Universal Ctags source for nvim-cmp.
This is a source for nvim-cmp using Universal Ctags.
- This is not for Exuberant Ctags.
- This is not for tags. You can use cmp-nvim-tags.
With packer.nvim, you can use this with below.
use {
Or you can use any plugin manager.
You can set options for this source in calling cmp.setup
require("cmp").setup {
sources = {
name = "ctags",
-- default values
option = {
executable = "ctags",
trigger_characters = { "." },
trigger_characters_ft = {},
- Type:
- Default:
A custom path for Universal Ctags' executable.
- Type:
- Default:
{ "." }
Characters to start completions.
- Type:
Table<string, string[]>
- Default:
for each filetypes.
c = { ".", "->" },
perl = { "->", "::" },
It fallbacks to trigger_characters
if the filetype of the current buffer is not defined.