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This project serves as a proof of concept for a deliveries and employee management system, showcasing the application of Domain-Driven Design (DDD) principles. Developed over a one-month period, it uses Go for the backend and React for the frontend, resulting in a well-structured and scalable application.

Current Functionality:

User Management: Users can create, manage, and view employees (drivers) within the system, including adding, editing, and deleting employee information. Delivery Management: Drivers can be assigned deliveries, and each delivery can be associated with specific vehicles. This allows for efficient management of deliveries and tracking of driver assignments.

Technology Stack:


The core application logic is implemented using Go, a versatile language known for its performance and scalability, making it suitable for a deliveries and employee management system. JWT: JSON Web Tokens (JWT) are utilized for authentication and authorization, ensuring secure access to the system's features. SQLX: This library facilitates interaction with the PostgreSQL database, providing a convenient and efficient way to perform database operations. Custom Middlewares: Custom middleware is implemented to handle logging, error recovery, and other tasks, enhancing the robustness and maintainability of the application.


React, a popular JavaScript library, is used to create the user interface of the application. React's component-based approach enables the development of modular and reusable UI components.

Future Development:

While the project is currently on hold, it has laid a solid foundation for further development. Future plans may include: Expanding the system to include customer management and order processing capabilities, allowing for end-to-end management of the delivery process. Implementing advanced features such as real-time tracking of deliveries and integration with third-party mapping services. Optimizing the application for performance and scalability to handle larger volumes of deliveries and employees.


Learning Platform:

  • This project served as a valuable learning experience, honing my skills in Go, React, DDD, and various Go libraries.
  • It allowed me to explore authentication, database interaction, and custom middleware implementation in Go, deepening my understanding of these concepts.
  • The project provided hands-on experience with DDD principles, such as domain modeling, bounded contexts, and aggregates.

Technical Exploration:

  • The project allowed me to explore implementing authentication with JWT, ensuring secure access to the system.
  • It provided practical experience with database interaction using sqlx, enabling efficient data retrieval and manipulation.
  • I gained insights into developing custom middleware, allowing for flexible and extensible application behavior.


Delivery service project written in Go React





