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336 lines (272 loc) · 15.7 KB

File metadata and controls

336 lines (272 loc) · 15.7 KB


All datasets inherit from the torch_geometric Dataset class, allowing for automated preprocessing and inference-time transforms. See the official documentation for more details.

Supported datasets

Dataset Download from ? Which files ? Where to ?
S3DIS link data/s3dis/
ScanNetV2 link scannetv2-labels.combined.tsv {{scan_name}}.aggregation.json {{scan_name}}.txt {{scan_name}}_vh_clean_2.0.010000.segs.json {{scan_name}}_vh_clean_2.ply data/scannet/
KITTI-360 link data/kitti360/
DALES link DALESObjects.tar.gz data/dales/

Structure of the data/ directory

S3DIS data directory structure.

└── data
    └── s3dis                                                     # Structure for S3DIS
        ├──                              # (optional) Downloaded zipped dataset with non-aligned rooms
        ├── raw                                                     # Raw dataset files
        │   └── Area_{{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}}                             # S3DIS"s area/room/room.txt structure
        │       └── Area_{{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}}_alignmentAngle.txt        # Room alignment angles required for entire floor reconstruction
        │       └── {{room_name}}  
        │           └── {{room_name}}.txt
        └── processed                                               # Preprocessed data
            └── {{train, val, test}}                                  # Dataset splits
                └── {{preprocessing_hash}}                              # Preprocessing folder
                    └── Area_{{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}}.h5                      # Preprocessed Area file

Warning ⚠️: Make sure you download and NOT the aligned version ⛔, which does not contain the Area_{{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}}_alignmentAngle.txt files.

ScanNetV2 data directory structure.

└── data
    └─── scannet                                     # Structure for ScanNetV2
        ├── raw                                         # Raw dataset files
        |   ├── scannetv2-labels.combined.tsv
        |   ├── scans
        |   │   └── {{scan_name}}
        |   │       ├── {{scan_name}}.aggregation.json
        |   │       ├── {{scan_name}}.txt
        |   │       ├── {{scan_name}}_vh_clean_2.0.010000.segs.json
        |   │       └── {{scan_name}}_vh_clean_2.ply
        |   └── scans_test
        |       └── {{scan_name}}
        |           └── {{scan_name}}_vh_clean_2.ply
        └── processed                                   # Preprocessed data
            └── {{train, val, test}}                      # Dataset splits
                └── {{preprocessing_hash}}                  # Preprocessing folder
                    └── {{scans, scans_test}}
                        └── {{scan_name}}.h5                # Preprocessed scan file

KITTI-360 data directory structure.

└── data
    └─── kitti360                                     # Structure for KITTI-360
        ├──                  # (optional) Downloaded zipped test dataset
        ├──                       # (optional) Downloaded zipped train dataset
        ├── raw                                         # Raw dataset files
        │   └── data_3d_semantics                       # Contains all raw train and test sequences
        │       └── {{sequence_name}}                     # KITTI-360"s sequence/static/window.ply structure
        │           └── static
        │               └── {{window_name}}.ply
        └── processed                                   # Preprocessed data
            └── {{train, val, test}}                      # Dataset splits
                └── {{preprocessing_hash}}                  # Preprocessing folder
                    └── {{sequence_name}}
                        └── {{window_name}}.h5                # Preprocessed window file

DALES data directory structure.

└── data
    └── dales                                         # Structure for DALES
        ├── DALESObjects.tar.gz                         # (optional) Downloaded zipped dataset
        ├── raw                                         # Raw dataset files
        │   └── {{train, test}}                           # DALES" split/tile.ply structure
        │       └── {{tile_name}}.ply
        └── processed                                   # Preprocessed data
            └── {{train, val, test}}                      # Dataset splits
                └── {{preprocessing_hash}}                  # Preprocessing folder
                    └── {{tile_name}}.h5                      # Preprocessed tile file

Warning ⚠️: Make sure you download the DALESObjects.tar.gz and NOTdales_semantic_segmentation_las.tar.gz nor ⛔ dales_semantic_segmentation_ply.tar.gz versions, which do not contain all required point attributes.

Tip 💡: Already have the dataset on your machine ? Save memory 💾 by simply symlinking or copying the files to data/<dataset_name>/raw/, following the above-described data/ structure.

Automatic download and preprocessing

Following torch_geometric"s Dataset behaviour:

  1. Dataset instantiation
    ➡ Load preprocessed data in data/<dataset_name>/processed
  2. Missing files in data/<dataset_name>/processed structure
    Automatic preprocessing using files in data/<dataset_name>/raw
  3. Missing files in data/<dataset_name>/raw structure
    Automatic unzipping of the downloaded dataset in data/<dataset_name>
  4. Missing downloaded dataset in data/<dataset_name> structure
    Automatic manual download to data/<dataset_name>

Warning ⚠️: We do not support ❌ automatic download, for compliance reasons. Please manually download the required dataset files to the required location as indicated in the above table.

Setting up your own data/ and logs/ paths

The data/ and logs/ directories will store all your datasets and training logs. By default, these are placed in the repository directory.

Since this may take some space, or your heavy data may be stored elsewhere, you may specify other paths for these directories by creating a configs/local/default.yaml file containing the following:

# @package paths

# path to data directory
data_dir: /path/to/your/data/

# path to logging directory
log_dir: /path/to/your/logs/

Pre-transforms, transforms, on-device transforms

Pre-transforms are the functions making up the preprocessing. These are called only once and their output is saved in data/<dataset_name>/processed/. These typically encompass neighbor search and partition construction.

The transforms are called by the Dataloader at batch-creation time. These typically encompass sampling and data augmentations and are performed on CPU, before moving the batch to the GPU.

On-device transforms, are transforms to be performed on GPU. These are typically compute-intensive operations that could not be done once and for all at preprocessing time, and are too slow to be performed on CPU by the Dataloader.

Preprocessing hash

Different from torch_geometric, you can have multiple preprocessed versions of each dataset, identified by their preprocessing hash.

This hash will change whenever the preprocessing configuration (i.e. pre-transforms) is modified in an impactful way (e.g. changing the partition regularization).

Modifications of the transforms and on-device transforms will not affect your preprocessing hash.

Mini datasets

Each dataset has a "mini" version which only processes a portion of the data, to speedup experimentation. To use it, set the dataset config of your choice:

mini: True

Or, if you are using the CLI, use the following syntax:

# Train SPT on mini-DALES
python src/ experiment=dales

Creating your own dataset

To create your own dataset, you will need to do the following:

  • create YourDataset class inheriting from src.datasets.BaseDataset
  • create YourDataModule class inheriting from src.datamodules.DataModule
  • create configs/datamodule/<TASK>/your_dataset.yaml config

Instructions are provided in the docstrings of those classes, and you can get inspiration from our code for S3DIS, ScanNet, KITTI-360 and DALES to get started.

We suggest that your config inherits from configs/datamodule/<TASK>/default.yaml, where <TASK> is be semantic or panoptic, depending on your segmentation task of interest. See configs/datamodule/<TASK>/s3dis.yaml, configs/datamodule/<TASK>/scannet.yaml, configs/datamodule/<TASK>/kitti360.yaml, and configs/datamodule/<TASK>/dales.yaml for inspiration.

Semantic label format

The semantic labels of your dataset must follow certain rules.

Indeed, your points are expected to have labels within $[0, C]$, where: $C$ is the num_classes you define in your YourDataset.

  • All labels $[0, C - 1]$ are assumed to be present in your dataset. As such, they will all be used in metrics and losses computation.
  • A point with the $C$ label will be considered void/ignored/unlabeled (whichever you call it). As such, it will be excluded from metrics and losses computation

Hence, make sure the output of your YourDataset.read_single_raw_cloud() reader method never returns labels outside your $[0, C]$ range. Besides, if some labels in $[0, C - 1]$ are not useful to you (ie absent from your dataset), we recommend you remap your labels to a new $[0, C" - 1]$ range (torch_geometric.nn.pool.consecutive.consecutive_cluster can help you with that, if need be), while making sure you only use the label $C"$ for void/ignored/unlabeled points.

Setting your train, val, and test sets

The clouds you use for your respective sets are to be specified in the all_base_cloud_ids() method of your YourDataset.

def all_base_cloud_ids(self):
    return {
        "train": [...],  # list of UNIQUE clouds ids in your train set
        "val": [...],  # list of UNIQUE clouds ids in your validation set
        "test": [...]  # list of UNIQUE clouds ids in your test set

Importantly, the cloud ids specified in each split must be uniquely identified: we do not want clouds to have the same name in your train and test set.

Using the test set for validation

Generally, if you intend to run multiple experiments and tune some hyperparameters to suit your dataset, you do need a validation set to avoid contaminating your test set, which must be kept aside until final performance evaluation. Yet, in some cases you might want to only use a train and a test set. In this case you must set:

def all_base_cloud_ids(self):
    return {
        "train": [...],  # list of UNIQUE clouds ids in your train set
        "val": [],  # empty list, no validation clouds
        "test": [...]  # list of UNIQUE clouds ids in your test set

Still, you can specify that you want to also use the test set as a val set (which is dangerous ML practice) by setting in your configs/datamodule/your_task/your_dataset.yaml datamodule config:

val_on_test: True

val points mixed with train/test points

It sometimes happens that your validation points are stored in the same preprocessed files as your training or testing points. In this peculiar situation, it is possible to load the relevant files when needed and slice only the required points as an on_device_transform to save time.

In this case, the all_base_cloud_ids() method of your YourDataset may contain duplicate entries between val and the other splits:

def all_base_cloud_ids(self):
    return {
        "train": [...],  # list of clouds ids in your train set, may contain duplicates with val
        "val": [...],  # list of clouds ids in your vallidation set
        "test": [...]  # list of clouds ids in your test set, may contain duplicates with val

You must specify one of the following in your configs/datamodule/your_task/your_dataset.yaml datamodule config:

val_mixed_in_train: True  # if some preprocessed clouds contain both validation and train points
test_mixed_in_val: True  # if some preprocessed clouds contain both validation and test points

Finally, your read_single_raw_cloud() method must return Data objects holding a is_val boolean attribute indicating whether a point belongs to the validation set. If val_mixed_in_train or test_mixed_in_val are specified, this attribute will be used for selecting the relevant points at batch creation time. See S3DIS"s read_s3dis_area() for an example of how is_val can be specified.