Config for the awesome window manager!
- Since I use sxhkd for my hotkeys you'll need to install sxhkd. Heres an example on how to configure sxhkd for awesome:
# quit/restart
super alt {q,r}
echo "awesome.{quit,restart}()" | awesome-client
# close and kill
super {_, shift } q
echo "client.focus:kill()" | awesome-client
# set the client state
super {s,d,f,shift f}
echo "change_client_state('{stacking,default,maximized,fullscreen}')" | awesome-client
# reset the client color
super c
echo "require('util.client_colors').update()" | awesome-client
# focus/swap clients
super {_,shift }{j,k,h,l}
echo "require('awful').client.{focus,swap}.bydirection('{down,up,left,right}')" | awesome-client
# focus the next/previous tag
super {p,n}
echo "require('awful').tag.view{prev,next}()" | awesome-client
# focus or send to the given desktop
super {1-9,0}{_, ctrl, shift}
echo "awful = require('awful') tag = awful.screen.focused().tags[{1-9,10}] {tag:view_only(),awful.tag.viewtoggle(tag),client.focus:move_to_tag(tag)}" | awesome-client
# resize master
super ctrl {h,l}
echo "require('awful').tag.incmwfact({-,_}0.05)" | awesome-client
# previous client
super Tab
echo "awful.client.focus.history.previous()" | awesome-client
# next layout
super o
echo "" | awesome-client
# focus the next/previous screen
super ctrl {j,k}
echo "awful.screen.focus_relative({_,-}1)" | awesome-client
- Clone the repository in your .config folder (rename or remove the existing folder)
git clone ~/.config/awesome
If you're using the example sxhkd keymappings, use super c to recolor the focused clients borders to make it pretty! This repository is nowhere near done or anything, so don't expect it to always be the same.
These are some repositories that have helped me out.