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Copyright (c) 2014, Magnus Edenhill

kafkacat is a generic non-JVM producer and consumer for Apache Kafka 0.8, think of it as a netcat for Kafka.

In producer mode kafkacat reads messages from stdin, delimited with a configurable delimeter (-D, defaults to newline), and produces them to the provided Kafka cluster (-b), topic (-t) and partition (-p).

In consumer mode kafkacat reads messages from a topic and partition and prints them to stdout using the configured message delimiter.

kafkacat also features a Metadata list (-L) mode to display the current state of the Kafka cluster and its topics and partitions.

kafkacat is fast and lightweight; statically linked it is no more than 150Kb.


On Ubuntu or Debian: sudo apt-get install librdkafka-dev libyajl-dev


./configure <usual-configure-options>
sudo make install

Quick build

The build script will download and build the required dependencies, providing a quick and easy means of building kafkacat. Internet connectivity and wget is required by this script. The resulting kafkacat binary will be linked statically to avoid runtime dependencies.



Read messages from stdin, produce to 'syslog' topic with snappy compression

$ tail -f /var/log/syslog | kafkacat -b mybroker -t syslog -p 0 -z snappy

Read messages from Kafka 'syslog' topic, print to stdout

$ kafkacat -b mybroker -t syslog -p 0

Produce messages from file (one file is one message)

$ kafkacat -P -b mybroker -t filedrop -p 0 myfile1.bin /etc/motd thirdfile.tgz

Read the last 2000 messages from 'syslog' topic, then exit

$ kafkacat -C -b mybroker -t syslog -p 0 -o -2000 -e

Consume from all partitions from 'syslog' topic

$ kafkacat -C -b mybroker -t syslog

Metadata listing

$ kafkacat -L -b mybroker
Metadata for all topics (from broker 1: mybroker:9092/1):
 3 brokers:
  broker 1 at mybroker:9092
  broker 2 at mybrokertoo:9092
  broker 3 at thirdbroker:9092
 16 topics:
  topic "syslog" with 3 partitions:
    partition 0, leader 3, replicas: 1,2,3, isrs: 1,2,3
    partition 1, leader 1, replicas: 1,2,3, isrs: 1,2,3
    partition 2, leader 1, replicas: 1,2, isrs: 1,2
  topic "rdkafkatest1_auto_49f744a4327b1b1e" with 2 partitions:
    partition 0, leader 3, replicas: 3, isrs: 3
    partition 1, leader 1, replicas: 1, isrs: 1
  topic "rdkafkatest1_auto_e02f58f2c581cba" with 2 partitions:
    partition 0, leader 3, replicas: 3, isrs: 3
    partition 1, leader 1, replicas: 1, isrs: 1