INI parsing library for Go (golang).
This library supports read/write and implements io.ReadWriteCloser, io.ReadFrom and io.WriteTo for convenience of integration
View the API documentation here.
N.B. that the current (v2) of this library is a substantial change from v1 (see General usage remains unchanged, but support for direct access to internal structures has been dropped.
Parse an INI file:
import ""
file, err := ini.LoadFile("myfile.ini")
Get (string) data from the parsed file:
name, ok := file.Get("person", "name")
if !ok {
panic("'name' variable missing from 'person' section")
Get (array) data from the parsed file:
colours, ok := file.GetArr("apples", "colour")
if !ok {
panic("'colours' array variable missing from 'apples' section")
Create a new file for writing:
file := ini.NewFile()
Set a value in the file:
file.Set("person", "name", "fred")
Write a file out:
INI files are parsed by go-ini line-by-line. Each line may be one of the following:
- A section definition: [section-name]
- A property: key = value
- An array property: key[] = value
- A comment: #blahblah or ;blahblah
- Blank. The line will be ignored.
Properties defined before any section headers are placed in the default section, which has the empty string as it's key.
# I am a comment
; So am I!
colour[] = red
colour[] = green
shape = applish
shape = square
colour = blue
The tests in this package are written to use the subtest feature of Go 1.7.
Attempting to run the tests with older go will yield a result like
./ini_test.go:366: t.Run undefined (type *testing.T has no field or method Run)
See if you need to run them on an older release of Go.