A simple wrapper for Google"s Text-To-Speech API. Simply list the available voices and convert your text to a mp3 by providing your API key, language code and voicename.
- add the package as a dependency to your
sdk: flutter
wavenet: ^2.0.5
- Initialize the TextToSpeechService:
TextToSpeechService service = TextToSpeechService("sample api key");
- List the available voices:
await service.availableVoices();
They can also be found here: https://cloud.google.com/text-to-speech/docs/voices
- Convert your text to a File object (api key required):
File mp3 = await service.textToSpeech(
text: "Hello World",
voiceName: "en-GB-Wavenet-F",
audioEncoding: "MP3",
languageCode: "en-GB"
pitch: 0.0,
speakingRate: 1.0,
This is a fork of https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/text_to_speech_api.