A python script for using Google's undocumented TTS API to listen long strings in selected language
usage: google_say.py [-h] [-l [LANGUAGE]] [-p [SPEED]]
(-f FILE | -s STRING [STRING ...])
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-l [LANGUAGE], --language [LANGUAGE]
Language to speak text in.
-p [SPEED], --speed [SPEED]
Speech speed, i.e. 0.24 or 1.0
-f FILE, --file FILE File to read text from.
-s STRING [STRING ...], --string STRING [STRING ...]
A string of text to be read.
To start speaking text from a file:
google_say.py -l uk_UA -p 1.5 -f text.txt
To say a phrase from command line parameter:
google_say.py -l uk_UA -p 1.5 -s Доброго дня