Function getAllDataFromTable
Allow to fetch/get all data from table with using views. By default you need to pass some of the parameters when you call it.
let tableObj = base.getTable("Table-Name");
let records = await getAllDataFromTable({
table: tableObj,
view: "viewName",
fields: [
{ "name": "Actual Field Name 1", "access": "fieldAccessName1" },
// Also pass asString as true when you want to access object value as a string.
{ "name": "Actual Field Name 2", "access": "fieldAccessName2", asString:true }
Function makeAPIRequest
Make simple API request
let body = {"requestKey":"requestValue"};
let response = await makeAPIRequest({
url: `url of the API`,
method: "Request Method",
headers: {
'Authorization': `Bearer api-key`,
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: body