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Dotfiles for my awesomewm/i3 Arch setup & neovim

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Current daily setup.

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AwesomeWM & i3 ():

Those dotfiles for Awesome & i3 are not actively maintained.

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Some details

  • OS: Manjaro
  • WM: awesome (previously i3)
  • Shell: oh-my-zsh
  • Terminal: Kitty
  • File Manager: Ranger for terminal, Nautilus for GUI
  • Launcher: Rofi
  • Editor: Neovim ❤️ Repo
  • Browser: Google Chrome (from snap)
  • Theme: Ant-Dracula
  • Icons: Numix-Circle-Arc
  • Terminal Font: Fira Code Nerd Font
  • ZSH Theme: powerlevel10k
  • lightdm Theme: Aether


Here is a complete list of dependencies needed for making these themes work. If you install all of them you will have a (mostly) smooth out of the box experience. Also if you are willing to edit a few configuration files, which you will have to do at some point, most of these dependencies can be replaced. For example you can replace rofi with dmenu,maim with scrot.

If you notice that something is missing, please contact me. Almost all dependencies you can download from yaourt or yay

Dependency Description Why/Where is it needed?
i3-gaps Window manager (explains itself)
awesome-git Window manager (explains itself)
polybar Status bar (explains itself)
rofi Window switcher, application launcher and dmenu replacement (explains itself)
picom X Compositor Makes transparency to windows
lm_sensors CPU temperature sensor CPU temperature widgets
pulseaudio, libpulse Sound system (Installed by default on most distros) Volume widgets and keybinds
mpd Server-side application for playing music Music widgets
mpc Minimalist command line interface to MPD Music widgets
maim Takes screenshots (improved scrot) Screenshot keybinds
i3lock-fancy-multimonitor Fancy i3lock (explains itself)
scrot Takes screenshots We need it for lockscreen
i3-lock Locks screen We need it for lockscreen
feh Image viewer and wallpaper setter Screenshot previews, wallpapers
dunst Notification daemon (explains itself)
xautolock An automatic X screen-locker (explains itself)
tilda Terminal emulator needed to run cava (explains itself)
lightdm Light display manager of login screen (explains itself)


Icon fonts
  • Font Awesome 5
  • Inter Regular
  • NotoEmoji Nerd
  • Faba (for dunst notifications)
  • Fira Code Nerd Font
  • DejaVu Sans Mono
  • Google Sans
  • Roboto Condensed
  • Noto Sans

Things to do after you set up dependencies

  • Backup your current i3 setup

  • Copy my dotfiles

  • Install i3lock-fancy-multimonitor:

note: currently I'm using i3lock-fancy from dualmonitors branch which you have to build on your own. This below still looks and works good.

git clone
cp -r i3lock-fancy-multimonitor ~/.scripts
chmod  x ~/.scripts/i3lock-fancy-multimonitor/lock
  • Copy weather from .scripts dir to /usr/bin/weather.
cp -r ~/.scripts/weather /usr/bin/weather
chmod  x /usr/bin/weather
  • Install oh-my-zsh first
  • Install oh-my-zsh additional plugins:
git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions
git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-syntax-highlighting
source ~/.zshrc

Some recommended applications

  • Terminals: Kitty / urxvt / st
  • File managers: Nautilus ranger
  • Launchers: Rofi / dmenu
  • Browsers: Google Chrome / Firefox (with Vimium extension)
  • Editors: Neovim / VSCode
  • Music players: mpd (with ncmpcpp)
  • Activity monitor: gotop

Eye-candy suggestions

  • neofetch - Display a ton of system info
  • colorls - Icons for the ls command
  • cava - Audio visualizer (used for Spotify)
  • lolcat - For rainbow effect (ex. usage neofetch|lolcat)

Basic keybinds

I use super AKA Windows key as my main modifier.


  • super [1-0] - Change workspace
  • super shift [1-0] - Move focused window to workspace
  • super [arrow keys] / [hjkl] - Change focus by direction
  • super shift [arrow keys] / [hjkl] - Move client by direction
  • super q - Kill window
  • super shift s - Screenshot
  • super ctrl l - Lock screen
  • super shift minus - Make the currently focused window a scratchpad
  • super minus - Show scratchpad

exec apps

  • super enter - Spawn terminal
  • super shift enter - Spawn google-chrome window
  • super m - Open nautilus (file manager)
  • super d - Launch rofi
  • super c - Open calculator (rofi)
  • super z - Toogle cava audio visualizer
  • super x - Toogle webcam preview


  • super shift space - Toggle floating client

  • super r - Resize mode

  • super f - Toggle fullscreen

  • super h - Split in horizontal orientation

  • super v - Split in vertical orientation

  • super s - Stacking layout

  • super w - Tabbed layout

  • super e - Split layout

  • super shift m - Move current workspace to another monitor

  • ... And many many more.