Chatbot Development Tutorial: How to build a fully functional weather bot on Facebook Messenger with API.AI
This is an example on how you can build a Weather Chatbot on Facebook platform, using Ruby on Rails and API.AI The technology stack we used is
- Server backend: Ruby on Rails
- Natural Language Processing platfrom: API.AI
- Deployment on Facebook Messenger
- The Singapore National Environment Agency provides a nice API (for free) that gives current weather as well as forecasts
Sample feature: (1) Able to return the “2 Hour Nowcast” when user asks for the current weather User: “What’s the weather in Singapore?” Bot: “The weather in Singapore is {weather}” User: “How’s the weather in Singapore?” Bot: “The weather in Singapore is {weather}” User: “Is it raining in Singapore” Bot: “The weather in Singapore is {weather}”
You can try out the weather bot here: WBot By Robusttechhouse
Go to and register an account for you. Please note cannot support collaboration yet so you may have to create a generic account to share among your team. Read and follow the steps there. Then, go to the settings in your wit app and get the token id.
Fortunately we have a nice Ruby SDK to the natural language processing service. You can find out more about this gem at here.
gem 'api-ai-ruby'
Just pass correct credentials to ApiAiRuby::Client constructor
client = :client_access_token => 'YOUR_CLIENT_ACCESS_TOKEN' )
After that you can send text requests to the with command
response = client.text_request 'hello!'
Or try to invocate intent via defined 'event':
response_zero = client.event_request 'MY_CUSTOM_EVENT_NAME'; response_one = client.event_request 'MY_EVENT_WITH_DATA_TO_STORE', {:param1 => 'value'} response_two = client.event_request 'MY_EVENT_WITH_DATA_TO_STORE', {:some_param => 'some_value'}, :resetContexts =>
For cleaner coding, I have wraped all the integration between our Rails App and API.AI within a single class. Create a new chat_service.rb file in /services. What we need to do is create a ChatService class and in it’s initializer, where we will set up a API.AI client
class ChatService attr_reader :response_message def initialize(uid) @client = client_access_token: ENV['API_AI_CLIENT_ACCESS_TOKEN'], api_session_id: uid ) end def execute(message) // Some logic here to get @response_message @response_message end end
By doing this, when new message coming from an user, we can simply give user ID and the message to our ChatService class through the execute method which in turn will result in the @response_message Note that you shouldn’t actually have your API.AI access client access token or any other token like it just lying around in code waiting to be put in version control. You should use the secrets.yml or application.yml (using Figaro) for development and environment variables in production. Here is how we implement the execute method, please note there are lots of thing we can implement here to customize and improve the chat experience:
def execute(message) api_ai_response = @client.text_request(message) api_ai_response_message = api_ai_response[:result][:fulfillment][:speech] if action_incomplete @response_message = api_ai_response_message return end case action when '' @response_message = search_forecast(api_ai_response[:result][:parameters][:location]) when ... # More implementation here end end def search_forecast(location) WeatherService.search_forecast(location) end
Note: WeatherService is a class within my services directory. This class acts as an adapter, connecting to 3rd party weather provider to fetch weather information given a specific location.
Head on over to the developer console and press “Add a New App”. After creating one, you can skip the quick start. You’ll end up here. From here, you’re going to want to press “ Add Product” and add Messenger. After we configure a webhook, Facebook wants us to validate the URL to our application.
We’ll be using the facebook-messenger gem. It’s arguably the best Ruby client for Facebook Messenger. Add below initialization code so that our Rails App can loaded the gem
# frozen_string_literal: true # config/initializers/facebook_messenger.rb unless Rails.env.production? bot_files = Dir[Rails.root.join('app', 'bot', '**', '*.rb')] bots_reloader = do bot_files.each { |file| require_dependency file } end ActionDispatch::Callbacks.to_prepare do bots_reloader.execute_if_updated end bot_files.each { |file| require_dependency file } end
Add initial code for our bot
# frozen_string_literal: true # app/bot/listen.rb require 'facebook/messenger' include Facebook::Messenger Facebook::Messenger::Subscriptions.subscribe(access_token: ENV['ACCESS_TOKEN']) Bot.on :message do |message| request_message = message.text uid = message.sender['id'] User.find_or_create_by(uid: uid) unless request_message.nil? chat_service = chat_service.execute(request_message) FacebookMessengerService.deliver(uid, chat_service.response_message) end end
I also have a Facebook Messager Service class, which main function is to handle the replying to the sender, wrapped within the deliver method:
# frozen_string_literal: true # app/services/facebook_messenger_service.rb class FacebookMessengerService class << self def deliver(uid, message) puts "[debuz] sending '#{message}' to user '#{uid}'" message_content = { text: message, quick_replies: quick_replies ? quick_replies : nil } begin Bot.deliver( { recipient: { id: uid }, message: message_content }, access_token: ENV['ACCESS_TOKEN'] ) rescue => e puts '[debuz] ' e.message end end end end
Add to config/application.rb so rails knows about our bot files
# Auto-load /bot and its subdirectories config.paths.add File.join("app", "bot"), glob: File.join("**","*.rb") config.autoload_paths = Dir[Rails.root.join("app", "bot", "*")]
One last thing is to update routes for /bot
# config/routes.rb Rails.application.routes.draw do mount Facebook::Messenger::Server, at: "bot" end
Also, do not forget to set the env variables for the following
Now that we have a functional bot, we can play around with the UI elements that Facebook provides. You can check them out here. With this post, I hope you can build a API.AI chatbot for your own. This is an interesting space as it’s fairly new, good luck! You can find the example Rails app here:
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