A simple pentesting tool to find information and exposed files on a target website using google dorks.
This tool tests a variety of dorks to try and find relevant information for bug bounties and pentesting. It will print out findings along the way as it searches.
Basic use with no verbose logging.
python3 DorkPen.py --url google.com --resultcount 10 --wait 5
Use Dorkpen.py -h
to view the options.
usage: DorkPen.py [-h] --url URL --resultcount RESULTCOUNT --wait WAIT
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--url URL The URL to test (ex: google.com)
--resultcount RESULTCOUNT
The maximum amount of results to try. Higher numbers
will impact performance
--wait WAIT The time to wait (in seconds) between requests. Use
higher numbers to avoid 429 timeouts.
--verbose Verbose testing
Python 3.x
Libraries found in requirements.txt
429 timeout from too many requests. Solution is to wait a bit. There is the potential to add proxy support in the future. You can also mitigate this by doing some of the following:
- Use a VPN
- Change the resultcount to ~5
- Increase the wait time to around 30-50 seconds. This will be slow but is almost guarenteed to work.
If you want to add new dorks in feel free to make a PR! Otherwise you could just edit the file yourself to add some custom ones in.
- Exposed Documents (doc, docx. odt, rtf, sxw, psw, ppt, pptx, pps, csv)
- Directory listing (Index of)
- Exposed Configuration File (xml, conf, cnf, reg, inf, rdp, cfg, txt, ora, ini, env)
- Exposed Database File (sql, dbf, mdb)
- Exposed Log File
- Backup Files (bkf, bkp, bak, old, backup)
- Login Pages
- SQL Issues
- PHP Issues
- ID =
- Exposed Repository - Domain (git, svn, gitlab)
- Exposed Repository - File (git, svn)