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Dodo Services - XNS with Java

Dodo Services implement Xerox Network Services (XNS) protocols in Java, providing XNS services to existing emulated or real Xerox client machines.

Currently the following XNS services are provided by Dodo:

  • Time
  • Routing Information
  • Clearinghouse
  • Authentication
  • Boot
  • Printing
  • Filing
  • Mailing
  • External Communication

(although in most cases the implementation is incomplete regarding the specification, the services provide a working and useful subset for working "as usual" with XDE resp. StarOS, ViewPoint or GlobalView resp. Interlisp-D.

In fact, Dodo is not a single Java program, but a set of programs creating a simple virtual network infrastructure, a kind of XNS-over-TCP/IP. This virtual network allows different programs to inter-connect, among them the Dodo server proper, a gateway to a (real) network device and of course the Xerox client machines wanting to access the server component (see section Topology).

As for the maybe exotic name: although Dodo is not based on the Mesa-architecture but an almost pure Java implementation, the name had to start with the letter D to be in line with the Xerox tradition; on the other hand, it seemed appropriate to be something that no longer exists or is not noticeably present in the world; so the extinct species of a flight incapable bird came in mind: the Dodo.


The Dodo system implements large parts of the Xerox Network Services protocol stack in Java, providing the functionality to build higher-level things like XNS file or print services.

In the XNS levels terminology, the Dodo system supports resp. implements the following protocols:

  • Level 0
    Ethernet over TCP/IP as transmission media: raw Ethernet packets are relayed by the NetHub program between machines connected to the NetHub; although any ethernet packets are transported, only packets with ethertype 0x0600 (XNS IDP) are processed by the Dodo server and thus relevant here (hence narrowed to XNS-over-TCP/IP).

  • Level 1
    IDP (Internet Datagram Protocol) packet structure, transporting the basic XNS addressing information

  • Level 2

    • PEX (Packet EXchange)
      API for both responder (server-side) and requestor (client-side)
    • SPP (Sequenced Packet Protocol)
      API both server-sockets and client-connections, including the connection close protocol (based on sub-sequence types 254 and 255)
    • Echo
      responder for echo protocol packets
    • Error
      incoming error packets are dispatched to the local component reported by the sender as having produced the problem
  • Level 3

    • Time of Day protocol
      responder for time request broadcasts
    • Routing Information protocol
      broadcaster for routing information as well as responder to client requests
    • Courier
      infrastructure for implementing Courier server programs;
      however no Courier compiler is currently available, so mapping the Courier program definitions (.cr files) to the corresponding Java constructs must be done manually.
  • Level 4

    • Broadcast for Servers (BfS)
      responder for Clearinghouse BfS and Authentication BfS requests
    • Boot Service
      responder providing boot-files (microcode, germ, boot-file) to a requesting machine, supporting both the SimpleRequest/SimpleData and SPP variants of the boot protocol
    • Clearinghouse (CHS)
      (Courier program 2, versions 2 and 3)
      all protocol procedures are implemented for a read-only clearinghouse database, allowing to log in to XDE, Star/Viewpoint/GVWin and Interlisp-D, to navigate the network directory in GlobalView as well to query clearinghouse entries with Maintain.bcd in XDE; however changes to the database are rejected
    • Authentication (Auth)
      (Courier program 14, version 2)
      all protocol procedures are implemented for a read-only clearinghouse database, allowing to log in to XDE, Star/Viewpoint/GVWin and Interlisp-D; however changes to the database are rejected
    • Printing
      (Courier program 4, version 3)
      all protocol procedures are implemented, allowing to print from XDE, Star/Viewpoint/GVWin and Interlisp-D as well as to query a print job status, the printer properties and the printer status.
      The interpress files are received and collected in the output directory, a PostScript file can optionally be generated for the interpress master. and possibly post-processed.
      The PostScript generation provides a basic support for western-european character sets as well as simple graphics (vector and uncompressed bitmaps), giving usable but far from perfect results.
    • Filing
      (Courier program 10, versions 4,5,6)
      a large subset of the protocol procedures is implemented, allowing to access file drawers, folders and files on Dodo XNS File services from XDE, Star/Viewpoint/GVWin and Interlisp-D. Although substantial functionality is missing (like access control and access rights), Dodo file services are already usable in a mostly single-user environment.
    • Mailing
      (MailTransport: Courier program 17, version 4 and 5)
      (Inbasket: Courier program 18, version 1 and 2)
      the subset of protocol procedures actively used by XDE, Star/Viewpoint/GlobalView and Interlisp-D for sending and receiving mails is implemented.
    • External Communication
      (Gateway Access Protocol: Courier program 3, version 3)
      all protocol procedures are implemented, providing access to "foreign systems" through plain telnet (simulating RS-232C/TTY lines), tn3270 telnet (simulating 3270 BSC/SDLC attachments to emulated or real IBM-type mainframes) or stdin/stdout piping to local commands/scripts.
    • NStoPupHostLookup
      (Interlisp-D specific)
      Responder for delivering the PUP network and host numbers for a machine

The network configuration of a Dodo server instance and the services provided can be configured through a property file specified when starting the Dodo program.


The following network example from the "old days" can be used for discussing the Dodo components:

example real network to be emulated

The client part of the network features several workstation generations from 8010 Star and 6085 with XDE workstations (both could also run ViewPoint or Interlisp) to a PC running GlobalView.
The server part of the network has the most common XNS backends like the required Clearinghouse/Authentication Service (also hosting a Mail Service) as well as the usual File and Print Services. Interactive access to "foreign systems" like mainframes or mid-range systems is provided through an External Communication Server with its companion CIU (Communication Interface Unit).

In a more contemporary environment of emulated Xerox machines, the original Star 8010 workstation could be subtituted by the Darkstar emulator, the Dwarf emulator could replace the PC with GlobalView.
But the are still functioning Xerox workstations that may require XNS services, so the 6085 machine will be assumed to be such a machine.

The above network could be reproduced as follows with the XNS emulation provided by the Dodo components:

possible emulated equivalent network

Besides the XNS client systems, at least 2 components need to run as independent programs for using Dodo services:

  • NetHub
    this is the backbone of the virtual network, to which all other components connect with a TCP connection. The NetHub forwards each packet received from one attached component to the other connected components.
    In a sense, NetHub is the equivalent to the thick yellow coaxial ethernet cable in the 80's to which each Xerox workstation was connected through a transceiver tapped on the cable.
    NetHub uses a quite simple protocol for communication with connected client components: the raw ethernet packet to be transmitted is prefixed with a 2 byte big-endian length information. This protocol is simple enough to be easily implemented in emulators.
    NetHub listens on port 3333 for client connections (currently hard-coded).

  • Dodo server
    this is the program providing the XNS services. All supported services (clearinghouse, authentication, filing, printing etc.) can be provided by a single Dodo server instance, i.e. a single running Dodo server process, which connects to the NetHub.
    The only exception is printing, as the Courier protocol for printing only supports one printer service for a server machine, so each additional emulated print service therefore requires another Dodo process (using an own machine-id).
    It is however possible to distribute the provided XNS services over several Dodo server processes connected to the same NetHub, for example one Dodo server for the clearinghouse, authentication and mail services as well as the filing volume for desktops and user file drawers, a second for printing and a third for some data filing volumes. In such a distributed case all Dodo server instances must use the same clearinghouse database files (shared or identical copies).

Besides programs (emulators and Dodo server) connecting directly to the NetHub, other XNS clients can also use the Dodo XNS services through the NetHubGateway: this is a NetHub client program that connects to a local PCap network device, implementing a gateway for XNS packets between a (more or less) real network and NetHub, allowing to attach emulators or potentially real machines that do not directly implement the NetHub protocol.

Two additional program components of Dodo services can be used if required:

  • NetSpy
    this is a "read-only program" connecting to the NetHub with the only purpose to receive all packets traveling in the virtual network and to dump the packet content to stdout; in addition to the raw packet content, it issues the recognized packet type specific structural data at the different layers (ethernet, IDP, PEX, SPP etc. headers, type specific payload).

  • FsUtil
    this file service utility allows to list folders in a Dodo file service folder, as well as importing or exporting files from/to the local file system.

Additional unsupported examples programs show the usage of the Dodo XNS-API for client and server applications, see example-programs.

Invocation and usage


The following prerequisites must be installed and possibly configured to run Dodo services:

  • for NetHub, Dodo server, NetSpy, FsUtil:
    • Java 8 JRE or newer
  • for NetHubGateway:
    additionally requires the following platform specific (Windows/Linux/..., 32bit/64bit) libraries:
    • PCap (native packet capture library/driver), e.g. WinPCap for Windows resp. libpcap)
    • jNetPcap Java PCap wrapper library

The current binaries for the Dodo services can be found in the file, which can be unpacked to the directory dist. This directory contains the jar-file with the Dodo programs (dodoserver-and-nethub.jar) with the programs described in the following sections, as well as sample .cmd files for the Windows platform, expecting to be invoked in the dist directory.
For using the NetHubGateway, the jnetpcap.jar should be copied there, unless the script run-nethubgateway.cmd is adapted to match the location of this jar-file. The matching native libray for jNetPCap must be on the PATH for being found at runtime.


The main-class for NetHub backbone for the virtual network is:


and is started with:

java -cp dodoserver-and-nethub.jar dev.hawala.hub.NetHub

The sample Windows batch file is: run-nethub.cmd.

This program has not command line parameters and listens on port 3333 for connections from XNS client systems.

Dodo server

The main-class for the Dodo server is:


and is started with:

java -cp dodoserver-and-nethub.jar dev.hawala.xns.DodoServer

The sample Windows batch file is: run-dodoserver.cmd

This program uses 2 types of files to configure the functionality provided to the XNS network:

  • a Dodo configuration file (a Java .properties file) defining the characteristics of the XNS network, the services provided by the Dodo server process and the configuration data for these services.
    If the XNS services are to be provided by several Dodo server processes, e.g. one for clearinghouse and a print service, one for file services and one further for a second print service, the common definitions can be given in a configuration file used by all server processes (through option -baseCfg:) with main configuration file given for the server defining the specifics for each of the server processes.
  • an optional machine file giving symbolic names to machine-IDs (processor-ID or MAC address in todays wording). The machine names defined here can be used wherever a machine-ID is to be given in configuration files, either for the Dodo server itself or in the configuration files for the Dodo clearinghouse database (see Clearinghouse configuration);
    Another purpose of this file is to override some of the configuration parameters for certain client machines of Dodo servers, for example to throttle communication for slower (real or emulated) machines like Darkstar clients while allowing faster emulated machines in the same network to access Dodo servers as fast as possible.
Dodo server command line parameters

The Dodo server program can be invoked without command line parameters, which will use the following default configuration file names:

    for the main server configuration file
  • machines.cfg
    for the optional machine name to processor id mappings file; if this file does not exist, no machine mappings are used.

This program accepts the following optional parameters:

  • filename
    the name of the main .properties file to use as configuration for the Dodo server instead of
  • -basecfg:filename
    the optional name of the .properties file defining the common configuration for a set of Dodo server processes providing together the XNS services.
    All these servers should use the same -baseCfg configuration file, the main configuration file given for each server defines the specific configuration for the corresponding server, overriding or adding configuration items to the common base configuration.
  • -machinecfg:filename
    the name of the machine definitions file to use instead of machines.cfg

A sample configuration file is available in the directory dist.

Dodo server configuration file

The following parameters can be specified in the configuration file for defining the basic communication parameters and the XNS services to be provided:

  • networkNo
    the (decimal) network number that Dodo server belongs to and which is provided in time and BfS service responses
    optional, default: 1025

  • machineId
    the processor or machine id for the Dodo server machine (or MAC address in todays wording)
    (it should be ensured that all machines on the network have an unique processor id, or Pilot-based machines will stop by entering 0915 state)
    optional, default: 10-00-FF-12-34-01

  • netHubHost
    the name of the NetHub host to connect to
    optional, default: localhost

  • netHubPort
    the port where the NetHub is listening (must be in range 1..65535)
    optional, default: 3333

  • startEchoService
    do start Dodo's Echo service?
    optional, default: true

  • startTimeService
    do start Dodo's Time service?
    optional, default: true

  • startRipService
    do start Dodo's Routing Information Protocol service?
    optional, default: true

  • startChsAndAuthServices
    do start Dodo's Clearinghouse, Authentication and NStoPupHostLookup services? (these can only be started (or not) together, as they serve the same domain jointly)
    (see the definition of the file machines.cfg for defining the PUP identifications served by the NStoPupHostLookup service)
    optional, default: true

  • startBootService
    do start Dodo's Boot service?
    optional, default: false

  • startExternalCommunicationService
    do start Dodo's External Communication Service?
    The service will only be started if this Dodo instance also runs the Clearinghouse service, furthermore only one Dodo instance in the network should provide the External Communication Service
    optional, _default: true

  • timeService.localTimeOffsetMinutes
    time zone parameter for the time service as difference between local time and GMT in minutes, with positive values being to the east and negative to the west (e.g. Germany is 60 without DST and 120 with DST, whereas Alaska should be -560 without DST resp. -480 with DST)
    optional, default: 0 (i.e. GMT)

  • timeService.dstFirstDay
    begin resp. end of daylight savings (DST), given as the sunday at or before this day in the year, counted for a leap year, e.g. for central europe these are 85 (last sunday in march) resp. 299 (last sunday in october).
    Valid values as 0..367, with specifying "no DST" is both 0 for Pilot-bases OSes resp. dstFirstDay 367 for Interlisp-D systems. Giving values out of range will reset both to 0.
    WARNING: using 367 for Pilot-based OSes has been observed to break the system after shutting down the system normally (saving changes to disk), resulting in disk problems (MP 0947 for GlobalView 2.1 resp. MP 0948 for VP 2.0.5) on next restart of the system!
    optional, default: 0 (i.e. no DST)

  • daysBackInTime
    number of days to subtract from the current date to get the final timestamp in the time service
    optional, default: 0 (i.e. no date change)

  • organization
    these 5 properties define the Clearinghouse and Authentication services provided by this Dodo instance;
    see Clearinghouse configuration for details

  • bootService.baseDir
    these 4 properties configure the boot service provided by this Dodo instance;
    see Boot service configuration for details

    these 6 properties define the Printing service provided by this Dodo instance;
    see Print service configuration for details

    a set of these parameter pairs (with the numerical NN parts being a sequence starting with 0) define the file services provided by this Dodo instance;
    see File service configuration for details

  • mailService.volumePath
    defining the mail storage filing volume with this parameter starts the mail service in this Dodo instance;
    see Mail service configuration for details

The following parameters can be specified in the configuration file to control the communication at the packet level:

  • useChecksums
    specifies if checksums are to be verified resp. generated at IDP level
    optional, default: true

  • ether.useDarkstarWorkaround
    if true: activate a work-around for a problem in Darkstar where IDP packets having the correct ethernet packet length for the IDP length may be ignored. The work-around is to add 2 extra words to the ethernet packet.
    optional, default: false

  • spp.sendingTimeGap
    milliseconds to wait before transmitting next packet in an SPP connection after having sent a packet in the same connection. optional, default: 5

  • spp.resendDelay
    milliseconds before sending the acknowledge-request on missing acknowledge after having sent a packet, initiating the server side resend standard procedure.
    optional, default: 20

  • spp.handshakeCheckInterval
    interval in milliseconds for the count down stepping in the SPP handshake check cycles; a SPP packet resend cycle or an acknowledge send is initiated when the corresponding counter of a specific connection reaches 0.
    optional, default: 10

  • spp.handshakeSendackCountdown
    number of check intervals after receiving the others send-ack before sending the servers ack packet, giving the local service some processing time to react on the ingone data and sending result data packets before the ack-packet is sent to the client side
    optional, default: 4 (giving 30..40 ms before a requested ack is sent)

  • spp.handshakeResendCountdown
    number of check intervals after sending a server-side request for acknowledgment before starting to resend packets if no acknowledge arrives from the client in the meantime.
    optional, default: 50 (giving the other side about 500 ms to respond to a send-ack)

  • spp.handshakeMaxResends
    max. number of resend cycles without response from the client side before the connection is considered dead and hard-closed on the server side.
    optional, default: 5

  • spp.resendPacketCount
    max. number of packets (starting with the oldest i.e. lowest sequence number) in one resend cycle.
    optional, default: 2

Dodo server machine ids file

The symbolic name for both a Dodo server and client machine processor-id is defined in the machine ids file with a single line as follows:

name = XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX

The symbolic name can be used in configuration files for Dodo and the clearinghouse database files at any place where a machine or processor id is expected. If an undefined machine name is used in a configuration file, a dummy processor id is used for that name, allowing to continue loading the configuration file(s) and possibly collect further undefined symbolic machine names, but the server is not started after processing all configuration files and the undefined machine names are listed to stdout.

(as usual empty lines and lines with # as the first non-blank character are ignored)

For a client machine, the above definition line is the anchor for adding configuration parameters specifically for this machine, overriding the default defined for the Dodo server. Following the definition line, the parameters for this machine are given one per line introduced with a , for example:

# slow down for a Darkstar machine running a Pilot-OS (XDE, StarOS or ViewPoint)
darkstar-1 = 10-00-AA-10-00-11
  authSkipTimestampChecks = true
  spp.resendDelay = 60
  spp.sendingTimeGap = 60
  pup.hostAddress = 131#5#

The following configuration parameters can be specified for a machine in a machine ids file to override the global settings:

  • authSkipTimestampChecks
  • bootService.simpleDataSendInterval
  • bootService.sppDataSendInterval
  • spp.sendingTimeGap
  • spp.handshakeSendackCountdown
  • spp.resendDelay
  • spp.handshakeResendCountdown
  • spp.handshakeMaxResends
  • spp.resendPacketCount

(other global configuration parameters are ignored)

Additionally, the PUP address - consisting of the PUP network number (high byte) and the PUP host number (low byte) - for a machine can be specified with:

  pup.hostAddress = <net>#<adr>#

where <net> is the octal PUP network number and <adr> is the octal PUP host number to be delivered by the NStoPupHostLookup service.

If several client machines need the same parameter overrides, it is not necessary to duplicate the parameters, instead it is possible to copy the settings from another machine with a line:
&nbsp;&nbsp;:like  other-machine
and possibly add specific parameters for overriding values taken from the other-machine (overrides must come after the like: line).

For example:

# the second Darkstar machine
darkstar-2 = 10-00-AA-10-00-12
:like darkstar-1
  pup.hostAddress = 131#42#


The main class for the NetHubGateway is:


and is started with:

java -cp dodoserver-and-nethub.jar;jnetpcap.jar dev.hawala.hub.NetHubGateway [options]

The sample Windows batch file is: run-nethubgateway.cmd

This program has the following optional parameters:

Parameter Default Description
(1st arg) localhost host where the NetHub runs, =selects the default
(2nd arg) 3333 port for the NetHub on the NetHub host, =selects the default
(3rd arg) MS LoopBack Driver PCap name of the network device to gateway, =selects the default
-ld Log packet coming from the network device
-ldd Log packet coming from the network device with packet content
-lh Log packet coming from the NetHub
-lhd Log packet coming from the NetHub with packet content
-p print the list of PCap device names on the local machine instead of running the gateway
-h print the command line help and stop


The main-class for NetSpy is:


and is started with:

java -cp dodoserver-and-nethub.jar dev.hawala.hub.NetSpy [pcap-logfile]

The sample Windows batch file is: run-netspy.cmd

This program always connects to port 3333 on localhost.

If the optional commandline parameter is given, it specifies the target filename where to additionally log all packets in the LibPCap format. This output file can be used for further offline analysis.
For example creating such a dump and writing the content can for example be done with:

java -cp dodoserver-and-nethub.jar dev.hawala.hub.NetSpy netspy-pcap.dump
tcpdump -ttttnn -r netspy-pcap.dump


The FsUtil program allows to list the contents of a Dodo file service volume and to copy files between the local file system and a file service volume. FsUtil accesses manipulates the volume directly on the local file system, so no XNS login is required.

The main-class for FsUtil is:


and is started with:

java -cp dodoserver-and-nethub.jar dev.hawala.xns.FsUtil parameters

The sample Windows batch file is: fsutil.cmd

FsUtil has the following command line options:

  • fsutil  volume   path-to-folder  ls [-r]
  • fsutil  volume   path-to-folder  dump [-r]
  • fsutil  volume   path-to-folder  export [-r]
  • fsutil  volume   path-to-folder  import src1 [src2 ...]

The volume argument specifies the directory for the file service volume in the local file system.

The path-to-folder argument specifies the folder in the volume to work with and must be given from the volume root, i.e. starting with the file drawer name. The folder or file versions (e.g. folder-name;1) are optional and need only to be specified for items having a different version than 1.

FsUtil has the following subcommands:

  • ls
    do a terse list of the folder content to stdout, having one line per item with creation date, item type, size in bytes and item name with version; it -r is given, the subfolder hierarchy is also issued, with each folder level indented.

  • dump
    do a verbose list of the folder content (navigating the subfolder hierarchy if -r is given), writing 3 lines with the following item attributes:

    • full path to the item
    • file-id, name, version, creation time, type, checksum, data-site, stored-size
    • byte-size, created-by, read-by, modified-by
  • export
    copy all file items from the specified folder to the current directory in the local file system; if -ris given, the folder hierarchy below the specified folder will be included and a corresponding directory structure is created; care should be taken if items appear in multiple versions, as files with same name will overwrite (only the last exported version will persist) and folder content will be merged.

  • import
    copy the items src1, src2, ... from the local file system into the volume folder; if a directory is given, a folder is created for the directory and the items in the directory are (recursively) imported to this folder.

Remark: as only one program at a time can work with a volume directory to prevent data loss in the Dodo file service volume, FsUtil can only be used if no Dodo server instance is running a file service on the volume.


List the files in folder test/vp-documents of the file service volume directory ../dodo-services/vol-fs1:

fsutil ../dodo-services/vol-fs1 test/vp-documents ls

Import all files in the local directoy old-docs into the folder test/vp-documents of the file service volume directory ../dodo-services/vol-fs1, creating a new subfolder old-docs:

fsutil ../dodo-services/vol-fs1 test/vp-documents import old-docs

Export all files in the folder test/vp-documents/archive including all subfolders of the same volume to the current directory:

fsutil ../dodo-services/vol-fs1 test/vp-documents/archive export -r

Environments known to work

Dodo was successfully tested in several environments with different emulators, with "successful" meaning that it was at least possible to log on to the Xerox operating system and optionally to verify that Clearinghouse entries can be searched resp. queried, e.g. under XDE using the Maintain.bcd program or by navigating the network directory under GlobalView (see the examples section in the clearinghouse configuration document. For Printing and Filing services the client OS typical operations (XDE: print.bcd, FileTool with Retrieve!, Store! Remote-Delete!, GVWin: printing documents, copy/move/props on remote files, documents and folders) are routinely tested.

The following environments were tested with Dodo server and nethub, using the default Clearinghouse database found in

  • Dwarf emulator on Windows (Vista and newer) and Linux-Mint on a Core2Duo 2.4 GHz
    both XDE and GlobalView work; all components (Dwarf, Dodo server and nethub) run on the same (hardware) machine

  • Guam-Emulator by Yasuhiro Hasegawa with an experimental NetworkAgent on a Core2Duo 2.4 GHz with Linux Mint; the emulator's NetworkAgent was modified for directly connecting to a local Nethub; connection to Dodo was tested with XDE

  • Don Woodward's Dawn-emulator with Dawn's XNS driver and XDE disk
    The following configuration was used:

    • real hardware: Laptop with 2.4 GHz Core2Duo processor
    • ... running Windows-Vista 32 bit as host OS
    • Windows 2000 installed in a MS VirtualPC virtual machine
    • ... with the Dawn XNS protocol driver installed
    • ... running the Dawn emulator with the Dawn XDE disk
    • ... the virtual machine connected to the network through the MS Loopback adapter
    • NetHub with NetHubGateway and Dodo server running on the host OS
  • BSD 4.3
    Starting with this vintage OS version, BSD had support for XNS protocols for a while, until the XNS support was removed due to missing maintainers. Besides the kernel support for XNS protocols, a set of programs to access XNS services (also to provide some services) is available, which had to be built manually.
    The test environment was a network-capable SIMH emulation for VAX running the Uwisc-4.3BSD system (a meanwhile outdated beta version).
    BSD 4.3 has the program xnsbfs allowing to do the Broadcast for Servers request (either for clearinghouse ot authentication servers) and then invoke the "list domains served" Courier request.
    Other XNS programs in BSD 4.3 were not tested so far.

  • Darkstar (8010 emulator version by Josh Dersch / Living Computer Museum)
    Tested under Windows-10, Darkstar running Viewpoint 2.0.6, Star OS 5.0 or Interlisp-D (Lyric or Medley 1.0 releases), connected either with NetHubGateway (for Darkstar or directly (since Darkstar
    The network speed is comparable with real 8010's for workstations and servers (i.e. slow as in the 80's) (Darkstar running in average at 100~130% speed according to the status line). For reliable network connections, the option ether.useDarkstarWorkaround should be set to true (see above) and the (internal low-level) option spp.sendingTimeGap (milliseconds between packets of the same SPP connection) should be set to a value between 50 to 75 for throttling Dodo's transmission rate, depending on Darkstars emulation speed.
    Setting time from network at 0937 does not work for unknown reasons, so setting Dodo's authSkipTimestampChecks configuration parameter to true is required for authentication with CHS/Auth and accessing the XNS network.
    Besides this, using Dodo file and print services with Darkstar works for Viewpoint 2.0.6, Star OS 5.0 and Interlisp-D (Star OS 5.0 can be installed on Darkstar from the floppy set at Bitsavers, which contains version 5.0 despite the name)
    Using file services with Star OS 5.0 may be a bit unreliable, as some aspects of version 4 for the Filing protocol had to be reconstructed from courier data streams issued by Star OS (resp. guessed for response structures), because the files found in the internet assume some structures to be same as in newer filing versions, which is clearly wrong in certain cases. Some operations still may not work, but important things do.
    Using Interlisp-D with Darkstar requires further low-level tweaks to the SPP configuration (see the sample machine.cfg in the file
    Remark: Darkstar version initially had a broken network support, as ethernet packets are sent over the network but received packets are not relayed to the emulator (the necessary line appears to have been removed accidentally along with some logging line cleanups during commit "Small tweaks, updated readme"). Darkstar version as well as the updated version (of 2020-11-18) have a working network interface, so these versions should be used if networking is intended. Using Darkstar version is however recommended, as it allows direct connections to the NetHub (instead of going through the NetHubGateway).


Development history

  • 2023-09-12
    -- ECS: added option startExternalCommunicationService
    -- ECS: fox for starting the service only if CHS is also started on this instance
    -- BS: fixed config parameter bootService.baseDir to match documentation

  • 2023-04-07
    -- added first version of External Communication Services for TTY and 3270 connections
    -- implementation of the Gateway Access Protocol (GAP, Courier program 3 version 3)
    -- connections for client TTY emulators via telnet for legacy Unixoids, VMS or the like
    -- connections for client 3270 emulators via tn3270 for IBM-type mainframes
    -- with simple local echo applications for TTY and 3270 type services for tests
    -- added (de)serialization of Courier data structures from/to JSON

  • 2022-11-27,28
    -- added new responder for "PUP host lookup" broadcast packets for Interlisp-D (Medley)
    -- new "pup.hostAddress"-option in machines.cfg allows to define 48bit to PUP address-mappings

  • 2022-11-20
    -- MS: added support for TEdit-formatted mails sent by LAFITE (Medley 3.51)
    -- TS: Dodo has new config parameters timeService.dstFirstDay and timeService.dstLastDay for specifying the DST parameters returned by the time service

  • 2022-11-06
    -- MS: refined Courier structures based on the definitions in the Medley LAFITE mailclient (see
    -- MS: fixes to implementation of new mail protocols (MailTransport 5 and Inbasket 2)
    -- PS: improved the work-around for Interlisp-D produced Interpress bitmaps

  • 2022-10-15
    -- FS: implemented Courier proc 'replaceBytes' (for Interlisp-D/Medley)

  • 2022-10-09
    -- Echo: bugfix (echo-ed packets now contain the content of the request packet)
    -- NetSpy: now optionally also log packets into a file in LibPCap format

  • 2022-09-18 - Support for Interlisp-D
    -- FS: Courier procs 'retrieveBytes' (impl.) and 'changeControls' (dummy)
    -- PS: extended IP-to-PS transformation for Interlisp-D-style IP usage
    -- PS: escape cmd/shell-relevant chars when calling PS postprocessor
    -- SPP: prevent ingoing 'resource-limit' error packets from closing SPP connections

  • 2022-05-11
    -- removed option strongKeysAsSpecified
    -- added option allowBlanksInObjectNames for clearinghouse object names
    -- FS: (bugfix) file service names with uppercase letters no longer result in "serviceUnavailable"
    -- MS: (bugfix) session data for GVWin mailing is now dropped after mail was posted
    -- added pre-configured bootservice and fileservice allowing to install from floppy with Draco

  • 2022-03-28
    -- MS: added support for GlobalView-Mailing (restricted to pre-GlobalView functionality)
    -- Courier: skip the End-of-Message in version exchange sent by Interlisp-D during connection initialization

  • 2021-04-19, 2021-04-19
    -- FsUtil: added several character substitutions in document names on export
    -- FsUtil: fixed wrong printf-format

  • 2021-01-24
    -- PS: added support for Xerox PFB fonts from GlobalView 2.1 when generating PostScript for PDF

  • 2020-12-26 - Important corrections to File Service -- update Dodo ASAP
    -- FS: bugfix preventing data loss when storing VP documents (MP 0915 on re-opening document in VP)
    -- FS: bugfix preventing losing files with strange VP access rights when opening volume on Dodo restart

  • 2020-11-23
    -- added first version of an XNS Mail service, allowing to exchange mails between StarOS, ViewPoint and XDE
        (but: GlobalView is currently not supported by the Dodo Mail service)
    -- reworked the sample environment ( to provide mailing, have a machine.cfg file and additional scripts
    -- added Filing session prologations for potentially long running operations (e.g. store or retrieve)

  • 2020-10-03
    -- added machine ids file to simplify configuration and define machine specific configurations
    -- new parameter bootService.sppDataSendInterval
    -- documented command line options and packet level configuration parameters for the Dodo server process

  • 2020 August/September
    -- Dodo: improved support for Darkstar client machines
    -- FS: reworked Filing version 4 to correct wrong Courier structures defined in files found in the internet to allow Star OS 5.0 to access file services

  • 2020-02-29
    -- Dodo: added boot service (optional)
    -- CHS: added workstation as chs object
    -- CHS: lists of objects or aliases are now returned sorted alphabetically
    -- FS: implemented operations Move(), Copy(), Find() (and dummy GetControls())
    -- FS: added FsUtil program for list, export, import files from/to folders in a volume
    -- FS bugfix: prevent session timeout for long Serialize()/Deserialize() operations
    -- FS bugfix: the ordering attribute is now saved correctly in the metadata of a file
    -- SPP bugfix: close protocol packets are now sent with incrementing sequence number

  • 2019-07-08
    bugfix: (Courier-connection) if the client supports more than one protocol version, the server must first send the own supported versions before awaiting the first remote procedure call

  • 2019-06-13
    optimization: all file items created in a Deserialize operation (procedure 16) are created in a single Volume modification session, reducing the number of metadata delta files

  • 2019-06-09
    -- reworked acknowledge and resend machinery for SPP connections
    -- added config parameters (development only) for SPP connections control (acks and packet resends)
    -- fine-tuned SPP parameters to reduce resends in general, preventing flooding Darkstar with resends in particular
    -- serialized file operations now use a specific implementation equivalent for StreamOf<UNSPECIFIED> with a much smaller heap footprint and probably faster.
    -- bugfix: corrected bulk data transfer to prevent file content retrieves to be rounded up to even byte count length (for XDE)
    -- bugfix: corrected handling for abort of file content transmission by client (for XDE)
    -- added configuration to time service for response throttling (intended for Darkstar, but did not help setting time at 0937)

  • 2019-05-13
    bugfixes to file service
    -- properties sheet for root file drawers now works
    -- properties sheet for objects with an 'createdBy' which is not a full 3-part-name (e.g. "catalogImpl") now works

  • 2019-05-11
    added first limited but working version of xns filing services
    added configuration parameter 'authSkipTimestampChecks' for authentication with strong credentials

  • 2019-01-30
    added optional PostScript generation and post-processing to the xns print service
    added new documentation page for printing service configuration
    moved parts of the Dodo clearinghouse configuration to the already existing documentation page

  • 2019-01-22
    added minimal xns print service

  • 2019-01-17
    added 2 example programs demonstrating the usage of the XNS-API (see example-programs)

  • 2019-01-06
    routing information protocol: extended to broadcast routing data on a regular as well as event driven base
    clearinghouse service: all courier procedures are now implemented, allowing to query all CHS entries, however modifications are rejected as the CHS database is read-only
    authentication service: all courier procedures are now implemented, allowing to log in to XDE (simple credentials) and to GlobalView (strong credentials), however modifications are rejected as the CHS database is read-only
    bugfix: ethernet packets now have a minimal length of 60 bytes (smaller packets are silently ignored by Pilot)
    bugfix: SPP now automatically re-sends packets if not acknowledged (even if output queue still has space)
    bugfix: sending packets by a single SPP connection is throttled to prevent packet losses at the recipients side (avoid packet resends)
    bugfix: a time shift defined with configuration parameter daysBackInTime is applied to all timestamps issued and used by Dodo server (i.e. also when generating and checking expiration timestamps for credentials)

  • 2018-11-01
    introduced simple read-only clearinghouse database (set of property files, defining users, groups and services), currently only used for authentication
    switch login functionality to use the clearinghouse database
    experimental support for strong credentials creation
    made starting of Dodo services configurable, e.g. for using Dodo only as Time server
    bugfix: overflow when computing password hashes for simple credentials
    bugfix: serialization error for strings at end of courier messages ("authentication service not available")

  • 2018-10-12
    added configuration file for Dodo program
    minor code unifications in Courier infrastructure
    (not yet used extensions to Courier authentication and clearinghouse definitions)

  • 2018-09-10
    Initial commit to Github
    basic XNS infrastructure
    minimal XNS Clearinghouse/Authentication services to allow login in XDE with simple authentication

  • development started about September 2016, but was interrupted in favour of the Dwarf emulator from January 2017 to about February 2018
    (as all hobby developments it is intermittent and restricted to the free time left over by other important things like work and private life)


Dodo is released under the BSD license, see the file License.txt.


All product names, trademarks and registered trademarks mentioned herein and in the source files for the Dodo programs are the property of their respective owners.


Xerox Network Services (XNS) implemented in Java







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