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This is a repo based upon the youtube video:

You can STALK him via the following links:


Video chapters:

  • Setting Up
    • Chapter 1 : Course Introduction
    • Chapter 2 : Project Setup
  • The Basics
    • Chapter 3 : Building Single File Components
    • Chapter 4 : Template Conditionals, Loops, & Styles
    • Chapter 5 : Forms & Handeling User Input
    • Chapter 6 : Dynamic Styling, SCSS & Global Styles
  • Lets Get Advanced
    • Chapter 7 : The vue 3 Composition API
    • Chapter 8 : Routing With Vue Router 4
    • Chapter 9 : Global State Management with Veux 4
    • Chapter 10 : Deploying to Heroku

Cudos to Mitchell for creating the video !

👍 @MitchellRomney

Full rights for the content and video belong to Earth Is Square and Mitchell Romney.

This repo:

  • twotter-tutorial
  • author : denOldTimer
  • was created for two resons:
    • TO follow along with the video and recreate for learning purposes
    • TO try and create a repo that has different branches for different stages {Chapters}
      • My Notes on that you can reade the NOTES.MD file
  • my environment:
    • Device: Asus Gaming Laptop from yester year.
    • OS: Ubuntu Linux 20.04 Desktop
    • IDE : VS Code


Setup : Chapter One : Course Introduction

basic understanding of HTML, CSS, JAVASCRIPT

Setup : Chapter Two : Project Setup.

This is where I did it differently:

  1. Created th e github repo
  2. Go to your root projects directory: for example sudo cd /home/projects/vuejs
  3. run the command vue ui
  4. click Create to create a new project
  5. click the green button Create a new Project here
  6. Fill out the form :
    • name: twotter-tutorial
    • package manager: npm (my preference) can choose yarn
    • override target folder -> off
    • scaffold project without beginner instructions -> off
    • initialize git -> off ( do that later)
    • click the green button Next ->
  7. Select preset Vue 3as this is a vue 3 tutorial
    • click the green button Create Project

!! WAIT until the project is created before continuing to the next step

  2. Initialize your local git
    • Open your terminal: ctrl alt t
    • First create your local repo: git init
    • Add two files: git add .gitignore
    • Commit to your local repo: git commit -m 'init repo
    • NEXT change the local branch fom master to main
      • THis is a github preference
      • git branch -M main
    • Next link your local repo to that on github.
    • Last push your local's first commit the two files to remote repo:
      • git push -u origin main

DOWNLOAD release 1.2.0

Basics : Chapter 3 : Building Single File Components

  • data : The function that returns a data object for the component instance
  • computed: Computed properties to be mixed into the component instance
  • methods: Methods to be mixed into the component instance
  • life cycle hook: mounted
  • watch

DATA links: { data, props, computed, methods, watch, emits }
Lifecycle hooks : { beforeCreated, created, beforeMount, mounted,
beforeUpdate, updated, activated, deactivated, beforeUnmount, unmounted,
errorCaptured, renderTracked, renderTriggered }

DOWNLOAD release 1.3.0

Basics : Chapter 4 : Templates Condistionals, loops & events

  1. Refactoring behind the scenes DOWNLOAD release 1.3.5

  2. Conditionals

  1. Refactoring behaind the sences: new component TwootItem

  2. Events:

    • from parent to child component pass data through the use of props :username="user.username
    • from child to parent component the use of emits : favourite()

Basics : Chapter 5 : Forms & Handling USER input

  1. create a form

  2. create a label & textarea

  3. create a select & dynamic options -

    • the v-for is looping a list of options named twootTyps
    • the v-for requires a key - value pair
    • twootTypes doesn't have a dedicated key (ex. id) so we add the index of the array as key
  4. the v-model attribute for handeling form data

    • v-model creates a sync link between de form input and a data component/variable/placeholder
    • in our ex. textarea is v-model with data-> newTwootContent
  5. the submit

    • normal submits refresh the html page, so to stop this we use prevent

    • @submit.prevent="createNewTwoot"

    • if we prevent, we have to replace it with something else createNewTwoot

      • Mutation Methods :

        • unshift => puts the item @ the top of the list = LIFO {last in, first out}
        • push => pust the item @ the back of the list LILO {last in, last out}
  1. DOWNLOAD release 1.5.0

Basics : Chapter 6 : Dynamic Styling, Scss & Global styling

  1. install two new files

    • sass npm i -D sass
    • sass-loader npm i -D [email protected]
    • why version 10.1.1 because Vue 3 doesn't play nice with the latest version od sass-loader
    • restart your server
  2. refactoring css to scss of the UserProfile.vue page

  3. refactoring css to scss of the TwootItem.vue page

  4. Dynamic styling: adding a word count to the form

    • add an conditional class --exceed if newTwootCharacterCount > 180 chars
  5. Global styling:

    • IMPORTANT make shore your App.vue style lang="scss", otherwise your app will not startup with global stylings
    • add a new folder styles and a file base.scss in the root of your src directory ./src/styles/base.scss
    • create a vue.config.js file in the root of your project
    • restart server the vue.config.js isn't hot reload
  6. DOWNLOAD release 1.6.0

Advanced : Chapter 6.5 : Refactoring

  1. DOWNLOAD release 1.6.5

Advanced : Chapter 7 : The vue 3 Composition API

  1. Documentation on composition api

  2. refactoring of CreateTwootPanel to composition API syntax

  3. refactoring of UserProfile to composition API syntax

  4. TwootItem need no refactoring due to the fact that props work the same in both syntaxes.

  5. refactoring of App to composition API syntax

  6. DOWNLOAD release 1.7.0

Advanced : Chapter 8 : Routing With Vue Router 4

  1. Documentation on vue router 4 && simple routing from scratch

  2. install router via browser vue ui -> plugins -> add router {at the top of the page}

  3. Modified App.vue to work with the router to role it back just ctrl z

  4. Router guards are the before and after events of a route

  5. DOWNLOAD release 1.7.0

Advanced : Chapter 9 : Global State Management with Veux 4

  1. install using the vue ui
  2. DOWNLOAD release 1.7.0

Advanced : Chapter 10 : Deploying to Heroku

  1. DOWNLOAD release 1.7.0