Ensure the alignment of a node<value_type> is the alignment of the whole node allocation, not just the user type
Removing old compiler special case code for EA_CPP14_CONSTEXPR
Adding eastl::string hash tests and removing an addition overload in the helper template that contrains usage to enum types.
Fixing user reported regression when attempting to use fancy pointers in a tuple
Resolving uint128_t hashing compiler errors from properly limiting the generic template for enums
eastl::pair adding C 17 structured bindings unpacking support
eastl::atomic implementation - See EASTL/atomic.h for documentation
eastl::function - Optimized function call operator
- see Invoker() in function_detail.h for explanation of the optimization -
Consolidate Warnings by using EA_DISABLE_WARNING macros
Reverting the UDL warning suppression because of push/pop mismatch issues with the EABase warning suppression macros
eastl::variant - Fixed variant warnings due to not sfinae overloads that are not the same type but still comparable
- improved code gen on msvc
- added tests -
Removed unndeded allocator_traits headers
Added comments on reverse_wrapper
Removed sparse_matrix.h as it was removed internally quite a while ago
Updated files that had slight differences to internal eastl
Update travis CI to use g -9 && clang -11
Updated README and CONTRIBUTING to allow contributors to submit their info under the contributors section
cleared mpPtrArray in base destructor #389
Add eastl::span<*> to EASTL.natvis #386
Fix typo in doc #384
Fix reverse adaptor when using on a rvalue range #382
Fix GCC 9 string SSO segfault #380
eastl::shared_ptr<>::reset(): function not thread safe #378
Enable compilation without building tests #359
Fix tuple vector assign #374
fixed unique_ptr<[]>::reset() instructions order. Internal pointer must be updated before deleting object #375