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Enabling vGPU in a Single Node using OpenShift Virtualization

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Enabling vGPU in a Single Node using OpenShift Virtualization

by Diego Alvarez

Many developers and organizations are shifting to containerized applications and serverless infrastructure, but there is still huge interest in developing and maintaining applications running as VMs. Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization provides that ability and allows organizations to bring VMs into containerized workflows inside clusters.

Additionally, GPUs in workstations are becoming increasingly popular. GPUs are powerful devices designed to deal with compute-heavy workloads like processing large amounts of data, such as AI/ML, in addition to graphics-intensive tasks. They provide notorious acceleration benefits and drastically improve the performance that we can obtain by just relying on the central processing unit CPU itself. OpenShift allows the use of PCI passthrough to access and use GPU hardware inside a VM.

Nevertheless, depending on the case, the entire GPU is not always needed. Typically, associating a PCI device to a VM means that the entire device will be dedicated to processes in that VM. This way, when a workload is being processed there, no other VM can use that PCI device. Utilizing technologies from various GPU vendors and the Linux kernel, OpenShift offers the ability to pass and set up a “slice”, or part of a GPU as a virtual GPU (vGPU) inside the VM. This means that resources are available and can be shared between multiple consumers at the same time. It is worth mentioning that OpenShift Virtualization 4.10 supports vGPU as a tech preview feature.

The objective of this blog is to dive into the process of setting up a cluster using a Single Node OpenShift instance on bare metal, and to configure and pass an NVIDIA GPU card as a vGPU (i.e. just a slice of the overall card) into a Fedora VM. Then, we’re going to test the performance by running different applications that make use of that vGPU. To finish off, we’ll compare the previous results with the ones obtained when the vGPU is not used, where we’ll simply rely on the CPU instead.

Node specifications

As mentioned previously, we’re going to deploy a Single Node OpenShift instance using the Assisted Installer for OpenShift 4.9.19 on a bare metal host. In this particular case, we’re going to use a single machine, but this blog can be followed for other topologies, like full-scale production clusters and compact clusters (three nodes). The node used in our example has the following specifications:

  • 2x Intel Xeon Silver 4116, 2.1G, 12C/24T
  • 4x 480GB SSD SATA (RAID 10)
  • 128GB Memory
  • NVIDIA Tesla M60 GPU Card w/2 GPUs 16GB Memory

Install Single Node OpenShift

Single Node OpenShift offers both control and worker capabilities in a single node, reducing the footprint and allowing it to run in more constrained environments. We’ll use the Assisted Installer which simplifies the deployment of OpenShift on bare metal hardware. Let’s start with the configuration from scratch.

Firstly, we need to navigate to the Assisted Installer page via the OpenShift Cluster Manager console and login with our Red Hat account. After logging in, click the Create button. Then, choose the Datacenter tab as target, and select Create Cluster.

The first part of the wizard will ask you for cluster details. Complete the following fields:

  • Cluster name: preferred cluster name.
  • Base domain: subdomain to match DNS. Please, refer to the OpenShift networking documentation to pre-configure your cluster’s networking, including:
    • DHCP or static IP Addresses.
    • Network ports.
    • DNS.
  • OpenShift version: in this case, OpenShift 4.9.19, the latest at time of writing.
  • Check the box Install Single Node OpenShift (SNO).

When finished, we can jump into the host discovery section by clicking Next. There, be sure to check the Install OpenShift Virtualization box (although this can be enabled post-installation if desired) and then click the Add hosts button.

The purpose of this step is to generate a discovery ISO to boot the node and install OpenShift there. There are two different options. If you want to boot the host from a USB drive or PXE, select Full image file. Otherwise, to boot using virtual media select Minimal image file (note that your node will require internet access). We’ll use the second option.

Finally, paste your SSH public key, which is used to ssh to deployed nodes. It is typically stored in the .ssh folder of your home directory and ends in .pub. In this case the corresponding file would be: ~/.ssh/ You can get the key by running this command in your terminal:

$ cat ~/.ssh/

Then, click Generate Discovery ISO to get the URL and the command to download the image:

Open a new terminal in the host machine and download the image by running the provided command. Once downloaded, mount the ISO image as virtual media (there are vendor specific options for this, so please seek the documentation for your respective hardware vendor) and set the host to automatically boot from that image. Then, power the system up.

Back on the Assisted Installer UI, the node will appear automatically. It may take a couple of minutes before it’s ready. Once it appears, you can change the node name if necessary. To continue with the installation, click Next.

In the Networking section, fill the Select subnet field by choosing the subnet you want to use; the available subnets should be automatically detected. Before proceeding, check that the Use the same host discovery SSH key box is selected. Then, click Next, review all the settings and finally select Install Cluster.

Single Node OpenShift installation can be monitored with the progress bar displayed. Once completed, you can spread out the installation section. There, you’ll find the Web Console URL, the admin user kubeadmin and the password. Access the web console by clicking on the URL and log in with the provided credentials. The web console Interface looks like this:

Install Operators

To proceed with the configuration, two Operators from the OperatorHub in OpenShift are needed: OpenShift Virtualization and Node Feature Discovery (NFD).

On the left side of the web console, open the Operators tab and click OperatorHub. There, we can search both operators filtering by name:

  • OpenShift Virtualization: This operator is installed during SNO deployment when checking the Install OpenShift Virtualization box. The status should be Succeed. If not, click Install.
  • Node Feature Discovery (NFD): click Install and use the default configuration provided. Once installed, select the NFD Operator and click on Create Instance. There, we’ll find different parameters we can configure. In this case, we are going to keep it by default, so click Create.

Verify the installation finished correctly by checking the Installed Operators section under Operators. You’ll see something like this:

Enable IOMMU

An input–output memory management unit (IOMMU) can be used in guest systems, such as VMs to use hardware that is not specifically made for virtualization. Graphic cards use direct memory access (DMA) to manage memory directly. In a virtual environment, all memory addresses are re-mapped by the virtual machine software, which causes DMA devices to fail. The IOMMU handles this re-mapping, allowing the guest operating system to use the native device drivers installed.

To connect with the OpenShift cluster, navigate to the upper-right corner of the web console and click on kube:admin. Choose the option Copy login command. In the new browser tab, select Display Token and paste the Log in with this token command in your terminal:

$ oc login --token=<sha256_token> --server=<server_url> 

Once connected, the first step is enabling the IOMMU driver on the worker nodes with a GPU card. In this case, we have a single node:

$ oc get nodes

NAME                                  STATUS                ROLES                    AGE            VERSION           Ready                 master,worker            16d            v1.22.3 2cb6068

Now, we can create the MachineConfig object to identify the kernel argument and enable the IOMMU driver. Apply a new label to indicate that this node has GPU by running the following command. We’ll tell the MachineConfig to look for nodes with this label:

$ oc label nodes hasGpu=true 

node/ labeled

Now, apply the MachineConfig object which will only be applied in the node with GPU, labeled previously:

$ cat << EOF > ~/100-master-kernel-arg-iommu.yaml
kind: MachineConfig
  labels: hasGpu master 
  name: 100-master-iommu 
      version: 3.2.0
      - intel_iommu=on

If you’re using AMD hardware, note that you’ll need to change the intel_iommu=on statement to amd_iommu=on.

The last step to complete the IOMMU configuration is to apply the MachineConfig to the cluster. This action will reboot the node labeled before:

$ oc create -f ~/100-master-kernel-arg-iommu.yaml created

Wait for the node where the MachineConfig is applied to reboot. Then, we can continue onto the next step.

Create Hostpath Provisioning

Pods and containers are ephemeral by nature and therefore, by default, so is their storage. Nevertheless, OpenShift provides different options in case persistent storage is needed. In this blog, we are going to use HostPath provisioning local storage. Following these steps, we can configure and use local storage in virtual machines.

Firstly, we need to generate the MachineConfig object to set up our worker node in the cluster. A new unit file will be deployed in the worker node. This will create the new directory where the data will be stored:

$ cat << EOF | oc apply -f -
kind: MachineConfig
  name: 50-set-selinux-for-hostpath-provisioner-worker
  labels: worker
      version: 2.2.0
        - contents: |
            Description=Set SELinux chcon for hostpath provisioner

            ExecStartPre=-mkdir -p /var/hpvolumes
            ExecStart=/usr/bin/chcon -Rt container_file_t /var/hpvolumes

          enabled: true
          name: hostpath-provisioner.service

You should verify that the MachineConfig was created correctly:

$ oc get machineconfig 50-set-selinux-for-hostpath-provisioner-worker

NAME                                                      GENERATEDBYCONTROLLER       IGNITIONVERSION       AGE 
50-set-selinux-for-hostpath-provisioner-worker                                        2.2.0                 7d5h

And it is also important to check that the MachineConfig has been applied in the worker node after rebooting automatically. When the node comes back and the API is available again, run the command until True is shown:

$ oc get machineconfigpool worker -o=jsonpath="{.status.conditions[?(@.type=='Updated')].status}{\"\n\"}"


After making sure our worker node is properly configured, we can set up the HostPathProvisioner object. The following lines indicate the path that is going to be used for storage:

$ cat << EOF | oc apply -f -
kind: HostPathProvisioner
  name: hostpath-provisioner
  imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    path: "/var/hpvolumes"
    useNamingPrefix: false

Then, we create a new StorageClass to be used by the host path provisioner. This StorageClass has a provisioner, so persistent volumes are going to be created dynamically:

$ cat << EOF | oc apply -f -
kind: StorageClass
  name: hostpath-provisioner
reclaimPolicy: Delete
volumeBindingMode: WaitForFirstConsumer

Lastly, before moving on to the next steps, we should confirm that the StorageClass was created correctly:

$ oc get sc hostpath-provisioner

NAME                     PROVISIONER                          RECLAIMPOLICY         VOLUMEBINDINGMODE        ALLOWVOLUMEEXPANSION     AGE
hostpath-provisioner     Delete                WaitForFirstConsumer     false                    6d

Apply the NVIDIA driver

At this point, the cluster is configured and ready, so we can go ahead and focus on setting up the node to detect the NVIDIA GPU. The first task we have to do is to download the drivers needed for our GPU card from the NVIDIA official page. For this blogpost, I’m going to use the driver. These vGPU-KVM drivers are supplied via the NVIDIA customer portal and are not supplied by Red Hat.

We create a new folder where all the files will be placed:

$ mkdir vgpu && cd vgpu

Before continuing, we also need to obtain the driver-toolkit image that our cluster is currently using. The Driver Toolkit is a base image on which you can build drivers and contains the kernel packages commonly required as dependencies to build or install kernel modules on the host. We can check it by running this command:

$ oc adm release info --image-for=driver-toolkit

In order to load the NVIDIA drivers into the kernel, the first step would be to create the Podman Containerfile for building the image, specifying the drivers file downloaded and the driver-toolkit image name previously obtained:

$ cat << EOF > ~/vgpu/Containerfile

RUN dnf -y install git make sudo gcc && dnf clean all && rm -rf /var/cache/dnf

RUN mkdir -p /root/nvidia
WORKDIR /root/nvidia
RUN chmod  x /root/nvidia/${NVIDIA_INSTALLER_BINARY}
RUN chmod  x /root/nvidia/
RUN mkdir -p /root/tmp

The other file required for building the driver image is the entrypoint. By running this command, the file is created and placed in the vgpu directory:

$ cat << EOF > ~/vgpu/
/usr/sbin/rmmod nvidia
/root/nvidia/${NVIDIA_INSTALLER_BINARY} --kernel-source-path=/usr/src/kernels/$(uname -r) --kernel-install-path=/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/kernel/drivers/video/ --silent --tmpdir /root/tmp/ --no-systemd

/usr/bin/nvidia-vgpud &
/usr/bin/nvidia-vgpu-mgr &

while true; do sleep 15 ; /usr/bin/pgrep nvidia-vgpu-mgr ; if [ 0 -ne 0 ] ; then echo "nvidia-vgpu-mgr is not running" && exit 1; fi; done

When done with the previous steps, confirm that you have all the necessary files, as seen below, in the vgpu folder:

$ ls


Now that we have all the files, we can build the driver container image by running:

$ podman build --build-arg -t ocp-nvidia-vgpu-installer .

--> Using cache 13aa17a1fd44bb7afea0a1b884b7005aaa51091e47dfe14987b572db9efab1f2
--> 13aa17a1fd4
--> Using cache e818b281ad40c0e78ef4c01a71d73b45b509392100262fddbf542c457d697255
--> e818b281ad4
STEP 4/11: RUN dnf -y install git make sudo gcc && dnf clean all && rm -rf /var/cache/dnf
--> Using cache d6f3687a545589cf096353ad792fb464a6961ff204c49234ced26d996da9f1c8
--> d6f3687a545
STEP 5/11: RUN mkdir -p /root/nvidia
--> Using cache 708b464de69de2443edb5609623478945af6f9498d73bf4d47c577e29811a414
--> 708b464de69
STEP 6/11: WORKDIR /root/nvidia
--> Using cache 6cb724eeb99d21a30f50a3c25954426d4719af84ef43bda7ab0aeab6e7da81a8
--> 6cb724eeb99
--> Using cache 71dd0491be7e3c20a742cd50efe26f54a5e2f61d4aa8846cd5d7ccd82f27ab45
--> 71dd0491be7
STEP 8/11: RUN chmod  x /root/nvidia/${NVIDIA_INSTALLER_BINARY}
--> Using cache 85d64dc8b702936412fa121aaab3733a60f880aa211e0197f1c8853ddbb617b5
--> 85d64dc8b70
STEP 9/11: ADD .
--> Using cache 9d49c87387f926ec39162c5e1c2a7866c1494c1ab8f3912c53ea6eaefe0be254
--> 9d49c87387f
STEP 10/11: RUN chmod  x /root/nvidia/
--> Using cache 79d682f8471fc97a60b6507d2cff164b3b9283a1e078d4ddb9f8138741c033b5
--> 79d682f8471
STEP 11/11: RUN mkdir -p /root/tmp
--> Using cache bcbb311e35999cb6c55987049033c5d278ee93d76a97fe9203ce68257a9f8ebd
COMMIT ocp-nvidia-vgpu-installer
--> bcbb311e359
Successfully tagged localhost/ocp-nvidia-vgpu-installer:latest

Before uploading the image to a private repository, we need to tag the image with the target repository format:

$ podman tag localhost/ocp-nvidia-vgpu-installer:latest

Then, we can push the image onto the repository. Note that the driver image cannot be freely shared as a result of NVIDIA licensing restrictions, so it should be pushed to a private repository (substitute this URL for your private repository):

$ podman push

Getting image source signatures
Copying blob 525ed45dbdb1 done  
Copying blob 6525ed03fe32 done  
Copying blob b5d4fbbf4202 done  
Copying blob ff6baa4a3711 done  
Copying blob c86614e705e2 done  
Copying blob fbf4e5b05377 done  
Copying blob b0d33348dc7e done  
Copying blob 5bc03dec6239 done  
Copying blob 86adb27b3715 done  
Copying blob 14e0f5c015a0 done  
Copying blob 520e9ec8322e done  
Copying blob 1340136c8008 done  
Copying config dcbac678b6 done  
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures

To load the driver image into the kernel, we’re going to create a set of resources that will use and apply the image to the node, which will load the necessary NVIDIA drivers into the host kernel and provide the additional tools to be able to utilize vGPU devices. This instance will run as a DaemonSet across the cluster. Be sure to specify the correct image path to your private repository:

$ cat << EOF > ~/1000-drivercontainer.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: simple-kmod-driver-container
kind: Role
  name: simple-kmod-driver-container
- apiGroups:
  - securitycontextconstraints
  - use
  - privileged
kind: RoleBinding
  name: simple-kmod-driver-container
  kind: Role
  name: simple-kmod-driver-container
- kind: ServiceAccount
  name: simple-kmod-driver-container
- system:serviceaccount:simple-kmod-demo:simple-kmod-driver-container
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: DaemonSet
  name: simple-kmod-driver-container
      app: simple-kmod-driver-container
        app: simple-kmod-driver-container
      serviceAccount: simple-kmod-driver-container
      serviceAccountName: simple-kmod-driver-container
      hostPID: true
      hostIPC: true
      - image:
        name: simple-kmod-driver-container
        imagePullPolicy: Always
        command: ["/root/nvidia/"]
              command: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "systemctl stop kmods-via-containers@simple-kmod"]
          privileged: true
          - '*'
            add: ["SYS_ADMIN"]
        - mountPath: /dev/vfio/
          name: vfio
        - mountPath: /sys/fs/cgroup
          name: cgroup
      - hostPath:
          path: /sys/fs/cgroup
          type: Directory
        name: cgroup
      - hostPath:
          path: /dev/vfio/
          type: Directory
        name: vfio
        hasGpu: "true"

Apply the CustomResources to the cluster:

$ oc create -f 1000-drivercontainer.yaml

serviceaccount/simple-kmod-driver-container created created created
daemonset.apps/simple-kmod-driver-container created

Verify that the DaemonSet was applied and is running correctly:

$ oc get daemonset simple-kmod-driver-container -n openshift-nfd

simple-kmod-driver-container     1         1         1       1            1           hasGpu=true       5d20h

To verify that everything was configured properly, we must see the drivers loaded in the kernel. Run the following commands:

$ oc debug node/
# chroot /host
# lsmod | grep nvidia

nvidia_vgpu_vfio                    65536   0
nvidia                           39067648   11
mdev                                20480   2   vfio_mdev,nvidia_vgpu_vfio
vfio                                36864   3   vfio_mdev,nvidia_vgpu_vfio,vfio_iommu_type1
drm                                569344   4   drm_kms_helper,nvidia,mgag200

At this point, the kernel has the NVIDIA drivers loaded. The next step is choosing the configuration for the GPU card. Running the following command allows us to list different ways for carving up the GPU cards as vGPU into the virtual machine:

# for device in /sys/class/mdev_bus/*; do for mdev_type in "$device"/mdev_supported_types/*; do     MDEV_TYPE=$(basename $mdev_type);     DESCRIPTION=$(cat $mdev_type/description);     NAME=$(cat $mdev_type/name); echo "mdev_type: $MDEV_TYPE --- description: $DESCRIPTION --- name: $NAME";   done; done | sort | uniq

mdev_type: nvidia-11 --- description: num_heads=2, frl_config=45, framebuffer=512M, max_resolution=2560x1600, max_instance=16 --- name: GRID M60-0B
mdev_type: nvidia-12 --- description: num_heads=2, frl_config=60, framebuffer=512M, max_resolution=2560x1600, max_instance=16 --- name: GRID M60-0Q
mdev_type: nvidia-13 --- description: num_heads=1, frl_config=60, framebuffer=1024M, max_resolution=1280x1024, max_instance=8 --- name: GRID M60-1A
mdev_type: nvidia-14 --- description: num_heads=4, frl_config=45, framebuffer=1024M, max_resolution=5120x2880, max_instance=8 --- name: GRID M60-1B
mdev_type: nvidia-15 --- description: num_heads=4, frl_config=60, framebuffer=1024M, max_resolution=5120x2880, max_instance=8 --- name: GRID M60-1Q
mdev_type: nvidia-16 --- description: num_heads=1, frl_config=60, framebuffer=2048M, max_resolution=1280x1024, max_instance=4 --- name: GRID M60-2A
mdev_type: nvidia-17 --- description: num_heads=4, frl_config=45, framebuffer=2048M, max_resolution=5120x2880, max_instance=4 --- name: GRID M60-2B
mdev_type: nvidia-18 --- description: num_heads=4, frl_config=60, framebuffer=2048M, max_resolution=5120x2880, max_instance=4 --- name: GRID M60-2Q
mdev_type: nvidia-19 --- description: num_heads=1, frl_config=60, framebuffer=4096M, max_resolution=1280x1024, max_instance=2 --- name: GRID M60-4A
mdev_type: nvidia-20 --- description: num_heads=4, frl_config=60, framebuffer=4096M, max_resolution=5120x2880, max_instance=2 --- name: GRID M60-4Q
mdev_type: nvidia-210 --- description: num_heads=4, frl_config=45, framebuffer=2048M, max_resolution=5120x2880, max_instance=4 --- name: GRID M60-2B4
mdev_type: nvidia-21 --- description: num_heads=1, frl_config=60, framebuffer=8192M, max_resolution=1280x1024, max_instance=1 --- name: GRID M60-8A
mdev_type: nvidia-22 --- description: num_heads=4, frl_config=60, framebuffer=8192M, max_resolution=5120x2880, max_instance=1 --- name: GRID M60-8Q
mdev_type: nvidia-238 --- description: num_heads=4, frl_config=45, framebuffer=1024M, max_resolution=5120x2880, max_instance=8 --- name: GRID M60-1B4

For this demonstration, we’re going to use the nvidia-22 option, so we’ll have a vGPU per physical GPU. In this case, our node has two physical GPUs, so we need to pass a unique uuid number to specify their respective paths by running the following command twice:

# echo `uuidgen` > /sys/class/mdev_bus/0000:3e:00.0/mdev_supported_types/nvidia-22/create
# echo `uuidgen` > /sys/class/mdev_bus/0000:3d:00.0/mdev_supported_types/nvidia-22/create

Now that the vGPU devices are created, we can expose those vGPUs devices to OpenShift Virtualization, by modifying the Hyperconverged object. We first need to create the following file:

$ cat << EOF > ~/kubevirt-hyperconverged-patch.yaml
      - mdevNameSelector: "GRID M60-8Q"
        resourceName: ""

Next, we can merge the code with the existing kubevirt-hyperconverged configuration:

$ oc patch hyperconverged kubevirt-hyperconverged -n openshift-cnv --patch "$(cat ~/kubevirt-hyperconverged-patch.yaml)" --type=merge patched

Applying this configuration in the node may take some time. Run the following command until the GPU statement is shown. In this case, we have two physical GPU cards, so two devices are shown next to the vGPU name:

$ oc describe node| sed '/Capacity/,/System/!d;/System/d'

  cpu:                                       24                   1k                   1k             1k
  ephemeral-storage:                         936104940Ki
  hugepages-1Gi:                             0
  hugepages-2Mi:                             0
  memory:                                    131561680Ki                    2
  pods:                                      250
  cpu:                                       23500m                   1k                   1k             1k
  ephemeral-storage:                         862714311276
  hugepages-1Gi:                             0
  hugepages-2Mi:                             0
  memory:                                    130410704Ki                    2
  pods:                                      250

Create virtual machine

At this point, the cluster configuration is complete and the node is ready to recognize and use the GPU. Therefore, we can deploy the virtual machine that is going to use the vGPU resource. As stated in the beginning of this blog, we are going to deploy a Fedora 35 VM using the wizard provided by the web console.

Navigate again to the web console and select the Workloads section on the left side of the page. There, select the Virtualization option. Then, you’ll see different tabs. Click on Virtual Machines and select Create Virtual Machine. Different operating systems will be shown. In this case, select Fedora 33 VM and then click Next.

In the boot source section, at the bottom, select Customize Virtual Machine. Complete the following fields and then advance to the next sections by clicking Next:

  • Name: write your preferred name for the virtual machine.
  • Boot Source: select Import via URL ( PVC).
  • URL: paste the URL of a qcow2 image that is accessible from the node. For example:
  • Flavor: choose the option Custom. Indicate 32 GiB of memory and 12 CPU cores.
  • Workload Type: keep the default option Server.
  • User: complete the field with your preferred user name.
  • Password: complete the field with the password we’ll be using to log into the VM.
  • Hostname: write a hostname for the virtual machine.
  • Authorized SSH key: paste the SSH key stored in the ~/.ssh/ file.
  • SSH access: make sure the Expose SSH access to this virtual machine box is checked.
  • Uncheck the Start virtual machine on creation box.

Check if everything is properly configured and then click Create Virtual Machine. The VM provisioning will start. Select See virtual machine details to follow the VM deployment. Wait a few minutes until you see Status: Running:

Before accessing the VM we need to add the statements needed for passing the vGPU configured. Click on the VM name (in my case fedora) and you’ll see some information and graphics about the virtual machine status. Navigate to the YAML tab and add the following commands in the devices resource:

    - deviceName:
      name: GRID_M60_8Q

When added, click the Save button and then Reload. To apply the new device configuration, in the upper-right corner, deploy the Actions section and select Start Virtual Machine.

Now, we can access the virtual machine from the OpenShift web console or from our terminal using ssh. We’re going to use this second option. Navigate to the Details tab. Scroll down to the User Credentials part and you’ll find something similar to this:

Copy the ssh command provided, paste it into your terminal window, and you’ll be connected to the fedora virtual machine; this relies on simple nodeport access:

$ ssh [email protected] -p 32142

Last login: Wed Mar 30 04:08:20 2022 from

To complete the configuration, as root user, check that the vGPU passed into the VM is listed there:

$ sudo bash
# lspci | grep NVIDIA

06:00.0 VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GM204GL [Tesla M60] (rev a1)

Install drivers and applications in the VM

Now, we can install the NVIDIA drivers in the virtual machine. An important point that we need to keep in mind is that, for the host we installed the vGPU drivers, but now, we need to download the GRID version for the guest.

Navigate to the official page of NVIDIA and download the proper GRID driver version in the virtual machine. In this case, we’ll use the file. Before running it, we also need to install all prerequisites to ensure the driver compilation and installation won’t fail:

$ sudo -i
# dnf groupinstall “Development Tools”
# dnf install elfutils-libelf-devel libglvnd-devel

Once installed all needed libraries, disable the nouveau driver permanently, modifying the GRUB menu and then, reboot the node:

# grub2-editenv - set “$(grub2-editenv - list | grep kernelopts) nouveau.modeset=0”
# reboot

Access to the VM again and run the following command to stop the Xorg server (if it was running) and switch to text mode:

$ sudo -i
# systemctl isolate

Now, we can start with the driver installation. Run the GRID driver file:

# bash

The installation screen will be shown, asking to register the kernel with DKMS. Select Yes:

When the DKMS kernel module installation finishes, we’ll see the next screen. Select Yes too:

The installation process will continue. When finished, select No when asked about allowing automatic Xorg backup. We’re not going to use it for this demo. Once the installation is complete, select OK to proceed. Then, reboot the virtual machine again to apply the changes:

# reboot

Now, we can install the NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit, which provides some graphical examples to test the vGPU. Firstly, we need to check the Toolkit version compatible with our driver version here. For the driver we installed, we need to download the NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit 11.6.2 here. Access the virtual machine and paste the download command provided:

$ wget

Run the file to install it:

$ sudo sh

You will see the Toolkit License Agreement window. Write accept:

Important: The CUDA installation will automatically opt to install the NVIDIA driver, but this will be the non-GRID driver, which is not what we need, and will likely break the installation if we proceed with it. In a previous step we installed the correct GRID driver and therefore it’s already installed and loaded, so we need to uncheck the Driver box. Then navigate to the Install option:

When finished, make sure that the variables $PATH includes /usr/local/cuda-11.6/bin and $LD_LIBRARY_PATH includes /usr/local/cuda-11.6/lib64. Run the following commands:

$ echo $PATH




Once the installation is complete, we can check the configuration by running the following command. Make sure you don’t see any N/A value in the header:

$ nvidia-smi

At this point, we’re seeing that everything is configured correctly. Now we can fire up our preferred applications to test the vGPU acceleration. CUDA Toolkit also provides some examples to test the GPU card. Download the Samples from the official GitHub repository here. Run the next command:

$ git clone

Before launching the applications we’re going to install some dependencies and libraries:

$ dnf install gcc-c   mesa-libGLU-devel libX11-devel libXi-devel libXmu-devel freeglut freeglut-devel -y


We can validate the installation by running some CUDA samples. One of the most basic samples we can use to verify the use of the vGPU is deviceQuery. Navigate to the path where the app is stored:

$ cd cuda-samples/Samples/1_Utilities/deviceQuery

Now, we can create the executable file:

$ make

Run the application and, if everything is working fine, you’ll see something similar to this:

$ ./deviceQuery

./deviceQuery Starting...

CUDA Device Query (Runtime API) version (CUDART static linking)

Detected 1 CUDA Capable device(s)

Device 0: "GRID M60-8Q"
  CUDA Driver Version / Runtime Version               11.6 / 11.6
  CUDA Capability Major/Minor version number:         5.2
  Total amount of global memory:                      8192 MBytes (8589934592 bytes)
  (016) Multiprocessors, (128) CUDA Cores/MP:         2048 CUDA Cores
  GPU Max Clock rate:                                 1178 MHz (1.18 GHz)
  Memory Clock rate:                                  2505 Mhz
  Memory Bus Width:                                   256-bit
  L2 Cache Size:                                      2097152 bytes
  Maximum Texture Dimension Size (x,y,z)              1D=(65536), 2D=(65536, 65536), 3D=(4096, 4096, 4096)
  Maximum Layered 1D Texture Size, (num) layers       1D=(16384), 2048 layers
  Maximum Layered 2D Texture Size, (num) layers       2D=(16384, 16384), 2048 layers
  Total amount of constant memory:                    65536 bytes
  Total amount of shared memory per block:            49152 bytes
  Total shared memory per multiprocessor:             98304 bytes
  Total number of registers available per block:      65536
  Warp size:                                          32
  Maximum number of threads per multiprocessor:       2048
  Maximum number of threads per block:                1024
  Max dimension size of a thread block (x,y,z):       (1024, 1024, 64)
  Max dimension size of a grid size    (x,y,z):       (2147483647, 65535, 65535)
  Maximum memory pitch:                               2147483647 bytes
  Texture alignment:                                  512 bytes
  Concurrent copy and kernel execution:               Yes with 2 copy engine(s)
  Run time limit on kernels:                          No
  Integrated GPU sharing Host Memory:                 No
  Support host page-locked memory mapping:            Yes
  Alignment requirement for Surfaces:                 Yes
  Device has ECC support:                             Disabled
  Device supports Unified Addressing (UVA):           Yes
  Device supports Managed Memory:                     No
  Device supports Compute Preemption:                 No
  Supports Cooperative Kernel Launch:                 No
  Supports MultiDevice Co-op Kernel Launch:           No
  Device PCI Domain ID / Bus ID / location ID:        0 / 6 / 0
  Compute Mode:
     < Default (multiple host threads can use ::cudaSetDevice() with device simultaneously) >

deviceQuery, CUDA Driver = CUDART, CUDA Driver Version = 11.6, CUDA Runtime Version = 11.6, NumDevs = 1
Result = PASS

Looks great! The GPU is working fine and everything seems to be well configured so we can move ahead and try a more powerful software to test the GPU acceleration.

HashCat is an open source project meant to be one of the fastest and most advanced password recovery utilities. This software also supports CPU and GPU acceleration, which is perfect for the purpose of this blog. We can download the software from the official page.

Once downloaded, navigate to the folder created during the installation. We are going to use the benchmark option (-b) to test our hardware. We’re going to run the app twice: the first one, using the CPU and the second one, using the vGPU device. We’ll leave all other parameters by default to make the test as fair as possible.

Let’s start by listing our devices by running the following command:

$ ./hashcat.bin -I

hashcat (v6.2.5) starting in backend information mode

CUDA Info:

CUDA.Version.: 11.6

Backend Device ID #1 (Alias: #3)
  Name.............: GRID M60-8Q
  Processor(s).....: 16
  Clock............: 1177
  Memory.Total.....: 8192 MB
  Memory.Free......: 7592 MB
  PCI.Addr.BDFe....: 0000:06:00.0

OpenCL Info:

OpenCL Platform ID #1
  Vendor...: The pocl project
  Name.....: Portable Computing Language
  Version..: OpenCL 2.0 pocl 1.7, RelWithDebInfo, LLVM 12.0.1, RELOC, SLEEF, DISTRO, POCL_DEBUG

  Backend Device ID #2
    Type.................: CPU
    Vendor.ID............: 128
    Vendor...............: GenuineIntel
    Name.................: pthread-Intel Xeon Processor (Skylake, IBRS)
    Version..............: OpenCL 1.2 pocl HSTR: pthread-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu-skylake-avx512
    Processor(s).........: 24
    Clock................: 2095
    Memory.Total.........: 30042 MB (limited to 4096 MB allocatable in one block)
    Memory.Free..........: 14989 MB
    OpenCL.Version.......: OpenCL C 1.2 pocl
    Driver.Version.......: 1.7

OpenCL Platform ID #2
  Vendor....: NVIDIA Corporation
  Name......: NVIDIA CUDA
  Version...: OpenCL 3.0 CUDA 11.6.99

  Backend Device ID #3 (Alias: #1)
    Type................: GPU
    Vendor.ID...........: 32
    Vendor..............: NVIDIA Corporation
    Name................: GRID M60-8Q
    Version.............: OpenCL 3.0 CUDA
    Processor(s)........: 16
    Clock...............: 1177
    Memory.Total........: 8192 MB (limited to 2048 MB allocatable in one block)
    Memory.Free.........: 7552 MB
    OpenCL.Version......: OpenCL C 1.2 
    Driver.Version......: 510.47.03
    PCI.Addr.BDF........: 06:00.0

Results using CPU:

If we look inside the OpenCl Info section, we can identify our CPU with Platform ID #1 and Backend Device ID #2. We can test the performance using the CPU by running the following command:

$ ./hashcat.bin -b -D 1 -d 2

hashcat (v6.2.5) starting in benchmark mode

* Device #1: GRID M60-8Q, skipped

OpenCL API (OpenCL 2.0 pocl 1.7, RelWithDebInfo, LLVM 12.0.1, RELOC, SLEEF, DISTRO, POCL_DEBUG) - Platform #1 [The pocl project]
* Device #2: pthread-Intel Xeon Processor (Skylake, IBRS), 14989/30042 MB (4096 MB allocatable), 24MCU

OpenCL API (OpenCL 3.0 CUDA 11.6.99) - Platform #2 [NVIDIA Corporation]
* Device #3: GRID M60-8Q, skipped

Benchmark relevant options:
* --backend-devices=2
* --opencl-device-types=1
* --optimized-kernel-enable

* Hash-Mode 0 (MD5)

Speed.#2.........:  1401.7 MH/s (16.74ms) @ Accel:1024 Loops:1024 Thr:1 Vec:16

* Hash-Mode 100 (SHA1)

Speed.#2.........:  1066.0 MH/s (22.91ms) @ Accel:1024 Loops:1024 Thr:1 Vec:16

* Hash-Mode 1400 (SHA2-256)

Speed.#2.........:   495.1 MH/s (24.76ms) @ Accel:1024 Loops:512 Thr:1 Vec:16

Note that the GPU device is skipped and the HashCat software is only using the Intel Xeon CPU device. As expected, the ‘hashes per second’ rate decreases as the complexity of the algorithm used increases. The interesting part here is comparing the MH/s rates under the same Hash-Mode, with the ones we’re going to obtain by running it using the vGPU device.

Results using vGPU:

We can identity the Tesla M60 vGPU in the OpenCl Info section with Platform ID #2 and Backend Device ID #3. We can test the performance using the GPU by running the following command:

$ /hashcat.bin -b -D 2 -d 3

hashcat (v6.2.5) starting in benchmark mode

* Device #1: GRID M60-8Q, skipped

OpenCL API (OpenCL 2.0 pocl 1.7, RelWithDebInfo, LLVM 12.0.1, RELOC, SLEEF, DISTRO, POCL_DEBUG) - Platform #1 [The pocl project]
* Device #2: pthread-Intel Xeon Processor (Skylake, IBRS), skipped

OpenCL API (OpenCL 3.0 CUDA 11.6.99) - Platform #2 [NVIDIA Corporation]
* Device #3: GRID M60-8Q, 7592/8192 MB, 16MCU

Benchmark relevant options:
* --backend-devices=3
* --opencl-device-types=2
* --optimized-kernel-enable

* Hash-Mode 0 (MD5)

Speed.#1.........: 10094.1 MH/s (50.65ms) @ Accel:1024 Loops:128 Thr:256 Vec:1

* Hash-Mode 100 (SHA1)

Speed.#1.........:  4110.3 MH/s (63.83ms) @ Accel:64 Loops:512 Thr:512 Vec:1

* Hash-Mode 1400 (SHA2-256)

Speed.#1.........:  1445.4 MH/s (90.64ms) @ Accel:128 Loops:64 Thr:1024 Vec:1

This time, we can see that the skipped device is the CPU and the hardware used is the GRID M60-8Q vGPU. As seen before, the MH/s rate decreases according to the Hash-Mode. The parts to be highlighted here are the rates obtained compared with the previous attempt using CPU hardware. Let’s sort them out according to the algorithm used to see it clearly:

Algorithm CPU GPU GPU acceleration
MD5 1401.7 MH/s 10094.1 MH/s 720.13 %
SHA1 1066.0 MH/s 4110.3 MH/s 358.58 %
SHA2-256 495.1 MH/s 1445.4 MH/s 291.94 %

Depending on the CPU processor and the GPU card you’re using, the rates obtained can be different from mine, but we should always see a huge acceleration improvement when using the GPU. Also, it should be mentioned that the MH/s rate obtained depends on many parameters and may differ for each attempt we make. However, the values obtained should be fairly similar for each try.

As we can see in the table above, we are considerably multiplying the number of iterations performed when we make use of the Tesla M60 GPU card. We tested the vGPU with a password cracker software, but this feature could be used in many other scenarios: AI/ML workloads, computation, high-resolution images or video processing, etc. So, there are countless possibilities where we can use vGPU acceleration in virtual machines.

What’s next?

As mentioned at the beginning of the blog, although we have deployed a Single Node OpenShift instance on bare metal, the process followed is completely valid for many other topologies. OpenShift can be deployed on our own existing infrastructure or on different Cloud platforms such as AWS, Azure, IBM Cloud, etc...

Ready to learn more? Check out all supported platforms for OpenShift clusters, by visiting the Installation section.

Depending on the GPU device we’re using, we’ll need to download the corresponding drivers and CUDA Toolkit version. If you have any concerns about the installation, make sure to check the official NVIDIA documentation. Finally, to test our vGPU performance, CUDA Toolkit provides numerous graphical samples you can try out. Go to the official GitHub repository and find the one that suits you best!


Enabling vGPU in a Single Node using OpenShift Virtualization







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