fixing spelling mistake in eastl::basic_string
Fix for insertion_sort() doing a --(BiDirectionalIterator.begin()) which is an illegal operation and causes crashes on containers such as eastl::deque.
eastl::optional_storage - remove unneeded union and trivial type initialization since we use eastl::aligned_storage_t, remove unreferenced internal member function
resolving 32-bit eastl_size_t compiler error
EASTL_ALIGN_OF porting to C 11 alignof keyword.
EASTL_EMPTY_REFERENCE_ASSERT_ENABLED when enabled would not assert when taking a reference to an empty container.
Example, eastl::vector[0] would not assert that a null reference was being taken if the vector was empty. -
fixing shared_ptr compiler error when passing nullptr with a custom deleter lambda
fixed unique_ptr::reset() instructions order. Internal pointer must be updated before deleting object (#373)
fixed unique_ptr<[]>::reset() instructions order. Internal pointer must be updated before deleting object (#375)
fixed adl with exchange inside unique_ptr to be fully qualified
fix bitvector iterators (#358)
use mContainer.begin() instead of &mContainer[0],
since it causes out of bounds exception in non release build -
Fix circular dependency in fixed_function.h (#350)