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A library to help making login page with firebase

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A library to help making login activity with Firebase

version 1.0

Almost all Android Apps have a login activity to allow users to login into their app. It is generally the first activity with which your user interacts with. For that you need to implement some logic to sign in and sign up along with designing a UI for the activity. This requires lots of unproductive and repetitive efforts to make the login smooth while checking and catching various errors and exceptions. There are tons on exceptions which needs to be caught and handled for a proper functional loginActivity.

Simple Login Library helps skip the repetitive work and lets you concentrate on the app logic by providing methods for signing in, when working with Firebase Authentication. It provides clear interface methods to catch common exceptions and makes them easily available for you to handle them (no need to search for possible exceptions over the internet).

In short it is a library to help making login activity with Firebase authentication having:

login methods for faster login activity building for android applications on java.

You can always use actual_code branch to checkout the original code without using this library!.


  1. For Email and Google login:

    • Sign up and create a new Firebase.
    • Enable Facebook, Google, Email providers on the Firebase Dashboard for your app.
    • For Facebook proceed here while excluding step 2 and 9 (and may be 10)
    • proceed with the following dependency:
  2. Dependency:

  • Add the following dependency to your project's build.gradle file:
allprojects {
    repositories {
	    maven { url '' }
  • and this dependency in your app's build.gradle file:
dependencies {
    implementation ''
  1. Proceed calling login classes as here

    • Original methods for logging in is available here
  2. Modify your manifest (if using Facebook login) from :



            tools:replace="android:value" />
  1. Check if your:
  • you got your google-services.json file right.
  • Project's build.gradle looks this
  • App's build.gradle looks this
  • Manifest looks this
  • Your String.xml file has:
    • facebook_app_id
    • fb_login_protocol_scheme
  • If any dependency added in the library is creating error, you can always add the latest in your app's build.gradle.


  1. Methods for:
  • Email register
        SimpleRegistration register = new SimpleRegistration();
        register.setOnRegistrationResult(new SimpleRegistration.OnRegistrationResult() {
            public void resultSuccessful(FirebaseUser registeredUser) {
                 //registered but not logged in 

            public void sameEmailError(Exception errorResult) {
                //account exists with same email Id

            public void networkError(Exception errorResult) {
                //network error occurred
            public void resultError(Exception errorResult) {
                //some error occurred
            public void profileUpdateError(Exception errorResult) {
                //some error occurred while updating username and/or profile pic
            public void resultName(FirebaseUser registeredUser) {
                //name updated(user already registered)

            public void resultDp(Uri dpLink) {
               //DP link updated(user already registered)

            public void wrongCredentials(String doubtfulCredential, String errorMessage) {
                //doubtfulCredential : "email" or "password1" or "password2" or "password1 and password2"
                //errorMessage : "empty" or "invalid" or "short" or "mismatch"
        register.attemptRegistration(this, email, password1, password2, userNameString, downloadUrl);
  • Email login
        SimpleEmailLogin login = new SimpleEmailLogin();
        login.setOnEmailLoginResult(new SimpleEmailLogin.OnEmailLoginResult() {
            public void resultSuccessful(FirebaseUser registeredUser) {
                //login successful : registeredUser

            public void noAccountFound(Exception errorResult) {
                //no account found

            public void invalidCredentials(Exception errorResult) {
                //wrong password or this is a google or facebook loggededin account");
            public void resultError(Exception errorResult) {
                //some error occurred
            public void networkError(Exception errorResult) {
                //network error occurred

            public void wrongCredentials(String doubtfulCredentials, String errorMessage) {
                //doubtfulCredentials : "email" or "password"
                //errorMessage : "empty" or "invalid" or "short"

        login.attemptLogin(this, email, password);
  • Password changing
        SimpleEmailLogin passwordReset = new SimpleEmailLogin();
        passwordReset.setOnPasswordChangeResult(new SimpleEmailLogin.OnPasswordChangeResult() {
            public void resultSuccessful() {
                //Check your email for a reset link

            public void noAccountFound(Exception errorResult) {
                //no account found
            public void resultError(Exception errorResult) {
                //some error occurred

            public void networkError(Exception errorResult) {
                //network error occurred
            public void wrongEmail(String errorMessage) {
                //errorMessage : "empty" or "invalid"
  • Google login
        googleLogin = new SimpleGoogleLogin(this, RC_SIGN_IN_GOOGLE, getString(R.string.default_web_client_id));
        googleLogin.setOnGoogleLoginResult(new SimpleGoogleLogin.OnGoogleLoginResult() {
            public void resultSuccessful(FirebaseUser registeredUser) {
                //login successful
            public void signinCancelledByUser(Exception errorResult) {
                //signin cancelled by user
            public void accountCollisionError(Exception errorResult) {
                //account exists with same email Id

            public void networkError(Exception errorResult) {
                //network error occurred
            public void resultError(Exception errorResult) {
                //error occurred
        //googleLogin is the instance of SimpleGoogleLogin
  • In onActivityResult
        public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
        super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
            if (requestCode == RC_SIGN_IN_GOOGLE) {
                googleLogin.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
        //googleLogin is the instance of same SimpleGoogleLogin
  • Facebook login (call it in oncreate method)
    • It has an important limitation discussed here
        facebookLogin = new SimpleFacebookLogin(this);
        facebookLogin.setOnFacebookLoginResult(new SimpleFacebookLogin.OnFacebookLoginResult() {
            public void resultFacebookLoggedIn(LoginResult loginResult) {
                //Facebook login successful, yet to authenticate Firebase

            public void resultActualLoggedIn(FirebaseUser registeredUser) {
                //Facebook and Firebase login successful

            public void resultCancel() {
                //Facebook login cancelled

            public void accountCollisionError(Exception errorResult) {
                //account already exists with the different sign-in credentials
            public void networkError(Exception errorResult) {
                //network error occurred
            public void resultError(Exception errorResult) {
                //Facebook or Firebase login error

        //mloginButton is LoginButton from FacebookButtonBase
        //facebookLogin is the instance of SimpleFacebookLogin
  • In onActivityResult
        public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {
            super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
            if (!(facebookLogin == null)){
                facebookLogin.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data);
        //facebookLogin is the instance of same SimpleFacebookLogin
  • Signout

Arguments for wrong credentials

Method library class doubtfulCredentials errorMessage
Registration SimpleRegistration email empty
Registration SimpleRegistration email invalid
Registration SimpleRegistration password1 empty
Registration SimpleRegistration password1 short
Registration SimpleRegistration password2 empty
Registration SimpleRegistration password2 short
Registration SimpleRegistration password1 and password2 mismatch
Email login SimpleEmailLogin email empty
Email login SimpleEmailLogin email invalid
Email login SimpleEmailLogin password empty
Email login SimpleEmailLogin password short
Password reset SimpleEmailLogin ---- empty
Password reset SimpleEmailLogin ---- invalid



All contributions are welcome and appreciated. Please open an issue or make a Pull Request, if necessary. This may also include any new error to be caught or any form of feature enhancement. Every constructive criticism is welcome.