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Drone plugin for building and publishing Docker images


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Drone kaniko plugin uses kaniko to build and publish Docker images to a container registry.

Plugin images are published with 1.6.0 as well as 1.9.1 kaniko version from 1.5.1 release tag. plugins/kaniko:<release-tag> uses 1.6.0 version while plugins/kaniko:<release-tag>-kaniko1.9.1 uses 1.9.1 version. Similar convention is used for plugins/kaniko-ecr & plugins/kaniko-gcr images as well.

Run the following script to install git-leaks support to this repo.

chmod  x ./git-hooks/


Build the binaries with the following commands:

export GOOS=linux
export GOARCH=amd64
export CGO_ENABLED=0
export GO111MODULE=on

go build -v -a -tags netgo -o release/linux/amd64/kaniko-docker ./cmd/kaniko-docker
go build -v -a -tags netgo -o release/linux/amd64/kaniko-gcr ./cmd/kaniko-gcr
go build -v -a -tags netgo -o release/linux/amd64/kaniko-ecr ./cmd/kaniko-ecr
go build -v -a -tags netgo -o release/linux/amd64/kaniko-acr ./cmd/kaniko-acr


Build the Docker images with the following commands:

docker build \
  --label$(date -u  "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") \
  --label org.label-schema.vcs-ref=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) \
  --file docker/docker/Dockerfile.linux.amd64 --tag plugins/kaniko .
docker build \
  --label$(date -u  "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") \
  --label org.label-schema.vcs-ref=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) \
  --file docker/acr/Dockerfile.linux.amd64 --tag plugins/kaniko-acr .

docker build \
  --label$(date -u  "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") \
  --label org.label-schema.vcs-ref=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) \
  --file docker/gcr/Dockerfile.linux.amd64 --tag plugins/kaniko-gcr .

docker build \
  --label$(date -u  "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ") \
  --label org.label-schema.vcs-ref=$(git rev-parse --short HEAD) \
  --file docker/ecr/Dockerfile.linux.amd64 --tag plugins/kaniko-ecr .


Manual Tagging

docker run --rm \
    -e PLUGIN_TAGS=1.2,latest \
    -e PLUGIN_DOCKERFILE=/drone/Dockerfile \
    -e PLUGIN_REPO=foo/bar \
    -e PLUGIN_USERNAME=foo \
    -e PLUGIN_PASSWORD=bar \
    -v $(pwd):/drone \
    -w /drone \

With expanded tagging enabled, semantic versions can be passed to PLUGIN_TAGS directly for expansion.

Note: this feature only works for build labels. Artifact labels are not supported.

docker run --rm \
    -e PLUGIN_TAGS=v1.2.3,latest \
    -e PLUGIN_EXPAND_TAG=true \
    -v $(pwd):/drone \
    -w /drone \

would both be equivalent to


This allows for passing $DRONE_TAG directly as a tag for repos that use semver tags.

To avoid confusion between repo tags and image tags, PLUGIN_EXPAND_TAG also recognizes a semantic version without the v prefix. As such, the following is also equivalent to the above:

docker run --rm \
    -e PLUGIN_TAGS=1.2.3,latest \
    -e PLUGIN_EXPAND_TAG=true \
    -v $(pwd):/drone \
    -w /drone \

Auto Tagging

The auto tag feature of docker plugin is also supported.

When auto tagging is enabled, if any of the case is matched below, a docker build will be pushed with auto generated tags. Otherwise the docker build will be skipped.

Note: this feature only works for build labels. Artifact labels are not supported.

Git Tag Push:

docker run --rm \
    -e DRONE_COMMIT_REF=refs/tags/v1.2.3 \
    -e PLUGIN_REPO=foo/bar \
    -e PLUGIN_USERNAME=foo \
    -e PLUGIN_PASSWORD=bar \
    -e PLUGIN_AUTO_TAG=true \
    -v $(pwd):/drone \
    -w /drone \

Tags to push:

  • 1.2.3
  • 1.2
  • 1

Git Commit Push in default branch:

docker run --rm \
    -e DRONE_COMMIT_REF=refs/heads/master \
    -e DRONE_REPO_BRANCH=main \
    -e PLUGIN_REPO=foo/bar \
    -e PLUGIN_USERNAME=foo \
    -e PLUGIN_PASSWORD=bar \
    -e PLUGIN_AUTO_TAG=true \
    -v $(pwd):/drone \
    -w /drone \

Tags to push:

  • latest