:" << std::endl;
	for (const Config& element : cfg["array"].as_array()) {
		std::cout << "\t" << element << std::endl;

std::cout << "object" << std::endl;
for (auto& p : cfg["object"].as_object()) {
	std::cout << "\tKey: " << p.key() << std::endl;
	std::cout << "\tValue: " << p.value() << std::endl;
	p.value() = "new value";

try {
	cfg.check_dangling(); // Make sure we haven't forgot reading a key!
} catch (const std::exception &e) {
	std::cerr << e.what() << std::endl;
// You can modify the read config:
cfg["message"] = "goodbye";

dump_file("output.json", cfg, JSON);

Usage (writing)

Config cfg = Config::object();
cfg["pi"]     = 3.14;
cfg["array"]  = Config::array{ 1, 2, 3 };
cfg["object"] = Config::object({
	{ "key1", "value1" },
	{ "key2", "value2" },

Alternative form:

Config cfg{
	{"pi",     3.14},
	{"array",  Config::array{ 1, 2, 3 }},
	{"object", {
		{ "key1", "value1" },
		{ "key2", "value2" },
std::string json = dump_string(cfg, JSON);
dump_file("output.json", cfg, JSON);

Usage (visit_struct.hpp)

If you include visit_struct.hpp from before including configuru.hpp you will enable the following:

#include <visit_struct/visit_struct.hpp>
#include <configuru.hpp>

struct Foo
	float bar;
	std::string baz;
VISITABLE_STRUCT(Foo, bar, baz);

void error_reporter(std::string str)
	std::cerr << str << std::endl; // or throw or ignore

int main()
	Foo foo{42, "fortytwo"};
	configur::Config cfg = configuru::serialize(foo);
	// Save/load cfg
	configuru::deserialize(&foo, cfg, error_reporter);

The serialize/deserialize functions supports numbers, bool, std::string, std::vector and structs annotated with VISITABLE_STRUCT. It is recursive, so a struct can contain an std::vector of other structs if both types of structs are annotated with VISITABLE_STRUCT.

Reference semantics vs value semantics

By default, Config objects acts like reference types, e.g. like a std::shared_ptr:

Config cfg{{"message", "original"}};
auto shallow_copy = cfg;
cfg["message"] = "changed!";
std::cout << shallow_copy["message"]; // Will print "changed!";

auto deep_clone = cfg.deep_clone(); // Deep clones have to be explicit.

You can control this behavior with #define CONFIGURU_VALUE_SEMANTICS 1:

#include <configuru.hpp>
Config cfg{{"message", "original"}};
auto deep_clone = cfg;
cfg["message"] = "changed!";
std::cout << deep_clone["message"]; // Will print "original";


The default behavior of Configuru is to throw an std::runtime_error on any error. You can change this behavior by overriding CONFIGURU_ONERROR.

CFG format

In addition to JSON, Configuru also has native support for a format I simply call CFG. CFG is a superset of JSON with some simplifications and extensions. Example file:

values: [1 2 3 4 5 6]
object: {
	nested_key:  inf
python_style: """This is a string
                 which spans many lines."""
"C# style": @"Also nice for \ and stuff"
  • Top-level can be key-value pairs (no need for {} surrounding entire document).
  • Keys need not be quoted if identifiers.
  • Commas optional for arrays and objects.
  • Trailing , allowed in arrays and objects.

""" starts a verbatim multi-line string

@" starts a C# style verbatim string which ends on next quote (except "" which is a single-quote).

Numbers can be represented in any common form: -42, 1e-32, 0xCAFE, 0b1010

inf, -inf, NaN are valid numbers.

Indentation is enforced, and must be done with tabs. Tabs anywhere else is not allowed.

You can also allow selective parts of the above extensions to create your own dialect of JSON. Look at the members of configuru::FormatOptions for details.

Beautiful output

One of the great things about JSON is that it is human readable (as opposed to XML). Configuru goes to great lengths to make the output as beautiful as possible. Here's an example structure (as defined in C ):

Config cfg = Config::object{
	{"float",       3.14f},
	{"double",      3.14},
	{"short_array", Config::array({1, 2, 3})},
	{"long_array",  Config::array({
		Config::array({"two", "things"}),

Here's how the output turns out in most JSON encoders (this one produced by the excellent nlohmann json library):

    "double": 3.14,
    "float": 3.14000010490417,
    "long_array": [
    "short_array": [

In contrast, here's how the output looks in Configuru:

	"float":       3.14,
	"double":      3.14,
	"short_array": [ 1, 2, 3 ],
	"long_array":  [
		[ "two", "things" ],

Note how Configuru refrains from unnecessary line breaks on short arrays and does not write superfluous (and ugly!) trailing decimals. Configuru also writes the keys of the objects in the same order as it was given (unless the sort_keys option is explicitly set). The aligned values is just a preference of mine, inspired by how id software does it (turn off with object_align_values=false). Writing the same data in the CFG format makes it turn out like this:

float:       3.14
double:      3.14
short_array: [ 1 2 3 ]
long_array:  [
	[ "two" "things" ]