Title | Title 2 |
Lorem ipsum ... | Lorem ipsum ... |
Donna getting started with github
show list of directory you are in.
mkdir {Name_of_new_directory}
make a new directory.
cd {Name_of_Directory}
open a directory.
cd ..
go a directory back.
open {name_file}
open a file.
cat {name_file}
concatenate files and redirect output in terminal.
git pull
to see if there are updates.
git status
before adding to see what you have changed
git branch
to see what branch you are in
git checkout donna-website
to go to the branch donna-website
git fetch
retrieve information about the branch/repo/etc from github
git add .
adds a change in the working directory to the staging area. It tells Git that you want to include updates to a particular file in the next commit.
git commit -m "{name of what you did}"
give push a name.
git push
push it back on github.
git clone {url_github}
get a clone of the codes on github.(Password here is found on Github/Settings/Developer settings/Personal Access tokens) This will be downloaded in the current directory.
tail -f
displays the last ten lines of the file and monitors the file for any new changes (live).
more {name file}
shows txt of the file in terminal output
{package} install -r requirements.txt
installing a package as pip3.
{language} -m spacy download en_core_web_sm
installing a language as python.
these packages are now locally downloaded in scripts.
git config --global user.name "{github username}"
configer in the --global the username.
git config --global user.email "{github emailadress}"
configer in the --global the email.
git config --global --list
show --global.
adding /
in front, it send you through the repo from the beginning /img/donna.jpg
not addind /
lets you stay where you are img/donna.jpg
adding ../
let you take a step back : ../../img/donna.jpg
ctr c - stop code from running.
Install VS Code on App Store
Install homebrew on https://brew.sh/#install in the terminal
Install python
$brew install python
Install pip
sudo easy_install pip
When matching Github to terminal, create a personal access token on https://github.com/settings/tokens With clone, you fill in username and this token in stead of password.