- Simply import this project to your eclipse (or favorite JAVA IDE).
- Watch this simple 5-minute live-demo: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NxBpObvbBHdMjL4tl7PlpRNi7U9lMfW8/view
- Make your own fork from the project
- You can refer to this sample tutorial on how to import your new project into your workspace: https://tools.jboss.org/documentation/howto/git_import_projects.html#clone_uri
- After your project is successfully imported, you can explore the file structure, and add your own tests or test suites as needed.
- Always use the latest version of SHAFT_Engine in your pom.xml file
- Refer to the published SHAFT_Engine javadocs for detailed information on the available functions/classes/packages https://mohabmohie.github.io/SHAFT_ENGINE/
- Refer to TestNG [https://testng.org/doc/documentation-main.html] and Allure Reporting [https://docs.qameta.io/allure/] documentation for using annotations
using_SHAFT_ENGINE is a sample project to showcase how to get started using SHAFT_Engine, and how to use some of its rich features, while applying the best practices for Test Automation project design. For a full list of the Supported features that you can use or try out, please refer to this Read Me file.