A simple application demonstrating how we structure our Angular applications at Nodes.
It's an application that lets anyone:
- create a PlusOne (ie. a topic)
- create a suggestion in a PlusOne
- vote infinite times on a suggestion
The application is very basic, but could serve as a starting point for a more advanced application with authentication, graphs, hidden PlusOnes etc.
I have added some comments and doc blocks to the javascript files to explain how things work and why we structure and configure Angular as we have.
If you want to run this project on your own machine, i urge you to set up your own Firebase. You can change the reference to Firebase in the API_ENDPOINTS constant.
Install Node.js
Install Yeoman
npm install -g yo
Install these NPM packages globally
npm install -g bower grunt
Fork or download this repository
In the directory, run
npm install
andbower install
To start the development server run
grunt serve
To build the project run
grunt build
- you can start a server which serves the production files by runninggrunt dist
If you want to add additional features i recommend using the generator-nodes Yeoman generator (shameless plug!)