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Cross-platform, single executable tool to run music, lights and sound effects on mobile party machines.


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Deichwave is an automated, but interactive, media-player app powering your parties with music 🎶, light- 🚨 and sound-effects 💥.

Especially on-the-go. 🚗

Getting started • History • Development

Getting Started

Copy the compiled executable as to your target computer and run it from the directory that contains your data/sounds and data/music folders (see the data Readme), e.g. using the command line:


Then monitor the log output to see if everything is up and running and for instructions to access the web interface.

Web Interface

By default, Deichwave can be remote controlled using a web interface hosted at port :3000:

Web Interface Screenshot

Screenshot of the web interface1


The BBYCR is a purpose-built vehicle used for outdoor parties on the move (e.g. for Kohltouren or the traditional hiking tour on German Father's Days). It is equipped with speakers to play music (continously, without requiring interaction while also being able to easily adjust what playlists are used) and sound effects (on demand), as well as being lit up with addressable LED strips (in addition to providing a way to bring along sufficient amounts of beer). It uses a Raspberry Pi 3 as its on-board computer.

To power all this on a software level, Deichwave was born after multiple previous attempts that simple bolted together a bunch of Python scripts with existing software like MPD, pigpio and others. As this proved to be too difficult to setup (and use for non-technical friends that borrowed the vehicle) and also not robust enough to survive the, sometimes day-long, deployments, it was first turned into multiple Go microservices that were again bolted onto the existing scripts and external software before being rewritten into its current form from scratch after two years of disappointing mid-party music failures.

This time it is supposed to be a portable monolith that can compile into a single executable, so that it is as easy as possible to deploy and can even be used directly from a thumb drive that contains the music and sound files that should be played. It also cross-compiles on (and for) Linux and Windows running on ARM64 and x64 platforms. So aside from the targeted Raspberry Pi 3 on the original BBYCR you can even use it for your home-party on your regular laptop or wherever else you like.

The Original Vehicle

Outfitted with main speakers between its wheel base, additional tweeters pointed at the front, a subwoofer at the back, underbody lights, an integrated foldable beer pong table and built-in bar counters, you almost forget that the BBYCR's main purpose is to make sure that you don't run out of drinks on your tour. All of this is controlled by a Rasbperry Pi in one of it's two trunks, which is also connected to two side-panels that houses multiple buttons, rotary encoders and switches allowing the participants of the tour to access the entertainment functions at any time.

BBYCR Photo at Night


The following sections will help you to get started if you want to help with the development of Deichwave or just want to modify or compile it for yourself.


This project is structured into multiple folders with different purposes, most with individual additional readmes:

Runtime Environment

  • /config: Application configuration files
  • /data: Static assets used by the application

Development Environment

  • /cmd: Source code for the executable commands
  • /pkg: Library code that houses the actual functionality
  • /tools: Additional tools and scripts
  • /web: Web interface used to control all important features, will get bundled into the executable during compilation

(These are only required if you want to contribute to the development of Deichwave)


  • /api: API specifications
  • /bin: Target folder for the compiled binaries, if the supplied VS Code build tasks are used, the resulting binaries will be ordered into subfolders of the format <os>/<architecture>
  • /docs: Assets that contain or support the project's documentation
  • .github, .devcontainer, .vscode: Contain configurations for the development infrastructure


All Deichwave commands (executables) can be build using the default go toolchain:

go build ./...

Multiple go generators are used in this project, to e.g. automatically rebuild the OpenAPI modules according to the provided spec2 or to directly embed the application logo as icons into windows binaries3.


Thanks to Go's cross-compilation capabilities, building Deichwave for different target architectures is relatively easy - just make sure that all C dependencies can be found by the compiler as this project uses CGO. The build tasks defined in /.vscode/tasks.json also include the following cross-compilation targets.

linux/amd64 to linux/arm64

To cross-compile on Linux for ARM64 devices (i.e. a Raspberry Pi, which is the targeted platform of this project), the gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu toolchain is used. To install it on a Debian based system, use:

sudo apt install gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu

The go build command is then invoked with the following environment variables:

Linux Dependencies

On Linux, the CGO modules used for audio playback and user interfaces have some dependencies that need to be installed. This is done for both, the host architecture and the cross-compilation target in a similar way, if Multiarch support has been enabled4:

# Host
apt install libasound2-dev libgl1-mesa-dev xorg-dev

# Multiarch
dpkg --add-architecture arm64
apt update
apt install libasound2-dev:arm64 libxxf86vm-dev:arm64 libxinerama-dev:arm64 libxi-dev:arm64 libxcursor-dev:arm64 libxrandr-dev:arm64

Additionally, on Raspberry Pi devices, outputting the light effects on ws281x LEDs requires the rpi_ws281x libraries to be installed, this is done manually by downloading them from the release section of my forked version of go-rpi-ws281x that supports recent rpi_ws281x releases and extracting the archive relative to your root directory:

Or by using scons to compile them yourself from the original source:

sudo apt install scons
git clone
cd rpi_ws281x

scons V=yes TOOLCHAIN=aarch64-linux-gnu

cp ws2811.h /usr/aarch64-linux-gnu/include/ws2811.h
cp rpihw.h /usr/aarch64-linux-gnu/include/rpihw.h
cp pwm.h /usr/aarch64-linux-gnu/include/pwm.h
cp libws2811.a /usr/aarch64-linux-gnu/lib/libws2811.a

linux/amd64 to windows/amd64

To cross-compile on Linux for windows platforms, the mingw-w64 toolchain is used5. To install it on a Debian based system, use:

sudo apt install gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu

The go build command is then invoked with the following environment variables:



Additionally, a GoReleaser configuration is provided to automate the building of production ready releases for all target platforms using:

goreleaser release --clean


  • Add a way to run the main executable automatically at boot
  • Create pre-compiled releases
  • Add signed OTA updates/patches
  • Create a Flutter frontend
  • Add tests

🌊 /daɪ̯çweɪv/ 🌊


  1. Screenshot created with Screely ↩

  2. OpenAPI Client and Server Code Generator ↩

  3. Embedding resources in Windows executables ↩

  4. Cross-Compiling CGO Projects ↩

  5. Compiling for windows on Linux ↩