The goal of this exercise is to implement functionality for an address book. It should take about an hour or so. Please do not share your solution publicly.
Here is what we expect:
- Implement a page that displays the list of contacts available
- Implement "add a contact" to address book functionality
- You don't need to implement the storage layer
- You don't need to implement the internals of the API layer. However you will need write your "fake" api. See fake api section. Your webpages should call to your fake API to get results. For add, you should call your fake api to send data but the data does not need to be persisted. You MUST use some form of API to get results (that is local storage is not ok).
- You can use this as a guide but feel free to use your creative license. However in general focus more on functionality and less on styles.
- Approach this in test driven development fashion
- Use any frameworks/tools/technologies you wish to use
This exercise has dependencies on Node.js (for running the mock api) and grunt.
Node.js - You can download a Node.js installer for your operating system from
Once you have the prerequisties
- Fork this repo
- run
npm install
- if you don't already have grunt installed globally
npm install -g grunt-cli
- run grunt so that you have watch setup and your website gets hosted. Once grunt runs, it will tell on what port to hit the website
- go to your browser and hit http://localhost:8888
- Do your work
- Submit a pull request
For building we are using grunt. grunt concats all files within the scripts into one single file called app.js. It also compiles all styles into a single file called app.css.
The watch only works for client side. If you make any server side changes, you need to stop and rerun grunt.
This project is wired up with restify. There is an example of fake api in server/api.js.
function respond(req, res, next) {
You can follow the same pattern to add more Apis. When grunt runs it proxies all calls to api (http://localhost:8888/api) to restify. So for the above example, to hit the contacts api you would hit, http://localhost:8888/api/contacts